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Awesome. Could you also do "Fast Food" and "Pug Fugly"? It would be great to gift them as a set.

Done and done. :beer:




Cheers! I'm going to put in an order either with the next paycheck or when I get my tax return!

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  • 4 weeks later...

A girl with a pie for a head 
Or maybe a cake 
Scooched to her ice cream 
Petting her donut snake 
“We’ll spend all time together” 
Pie girl whispered to her snek 
“I like you, too, bebe- I hope we soon come bek” 
And come back they did 
Time and time again 
In a harmonizing tone 
Both sang in unison: 
“We’ve been here before 
I love you, my friend 
It’s always time for magic 
And our magic will never end.” 




Dis: https://blisst.io/gG04WP0

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Excellent stuff Squee!

Also happy to see some new art from Peace7, love your style.

Edited by Gocab
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Here's a few things I've done recently. They're beginning to feel less like doodles when I'm bored and more like something resembling 'artwork' so yeah they're still relatively simple but I like them 8582d88dbacd58e7e6207f7d58da2737.jpg59ae2f50f7552682b1670f4d0d562522.jpg7a3f8d9e645d049eeaf6e7cb706e4dc5.jpg

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One of my most recent studies!  frooooom 2010.  Motherfuck.  I gotta get back to studies.





auxien - That first piece would be a badass poster dude.

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Fenkz~!  (haha, peepee7...)  Yah- the reason why like 10+ years ago I decided to sign my work as peepee, is because it was some statement against elitism in the fine art world, where everyone was like "Jacobson Stephanovich IV"...  so I was like, fuck it.

Edited by peace 7
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

really like the first one, auxien - looks like the front of a shutter for a shop on a distant alien dimension


bronchuseven - I hope you're selling these at local markets or some equivalent? - would be lovely housing decorations - love the sense of space and shading the bottom one creates as a result of the LED


Great work on that rally vid, Squee! The music mixed with the epic slow mo makes it feel like the cars are a benevolent sentient machine race and the humans are their slaves...


Have 2 videos I recently did released today, made with a mix of stuff, Creators project were sound enough to share them:


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