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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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Please, a reminder - no posting of links to rips, how to get ripped tracks, requests for rips, etc. - it's not that long to go - hold out - it's worth the wait, trust me.


Besides, you never know - the digital versions might come out early...

k...but how is a broadcast recording a rip? never mind...it is a rip indeed...did not know this was a leak or something similar, cause it was broadcasted.....

Edited by exm
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honestly i'd be kinda surprised if warp really considered watmm a promo hotspot, lol

clearly they do appreciate what Joyrex does here, otherwise he wouldn't have a promo copy to listen to

exactly. also maybe taking a bit of the heat off of me? :wink:


I hipped them to the fact I was doing this the other day. they were impressed but thought I was crazy and didn't think it was a bad thing. I think they're a bit scared of WATMM TBH. Also my guy was unaware of all this hullabaloo before I told him.

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here is one gem in particular from it


autechre: they've sounded like an electric bowel movement for years. i remember circa.... 06? this friend of mine who used to be pretty cool but turned into a cigarette-smoking faggot hipster after a trip to europe (which led me to surmise that i'd pick up smoking as a hobby if i had just gotten fucked up the ass in europe) started telling me that "nowadays people namedrop autechre if they want to be cool, not aphex twin" (he had this crusade to get me to stop liking aphex twin since approximately 2004, wishing i'd grow to like indie rock like him or worship DAT politics or something)... and i mean, i just don't get autechre whatsoever these days. i remember NME had a review of cornfield or something else circa the early-00s (warp's 10th anniversary, i believe) where some tripped-out reviewer was like "IS THIS THE SOUND OF A HARDWARE SYNTHESIZER PATCHED THROUGH FIFTEEN FILTERS, OR IS IT A SLOWED DOWN VERSION OF A CRICKET CHIRPING?!?! WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THESE SOUNDS ARE!! AUTECHRE WINS!!!!" and i remember i had this unnecessarily long review of draft 7.30 where i sat there for an hour / 5 pages doing a play by play of the feelings i got from listening to it, and in there i said taht autechre sounds like an electronic bowel movement.

nothing from that point has changed my mind. autechre sounds like a fucking electronic bowel movement, and the people who truly love autechre are half-wit pseudo/intellectuals who want to use it as a cloak of esoteria to shroud them from possibly being underestimated in the eyes/minds of people they wanna impress. in a sense, some people want to say that autechre "defies" pop music/sensibilities by continuing to sound like an electronic bowel movement for a decade/+, but really, at this point i think they know they can slag off and toss anything out there and people are going to call it genius and visionary and go out of their way to figure out why they like it. if music has to grow on you, it's a fucking parasite that you'd do best to get rid of... good music kicks you in the dick and makes you say "why the fuck didn't i come up with that first?" and worship at the altar of its brilliance... crap like autechre exists to make self-important douchebags who think they're complex present aural evidence of such.. as such, it will forever be a niche and never find relevance unless autechre gets back to the oldschool spirit of de/re-constructing dance-music/hiphop and not de/re-constructing themselves... it will forever continue to be narcissistic self-indulgent electronic bowel movements that get sprung upon you by other people who want to convince you taht autechre, and by extension themselves, are great. no relevance whatsoever.

Watmm experience bonus points for anyone who can guess who's writing that is

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well i googled it..i've got absolutely no idea what watmm member that was. before my time?

Edited by vincentvc
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