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Skrillex - Discuss, Debate, Praise, Hate


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araabmuzik has more talent in his left bollocks than you and all of your friends and family.

I haven't seen any of arab's other stuff. But, I can safely say that this (The video above) is talentless, and shit.

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Here's what I've gathered. Credibility Statement: One of my close friends loves skrillex.


Say what you will about Skrillex (if it's negative I'll agree with you) but the man boy is good at making ridiculously low wobbly bass. It's not melodic, funky, or soulful; but it's really damn loud, obnoxious, and fun. This friend of mine also loves the transformer movies, but, he recognizes that they are total shit. I think he just enjoys the special effects/sound engineering because it's loud, obnoxious and fun.


Skrillex and Transformers are appealing to the same people. People who care less about quality and more about extreme effects. If you were to show them Scorn they would probably think Skrillex was better. Skrillex can make a louder bass riff, but he can't make shit for soul.


If you look at the comments, the whole cult following regarding this song centers around "Drop the Bass" (1:18). Hell, I even appreciate the bass, but there's not ANY soul or groove behind it. Scorn should remix skrillex.


1) Isn't that the same bass drop as every other Skrillex track? I'm not kidding, I honestly cannot tell.

2) It's not low bass, it's midrange. There's actually a surprising lack of bass on that bass drop. Edit: I'm thinking that post/article/blog about the laptop speaker influence on brostep might have some merit.

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There's a lot of bass actually, and he probably meant bass as an instrument not as frequency anyway.


Bass means way too many things; Instrument (drum or stringed), Frequency, Vocal Classification, Genre, Fish.


I assume this thread is pinned because there's a new skrillex hate thread every day. It'll probably be unpinned once he stops being a thing.

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Anyway this dubstep shit is awful, here is a guy how really knows how to push buttons:



^I'm not trolling when I say that just made me reconsider the novelty factor of MPC vids






AraabMuzik isn't shit but he isn't a fucking prodigy either, I prefer the beats in these two vids above, (still shit quality though, sorry) and more importantly these are both far more accomplished producers. And I rather listen to Clams Casino, the other way-hyped hip-hop producer of the 2011, because his music is better and he does everything in a DAW.


this thread needs a faith injection


^Track 3, "All For Him (Dubstep Remix)" is a paulstretch edit away from being dark ambient...

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There's a lot of bass actually, and he probably meant bass as an instrument not as frequency anyway.


Bass means way too many things; Instrument (drum or stringed), Frequency, Vocal Classification, Genre, Fish.


I assume this thread is pinned because there's a new skrillex hate thread every day. It'll probably be unpinned once he stops being a thing.


I thought we were talking about the fish.

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There's a lot of bass actually, and he probably meant bass as an instrument not as frequency anyway.


Bass means way too many things; Instrument (drum or stringed), Frequency, Vocal Classification, Genre, Fish.


I assume this thread is pinned because there's a new skrillex hate thread every day. It'll probably be unpinned once he stops being a thing.


I thought we were talking about the fish.


wait, there is something in music called bass?

I always turned it all down as to not make my mixes smelly...




Skrilloplex makes me want to be even better at turning up the cutting the midrange and dropping the smallmouth


as long as he keeps putting out such awesome music, WATMM has its new hero. Skrillex Subforum will be even more gay than BoC and Aphex forum getting frisky with eachother to Tregaskins new album of the sounds of his-self satisfaction and stirring of tea. The Future is bright.

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