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Mushrooms and AE

Ivan Ooze

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I like to trip on mushrooms like 2-3 times a year, cause it's fun but mostly because it makes good music so intense.

With autechre, its just one step beyond and a different experience, damn!

A toughnut album like move of ten, you instantly get what these guys are making

the trip is so heavy but controlled, they realy want you to trip balls, it's just amazing

Even when the shrooms are working out and i put AE on again i get smacked right back in the zone

also the next day you will remember all the music better then ever before, can save you years of time waiting on a record to unveil its power (in my case sometimes)

so has anyone else had any experience with shrooms and autechre??


btw drugs are bad

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Yes you are right, i'v seen drugs destroy friends

but autechre and shrooms make a perfect match

and many people take drugs and listen to this music

and of course autechre is awesome without drugs

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I would like to try....


I did shrooms a few times but the last time was 10 years ago and before I was into Ae. I'd imagine BoC on shrooms would be a particular interesting experience.....

Edited by beerwolf
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Guest Xenblake

Not mushrooms, but I had one of my greatest and most profound Autechre breakthroughs lying on the beach with headphones, buzzing on white wine and weed.

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one winter, ages ago, me and a friend (ex-voto) listenened to the whole of LP5 while being quite bent. afterwards we went outside way underdressed and slipped around on some snow, whatever. the LP5 listening session (on nice studio monitors) was the most memorable.

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Dont ever do drugs. It's just dumb, the music itself is good enough

"there's only two types of people who are against drugs. the people that have never done drugs and the people that really sucked at doing them" - doug stanhope (paraphrase)


though i agree, you don't need mushrooms to enjoy ae even more.

try acid instead. autechre is to lsd as boc is to shrooms imo.

yeah albums like geogaddi or drukqs are just great on shrooms but like i said autechre and especially their later albums just push it to another level, in my opinion

never did acid though, 6hours of trip is enough for me, i don't wanna trip more then 12hours and the effects are unpredictable, i seen people do crazy and stupid shit, with shrooms you know what to expect

I'v been doing it for years and i recommand it to everyone who is a bit adventures to try it with autechre, just make sure you comfortable at home and with close friends

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i havent done acid but shrooms slowed down time for me in a way that i could hear every detail in chiastic slide. now that was special

That's what i meant, you can hear EVERY detail :)
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Dont ever do drugs. It's just dumb, the music itself is good enough

"there's only two types of people who are against drugs. the people that have never done drugs and the people that really sucked at doing them" - doug stanhope (paraphrase)


though i agree, you don't need mushrooms to enjoy ae even more.

try acid instead. autechre is to lsd as boc is to shrooms imo.


hehehe we can all get high and mighty about it, regardless of which side of the fence you're on.


for example, that quote says a lot more about Doug Stanhope than it does about people who have / haven't done drugs.

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I don't trip anymore. Shit got weird.


But when people who have never smoked are so outspoken against it, I just want to pat them on their little heads and hand them a cookie. With weed in it.

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Guest RandySicko

I don't see anything wrong with enjoying some Ae mixed with a bit of home grown greens now and then. Nobody should need drugs to appreciate music... but listening to something like see on see with a good set of noise cancelling phones while up in the clouds makes you wonder if music was made to smoke to or vica versa. I've also heard rumors that drugs allow some people to actually make it through more than 2 minutes of 'just one thing I wanna know'. Just a rumor though

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i like that you did this with move of ten, because i've gotten a really fungal vibe from that album since the first time i heard it. it's wet and grungy and earthy but in an alien way. i just might give this combo a try some day.


i haven't tripped for a couple of years, mostly cause life has not been rosy enough to properly enjoy it. but once my financial situation levels out and i stop worrying so much i hope to give it a shot again. i must admit, my favorite autehcre/tripping moments have always been with lsd. i listened to confield while tripping with my girlfriend a few years ago and drawing pictures, was intense. then we switched on mouse on mars and danced. acid is a great time (if you have good acid, controlled setting, etc etc)

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i've always thought that pre Confield era autechre was good on tryptamines like LSD and Shrooms and any of their newer stuff like Moves of Ten, Untilted and Quaristice to be very good on disassociatives like Ketamine


drugs changed autechre and their music, in a big way.


i always had a strong feeling they started doing 'different' drugs around Confield

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i've always thought that pre Confield era autechre was good on tryptamines like LSD and Shrooms and any of their newer stuff
LSD is not a Tryptamine it is an Ergoline and closer to a Phenethylamine than a Tryptamine.


LSD contains the tryptamine backbone in its structure, so technically it is a tryptamine. But it's of course also ergoline.

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hey who cares


it might just be the greatest drug ever. uhh...for some people.


though tbh i'm more likely to blast iggy pop or the doors than ae when i'm in the sky with diamonds. each to their own.



Edited by Ivan Ooze
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