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Scintilli - Reactions

Guest ruiagnelo

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i've only listened to the album a few times so far, and the odd track here 'n there. i'm trying not to rinse it so i won't get bored of it too quickly like some other people seem to have done.

i think if Plaid do put out some sort of a collection of recordings of Scintilli live then i'll enjoy that more, as those tracks will no doubt be longer, harder, faster, even slower,.. etc. etc.

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Thanks fumi and moonside.. great track, look forward to hearing the studio version. Hope they do mix down those live tracks and give them a proppa release, would be great to hear them on some quality recorded 12-inches. They did say in one of those recently posted interviews they intend on doing this.. sooner the better!

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The bonus track did sound

Thanks fumi and moonside.. great track, look forward to hearing the studio version.


Same here... very nice track! I'm just hoping it doesn't kill the end flow of the album. At Last was a beautiful closer and it seems more often than not, bonus tracks provide anti-climactic album endings.

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The bonus track did sound

Thanks fumi and moonside.. great track, look forward to hearing the studio version.


Same here... very nice track! I'm just hoping it doesn't kill the end flow of the album. At Last was a beautiful closer and it seems more often than not, bonus tracks provide anti-climactic album endings.


..just see it as the start of something else, new. like a teaser for the live releases. because it 99% won't fit in at the end, but then it's not meant to is it... really - bonus tracks are bonus tracks. they're not meant to provide climatic endings! they're just there for a bonus. derrr. lol


live DVD would be good! or CD with enhanced features... or is that a bit toooo 90's/noughties? :)

I want vinyl, so what decade does that put me :)


ummmmm, you're just old skool, man! in a good way of course ;)

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This is actually the most pathetic thread on WATMM.


It took so many users about 8 pages to realize it's a nice album and they treat it like an epiphany.


Flol :cerious:


lol. wut?

as you're one of those American goonas from 'General Banter' you should know that this is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from being "the most pathetic thread on WATMM" !! you trollin, fool...... Fuck. right. Off.


Actually, I stay mostly in the New and Upcoming releases forum, but what would you know making a silly postulate about people based on where they're from when all you do is act like a huge shithead anyway. By your logic, I should dislike everyone from the UK as much as you. You also type like an idiot and I have no idea how you have respect from anyone on these boards with how you conduct yourself when you essentially shit all over the new album by the one artists whose subforum you almost solely post in (though your cameos outside are equally belligerent and poorly thought out), only to like it about one week later.


Right, go fuck yourself, Sirch. Fucking scumbag.

he s just a kid, nevermind him...



aye,... i know. he's probably a BoC fan, too. :emotawesomepm9:


I like Boards of Canada. What's your problem with them?

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Actually, I stay mostly in the New and Upcoming releases forum


(oh) right...


what would you know making a silly postulate about people based on where they're from when all you do is act like a huge shithead anyway.


true. but i think you mean 'postulation'.

where are you from? (they can't teach English very well there, wherever it is.) ;)


By your logic, I should dislike everyone from the UK as much as you.


wrong. but you can if you want.


You also type like an idiot...


right. of course i do. it's how i roll...


you essentially shit all over the new album..




..the one artists whose subforum you almost solely post in




your cameos outside are equally belligerent and poorly thought out


right. everything i post is off-the cuff. i don't ever bother drafting out my posts beforehand, it's true. do you then?

how long did this take you i wonder...




only to like it about one week later




Right, go fuck yourself, Sirch. Fucking scumbag.


ok. i will go fuck myself right now.........



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Guest myrrhman

Unfortunately, it is rather disappointing. It feels uninspired, compared to say, Rest Proof Clockwork.


There are a few good tracks, but overall, it doesn't even stand up to their recent soundtrack work.


There is more emotion in the song Masato Shuffle from Heaven's Door, than this entire album combined.


Like: Missing, Tender Hooks, Founded, African Woods.

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Unfortunately, it is rather disappointing. It feels uninspired, compared to say, Rest Proof Clockwork.


