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Steinvord Speculation


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The whole thing is funny, watmm is the only message board I have experience with (besides that home grow board my sweet jack herer thanks for that), and the mechanics I learn here are quite interesting.

I will use them to make lots of money developing marketing schticks never seen.

The issue steinvord really leads to nowhere, because the information bubble seems to be complete.


At first I had the impression that the discussion leads to a conclusion, and everyone goes to sleep.

It starts with harmless assumptions a la: Its him, its not him because, nah its him because.. and so on, until more 'informed members' (???)join in, with some kind of overlooking perspective, and say something smart like: Why should they bother with stuff they made 12 or 10 years ago, which is by far the best thing to say, then they disappear behind tea cups.

Then the whole thing rests until some guy starts over with, yeah its him. Or spreads over with: it sucks because RDJ wouldn't do something like 0:23 or Tom would do that, ..that was a lot of text without content, just like this thread..except when the surgeon (tregaskin) enters the thread, it gets interesting again.

also nice was at some point: steinvord sampled directly squarepusher, because of this stupid jungle siren, where does that fucking thing originally come from, please tell me someone.

I strongly recommend to listen to drill n bass that has wind up noises made by a hi hat, and some whipes and wooshes that sound like sampled from matrix (part 1 to ??).

If you ask me, and I hope you do, J Kendrick would kick steinvord in this little spanish ass, if he would care, because I have heard him making wind up noises with all kinds of hi hats, and probably with the amen snare, too and god they where hilarious. well... thank you for your attention



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The whole thing is funny, watmm is the only message board I have experience with (besides that home grow board my sweet jack herer thanks for that), and the mechanics I learn here are quite interesting.

I will use them to make lots of money developing marketing schticks never seen.

The issue steinvord really leads to nowhere, because the information bubble seems to be complete.


At first I had the impression that the discussion leads to a conclusion, and everyone goes to sleep.

It starts with harmless assumptions a la: Its him, its not him because, nah its him because.. and so on, until more 'informed members' (???)join in, with some kind of overlooking perspective, and say something smart like: Why should they bother with stuff they made 12 or 10 years ago, which is by far the best thing to say, then they disappear behind tea cups.

Then the whole thing rests until some guy starts over with, yeah its him. Or spreads over with: it sucks because RDJ wouldn't do something like 0:23 or Tom would do that, ..that was a lot of text without content, just like this thread..except when the surgeon (tregaskin) enters the thread, it gets interesting again.

also nice was at some point: steinvord sampled directly squarepusher, because of this stupid jungle siren, where does that fucking thing originally come from, please tell me someone.

I strongly recommend to listen to drill n bass that has wind up noises made by a hi hat, and some whipes and wooshes that sound like sampled from matrix (part 1 to ??).

If you ask me, and I hope you do, J Kendrick would kick steinvord in this little spanish ass, if he would care, because I have heard him making wind up noises with all kinds of hi hats, and probably with the amen snare, too and god they where hilarious. well... thank you for your attention




You just summed up the world right there. People agreeing and disagree about this and that. Well said.

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& yeah, I was well right, people of discogs r not going 2 enjoy putting bad informations... Of so much more than the others could ask 2 remove the false informations when they know that it's false...


Anyway, I knew it by 1 interview that I had read but having nothing 2 prove, I'm not going 2 convince you my statements. Magazines or others medias, I never keep them...



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Numbers added up = 9


If you take a look at the artist name... Steinvord... the first word "Stein" could be a reference to Henry E. Steinway who made pianos in Germany. His photo below.




The second word, "vord" I am unsure about. Don't know what a "vord" is. However the Stein aspect is interesting because in German the word for "no" is "nein". Your numbers added up to "nine." Am I missing something?

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Numbers added up = 9


If you take a look at the artist name... Steinvord... the first word "Stein" could be a reference to Henry E. Steinway who made pianos in Germany. His photo below.




The second word, "vord" I am unsure about. Don't know what a "vord" is. However the Stein aspect is interesting because in German the word for "no" is "nein". Your numbers added up to "nine." Am I missing something?

for the love of god!


STEIN bolt

VORD hosbn

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as a german, i'm here to enlighten all of you.


"Stein" is german for "stone".

"Vord " is jiddish and means "backwards"


now lets have it backwards "vord" -> "dorv" = "dorf"


->> "Steindorf"





so steinvord is obviously a 18-year old german from this town.

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Numbers added up = 9


If you take a look at the artist name... Steinvord... the first word "Stein" could be a reference to Henry E. Steinway who made pianos in Germany. His photo below.




The second word, "vord" I am unsure about. Don't know what a "vord" is. However the Stein aspect is interesting because in German the word for "no" is "nein". Your numbers added up to "nine." Am I missing something?

for the love of god!


STEIN bolt

VORD hosbn


yeah, I thought we already all established this too!


This convo keeps going in circles. lol

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stein means stone and that meant "forever" in the aztec culture,

the 'for' was often omitted, and in fact: stone had to be always at the end of any expression,

so following those rules we get: vordever

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Guest chunky

richard was in bed with his girlfriend, making tracks on his lappy with VST and DAW software, then he put them on myspace for a laugh under an alias, then he put them on rephlex for a further laugh and a bit of cash

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The acid one is Pritchard--he just can't help himself with the frantic handbrake switch offs, the tightness of the break, adding a supplemental break to thicken it up, etc.



what r frantic handbrake switch offs?

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not sorting through all 15 pages of this, but there's a part in 'untitled' on myspace that sounds a LOT like a track or two from Druqks



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Speak to us.master James

What have we done wrong

We just want to believe In something larger than life itself

Speak to us...

