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Have u ever seen the tv version? That shit is hilarious.

no but tbh i think im gonna avoid anything based on a stephen king novel from now on

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stupid. i hate when movies like this resort to the characters basically explaining their entire plan half way thru the movie to- you know- remind each other what their entire motive for whatever it is they're up to is. like "hey, remember when we planned on killing people? and you said you were down with it? yes, that was 2 weeks ago when i was telling you we really need x, y and z murdered and you said you were going to help. so do your part, and i will do mine of making sure r, p and s are decapitated just like i promised i would"


2 freshly sawed off limbs out of 10

All very true but I find it hard to truly hate on a film where a character being chased has no choice but to dramatically jump out a window. Goes a bit Home Alone at points too.

... unless that was one of the most memorable sequences (along with the meathook scene) from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Not exactly original.

I saw this and thought it was just ok, but nothing more. The masks came off too early.

Edited by J3FF3R00
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Pacific Rim - 4/10
an interesting universe and aesthetically interesting world totally ruined and cancelled out by a horribly boring and borderline unwatchable main character 'story arc'. I would almost speculate here that the casting director of the movie purposefully sabotaged it. The lead character was one of the worst lead characters i've ever seen in my life in a film, and I'm also counting terrible b-movies or SyFy channel originals. It is absolutely shocking they would have taken the movie into production after casting the lead actor who has negative charisma. Totally doesn't make sense, there is a decent movie hiding in there somewhere.

Man of Steel (2nd review) -

(first 45 minutes of the film) = 7/10

(remaining duration of the film) = 3/10

what starts fairly strongly and interestingly takes a complete nose dive when it tries to shoe-horn in way too many confusing and bizarrely clashy elements into the 2nd act.
Why would superman be coincidentally discovering the fortress of solitude at the same time the US government allows Lois Lane to come and report on the discovery of the first alien space craft in history? The whole setup for the adult superman story arc of the movie is so haphazard and non sensically put together that the rest of the movie is barely standing on any structural support.
The movie might have worked a little bit if Lois Lane played way more of an insignificant side role.
Her climbing up a glacier in the middle of the nigh to be the first human to go inside an alien spacecraft t unbeknownst to a league of special us military forces who haven't even entered the alien craft yet was unbelievably stupid. At least the Richard donner films as flawed as they were, had an easy to follow origin story that made sense according to the movie universe. In Man of Steel his transition from child Clark Kent to costumed Superman is so abrupt and badly done I'm really shocked a script doctor didn't remove that tumor out of the screenplay.

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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im sorry that you seem to have some attachment to man of steel, i have zero understanding.

did you see Pacific Rim? tell me with a straight face that the main character isn't one of the worst lead actors in the history of film. and i don't even mean his acting abilities, they were passable i mean just in terms of bringing any presence to the screen that makes you invest anything into him.

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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regarding pacific rim. man of steel is actually pretty bad, i rewatched it recently and you might be right about the last half, although i hesitate to say it's any worse than richard donner's offerings.

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the lead actor in pacific rim was wooden and terrible, but the script was godawful, most of the acting was laughable and i have seen much, much worse lead actors. i agree, he had zero charisma, but he was not one of the "worst lead performances in the history of film". that's ridiculous.

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well what astonished me about Pacific Rim was that I was actually really into certain aspects of the movie, but whenever they would cut back to the lead character and the 2 other similar looking dirty blonde aussie/english guys it just got really bizarrely bad. I had to start fast forwarding through any of the serious scenes where he was delivering dialog.

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just remember: it's top gun with robots. that's all you need to know. it is a terrible movie with one scene that i found effective. the girl running through tokyo gave a real sense of scale to the monsters. otherwise it was poop. reminded me of hellboy 2 mixed with a roland emmerich movie with some stuff stolen from evangelion.

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yeah but at least in top gun you had main characters had had a remote aspect of on screen charisma. Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer aren't just straight up pieces of cardboard, and to top it off the fact that they cast 3 dirty blonde guys who all looked similar and were of similar heights and stuff was also weird. It didn't make sense at all. Usually in these types of popcorn movies it's easy to look past a cheesy casting decision or bad writing because the action and visuals are the payoff, but I will honestly say that the main character in this movie was so mis-cast and bland that it made movies like Battleship and Transformers 3 seem more balanced and character driven films than Pacific Rim.

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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you know what I'll never understand about Top Gun. Kelly McGillis. Even when I saw it in theaters as a kid I wondered "why are they casting this older ugly lady with poorly capped teeth as his love interest?" (ok, I didn't know what caps were but I wondered "what is wrong with her teeth?")


Watched it recently again with the wife and she just said "his girlfriend is really ugly, right?"


I'll have to watch Witness again some day (which I remember liking, especially the corn death), but I really can't understand how Kelly McGillis got cast in these big blockbuster roles. Also doesn't surprise me in the slightest that she came out later as lesbian. She has zero sex appeal for men (if I'm any indication)...

Edited by lumpenprol
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just remember: it's top gun with robots. that's all you need to know. it is a terrible movie with one scene that i found effective. the girl running through tokyo gave a real sense of scale to the monsters. otherwise it was poop. reminded me of hellboy 2 mixed with a roland emmerich movie with some stuff stolen from evangelion.

yeah but PR didn't have Top Gun lines like "you can ride my tail!"


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