There are a few good tracks, but overall, it doesn't even stand up to their recent soundtrack work.



this is a bit like how i felt at first, but give it a bit more time. listen to it at different times...

the tracks i liked at first i'm liking even more now, and the ones i didn't like as much i've been getting a bit more into as time's gone by. i'm even quite enjoying 'Missing' now! :) (prefer the second half, tho)

and i don't mind as much that the tracks are all a lil bit shorter than usual, with the prospect of live versions being put out in the not too distant future... !!!!!!!!!111 - wicked. :)

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I've completely fallen for Tender Hooks... listening today in my car on the way to work was just BEAUTIFUL! I didn't care too much for it before that... it's funny how ta track can just 'click' at a certain place and time and it's never the same after that. Now the first half of the album dominates even MORE for me... after Tender Hooks things seem to trail off a bit.

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Guest viscosity

have also been listening to this on my short commutes


after a few plays i mostly take to their softer songs with the female vocal skats, such as founded and at last

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I don't really get 'Tender Hooks'. The melody seems like really simple white notes piling on top of eachother going nowhere. But that probably is my ignorance


It sounded like that to me, too, at first... after repeated listens my brain eventually made sense of it.

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Not sure how relevant this is to the actual thread, but (seeing as it's maybe the most active one at the mo)...


I got an email reply from Andy today to one I sent after their gig at Norwich Arts Centre last May, asking for a track ID for what we now take to be Trail: he said that he thought it was Trail (!) but a distorted version and that "it may end up on the EP to follow the new album"... I troll you not.

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I got an email reply from Andy today to one I sent after their gig at Norwich Arts Centre last May, asking for a track ID for what we now take to be Trail: he said that he thought it was Trail (!) but a distorted version and that "it may end up on the EP to follow the new album"... I troll you not.


Awesome news!! It kinda makes sense... you'd think they're have a mess of extra tracks that didn't make it since it's been in the works for so long. Plus, in one of the interviews they mentioned leaving off tracks because they didn't go with the flow or sound of the album. Can't wait... this album is still what I'm listening to most often!

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I'm not trying to build up any false hopes and anyone who reads my post now knows as much as me, but also in the pattern of some recent-ish Warp releases (Oversteps/Move of Ten, Cosmogramma/Pattern + Grid World), an associated EP in the wake of an album doesn't seem too far-fetched. After all this waiting, anticipation and abundance of tracks played out live yet to surface, I'd be quite surprised if some sort of associated release doesn't follow Scintilli in the not-too-distant future.

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but also in the pattern of some recent-ish Warp releases (Oversteps/Move of Ten, Cosmogramma/Pattern + Grid World), an associated EP in the wake of an album doesn't seem too far-fetched.


Even more recent would be Bibio, who had TWO EPs released shortly after his album earlier this year.

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but also in the pattern of some recent-ish Warp releases (Oversteps/Move of Ten, Cosmogramma/Pattern + Grid World), an associated EP in the wake of an album doesn't seem too far-fetched.


Even more recent would be Bibio, who had TWO EPs released shortly after his album earlier this year.


Brian Eno's forthcoming non-album tracks EP too.

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Not sure how relevant this is to the actual thread, but (seeing as it's maybe the most active one at the mo)...


I got an email reply from Andy today to one I sent after their gig at Norwich Arts Centre last May, asking for a track ID for what we now take to be Trail: he said that he thought it was Trail (!) but a distorted version and that "it may end up on the EP to follow the new album"... I troll you not.


sweet ! i hope so.


also, this could've been posted in any 1 of the recent Scintilli threads... it might've been better suited to the "missing tracks" thread, but, who cares... :)


good news, Mr Caretstik. thanks for sharing with all us rabid Plaid fans.

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I'm not trying to build up any false hopes and anyone who reads my post now knows as much as me, but also in the pattern of some recent-ish Warp releases (Oversteps/Move of Ten, Cosmogramma/Pattern + Grid World), an associated EP in the wake of an album doesn't seem too far-fetched. After all this waiting, anticipation and abundance of tracks played out live yet to surface, I'd be quite surprised if some sort of associated release doesn't follow Scintilli in the not-too-distant future.


yeah, i agree. so we have an EP to look forward to, and the possibility of a release of live Scintilli material recorded over the upcoming tour, soon, aswell. plus the possibility of a SBGP record and a record with Felix's Machines next year... !!!!!!!!!!


*foams at the mouth with fingers and toes and balls crossed*

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