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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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yes! see the carrots & potato is only on top. There is a big cauliflower down there. It’s basically just cauliflower with some extra color. no plans today other than farting.





Hahahah! That is a beautiful loop!

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It dawned on me that the track I'm working on totally rips off a chord progression from an old track I did.  I never released it though, and recall not being completely satisfied with it.  So I'll just pretend that other track never happened.  

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I do use a lot of the same samples, which is useful in creating some sort of trademark sound.  I just consider those my instruments.  But I do try to avoid repeating myself as far as melody, rhythm and chord patterns go.  Some similarity is okay of course.  But occasionally I'll notice a part that was clearly an unconscious rehash of something I've done in the past, and that bugs me.  But if it's a cool part that never saw the light of day for a release, I'm down with giving it a new life.

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said yes to freelance contract audio work assuming i'd have time to grind i tout in evenings since i usually leave work at 3pm.. boss has foot surgery for bone spurs and is out all week so i'm stuck here and now will have to grind hard once my hours return to normal. 


work is welcome though i wish i could go home and busy myself.


trying to get somewhere w/the laptop while at work and it's tough to concentrate. 


also need to take my dog for a nail trim. 

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the soup turned sour

It developed some kind of gases, not unlike yeast based dough. Interesting! It’s down the toilet now.

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I had my annual physical with my GP yesterday, which (besides reinforcing the notion that I'm a fat, out of shape fuck) involved a decent wait in the exam room in between nurse taking the basics and the actual consultation with Dr. Bombay.


So throughout the entire office (waiting room, exam rooms) they have the local "oldies" radio station on a palpable volume.  Anyway Don MacLean's "American Pie" comes on and I'm fucking trapped & subjected to eight minutes of aural waterboarding.  I tried watching some videos on my phone, which provided a fair distraction of my attention but in no way shielded my psyche from the trauma.


If I had the time and resources I'd find every copy of that recording and burn it to the ground, such is my disgust

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^I think I hate that song. As someone who prides themselves with the "to each their own" mentality, at least with music, and avoiding cynicism as much as possible, this is saying a lot.


Weird Al is a saint by at least making a superior, redeeming, even emotionally engaging spoof of it.

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I scrapped of the burnt cheese and bacon grease goodness from a pan in my sink, not realizing someone else had already soaked it once with soap that had since drained out, and the taste of dishsoap stuck in my mouth for a good hour.

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I had my annual physical with my GP yesterday, which (besides reinforcing the notion that I'm a fat, out of shape fuck) involved a decent wait in the exam room in between nurse taking the basics and the actual consultation with Dr. Bombay.


So throughout the entire office (waiting room, exam rooms) they have the local "oldies" radio station on a palpable volume. Anyway Don MacLean's "American Pie" comes on and I'm fucking trapped & subjected to eight minutes of aural waterboarding. I tried watching some videos on my phone, which provided a fair distraction of my attention but in no way shielded my psyche from the trauma.


If I had the time and resources I'd find every copy of that recording and burn it to the ground, such is my disgust

The madonna version is even worse...


Or you could watch the madonna music video for even more cringe.

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my cholesterol is at 250...



been there. exercise by itself knocked it down a ton. back in range.. didn't take much. also, if you use any non dairy creamer in coffee that shit is cholesterol exploding. 

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my cholesterol is at 250...

been there. exercise by itself knocked it down a ton. back in range.. didn't take much. also, if you use any non dairy creamer in coffee that shit is cholesterol exploding.


nah, i don't use that... actually i think i have a pretty great diet, i don't use any extra salt besides what goes into the actual cooking and sugar i only put 1 coffee spoon per glass of milk & coffee, twice a day...

i eat fruit, bananas and oranges, i do milkshakes with banana and strawberry with no sugar... i eat little cheese and 3 loafs of whole meat bread per day... i also think i don't abuse on the butter, and i eat light or half salt...

i definitely need to exercise, i gained about 10kg in the last 3 months lol...

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my cholesterol is at 250...

been there. exercise by itself knocked it down a ton. back in range.. didn't take much. also, if you use any non dairy creamer in coffee that shit is cholesterol exploding.


 loafs of whole meat bread 

:cool:  :catbed:


love me some whole meat bread

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