Let us know your voice

We just want you to see

Our faith is true


we are such fucking wankers you dudes

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The acid one is Pritchard--he just can't help himself with the frantic handbrake switch offs, the tightness of the break, adding a supplemental break to thicken it up, etc.



what r frantic handbrake switch offs?

eh, hard to explain in words but it's like he has 3 or 4 different phrases lined up and he switches among them quickly. The Box Energy remix is full of them as well as Drukqs. Not many artists do that--write 5 songs in one and make you dizzy by zapping in and out of the different permutations...yeah, completely impossible to explain in words


i got you. and he keeps the flow going seamlessly

Edited by marf
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  • 2 weeks later...

good article

(from : http://www.inverted-audio.com/steinvord-steinvord/)




Just what is it with Rephlex and their ‘mystery’ artists? Is it a cunning marketing move to get fanboys speculating and salivating at the possibility that maybe, just maybe, it might be Richard D James at the controls? Or is it mere coincidence that they unearth a slew of apparently reclusive soundalikes destined for their true spiritual home and the inescapable, inevitable comparisons that releasing on this label will bring?

Apparently IDM forums have been awash with discussion of the origins of Steinvord for a couple of years already, despite this being a debut release. The story has it that he (she? they?) became an almost overnight sensation among those communities after posting a handful of tracks on myspace. I’m not sure why, but exposing a new project via the medium deemed ‘currently least fashionable’ seems like such an inherently ‘Rephlex’ thing to do. Given the sheer weight of numbers prepared to post a handful of homemade electronica tunes online these days, I’m suspicious of how any such person rockets from total obscurity to talk of the town without any apparent intervention. Dark forces at work? Or perhaps these tracks really do bear the mark of genius?

Sadly, the more I pondered this particular ‘whodunnit’, the less I found myself caring. As a self-confessed Rephlex spotter since the labels early days, there may have been a time when I’d happily obsess for hours (was that an Aphex style detuned pad I heard there? Yes, but aren’t those drill sounds also rather reminiscent of Squarepusher’s “Ultravisitor”?). No more. I can understand why there is such a clamour hailing this as some sort of collaborative effort of braindance masterminds but let’s face it – where some people lead, others follow. Sure there are elements of this record that call to mind those earlier groundbreaking and distinctive works but these techniques are no longer cutting edge and can be mimicked. If Rephlex aren’t letting on, and the mysterious Steinvord isn’t going to ‘fess up, it will probably never be settled. So what? Music is music regardless, so deal with it. Anyway, some of the drum programming definitely sounds like Macc and/or Dgohn…. you heard it here first kids.

If you’ve read this far you probably already have a reasonable idea of what the record actually sounds like (but hey – that’s a secondary consideration to who it sounds like, right?); five expertly crafted post drill ‘n’ bass numbers laced sparingly with tearing 303 and crystalline ambience, plus the occasional ‘cat in a mangler’ moment of breakcore apocalypse. Opener ‘Backyard’ is probably the pick of the bunch, a hefty dose of broken acid funk, but the remainder, whilst highly polished, lacks a little colour. Not the finest moment in Rephlex’s extensive catalogue, but certainly not sub-par either. Could it be James and/or Jenkinson? Maybe. Just remember that ultimately it’s the music that matters most, hype or no hype.

Written by Kone-R on 02 / 03 / '12

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i've discovered a new forum (maybe against WATMM) with a funny argument by ... (yeah, don't want pb with them & i love so much WATMM)


so just like 2 days ago i discovered that steinvord existed, and a few of those tracks are !!!!!!! -- richard or tom or whoever seemed to try again, but randomly put them on myspace.


incidentally, i know theres some other page like www.myspace.com/lornarek (the name = fusion of lorna and derek, aka richards parents) who many say is him... and for what its worth, the digital vomit collective had an EP where it had a bunch of people do remixes of each other's songs under phony names, and the song that was called "rich uncle skeleton" was an aphex twin acid track, i'm 99% convinced. then again, back in 2009 i had no idea that EOD/impakt/monolith/whoever existed cuz those guys are basically your typical analord continuations.


fuck. somewhere i have the rich uncle skeleton cut from the old myspace page of digital vomit @ http://www.myspace.c...vomitcollective --- its in the same boat as the myspace.com/lornarek and the other page that "suzy" on ekt posted when steinvord first showed up... it says the page is "under maintenance" or something fucked up. the steinvord account was logged into as late as april 2011 cuz i think rephlex knew they were gonna release these someday to soak up fanboy $$$$.


so what are your thoughts on the steinvord phenomenon? do you have some compelling argument about drum/synth compression or break sampling that FOR SURE make it rdj/tjenks/etc, or FOR SURE MEAN IT ISN'T. i'mma call a spade a spade and say that it's definitely at least a partial work of aphex twin, because if it was so easy to rip off aphex twin/square[usher, holy shit flashbulb would have done it 10 years ago and be some sort of a low-level popstar now. but even a talented soulless studio musician like him can't do it, so if some random 18 year old kid can "rip off" aphex/sp that well, first of all, ego mandates we'd know exactly who the fuck he is, no mystery or randomness.... and b) richard seems to be hellbent on the whole "legend" part of the "electronic music legend, aphex twin" title --- god bless him, i mean, in his own way he tries.... and he DOES have a point about who makes hte music vs what the music is.... so no matter what, these cuts are quality and i cant wait til i either get the 12" or proper quality versions of the cuts.


i don't know if i can post the source - i know now that i don't allow post this source, but it's interresting 2 read this opinion...


EDIT: (2 administrator or moderators:) if it's a problem 2 post this, sorry in advance & delete it

Edited by Anchio Arch io Son Pittore
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I liked this part:

so if some random 18 year old kid can "rip off" aphex/sp that well, first of all, ego mandates we'd know exactly who the fuck he is, no mystery or randomness....


Ego has mandates, I understand.

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