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Funny Pictures Part 2


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The policeman's not on duty cause he's skived off to read the AAA thread.

I wish I took pics of all the bad English mistakes I saw in India, but I felt kind of bad about it. It was so close, you know? And everyone was so happy about their signage and everything.


Edit: meant to quote the previous deletr post to the one actually quoted.

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wow this is my new favorite show. it's even more fun when you don't understand what they are saying as you can make it up yourself.


Edit: wow that girl is really upset about that spoon. it must have been her favorite one.


incidentally, engrish.com is the best translation fail site ever.





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yeah dogs in sunglasses are still a big smile for me. This though, not so much ..... meowfit meme.




@ baph, shame that you didn't get any photos of those silly things. I mean we lol away at eastern asia all the time, not to mention middle america and russia and well everywhere else that has humans, why not the subcontinent.

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in terms of animals that have seen some shit, no one beats this koala



what's happening in his head:


"*chopper sound* *ratatata* Charlie's in the trees! *ratatatata* *pew pew* Oh God, they're everywhere! Johnny?! Johnny, no!"

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