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Star Wars Episode VII *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Rubin Farr

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I have to give it to JJ for making the settings in all these shots feel tangible. They don't giveaway an obvious green screen or CGI background feel, which makes it look very different from other massive budget tentpole movies like the Hobbit. Everything looked appropriately gritty except for the Stormtroopers. That one shot with them getting off the ship seemed like a fan fiction youtube star wars movie circa 2006, other than that I'm feeling this. I must have forgotten the dude from Attack of the Block was in it too, but I was happy that it wasn't that horrible Jango Fet(?) actor. Not keeping up with all the special editions, is it true that Lucas overdubbed all the stormtrooper voices in the original trilogy to be that same horrible actors voice from the prequels? After all the massive fuckups in the prequels and the terrible dialog, that weird retcon/plot change stands as one of the worst aspects of them. The whole idea of storm troopers being clones of bobba fett's son, its just literally one of the stupidest things Lucas has ever done. SO i mostly just want to know, by the time Episode IV, V and VI rolls around are the stormtroopers all still supposed to be clones? Are they clones again in this one? I really hope not.

also when the synopsis for the movie was originally leaked I thought the empire was in shambles, they seem pretty organized if they have military drop ships full of stormtroopers. Maybe it was the other way around, the empire is stronger? I really dont know.


was that max von sydow's voice narrating the trailer?

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wasn't the point just to bulk out the army so they could fight general grievus and the trade federation or whatever. I can't remember, heh. Hence, under normal circumstances storm troopers would just be dudes recruited from throughout the empire.

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Lol that's the actor who played Tuvok on Star Trek Voyager


tim russ. he was also in an episode of star trek the next generation (titled 'starship mine') where picard puts a vulcan neck pinch on him. this was before (of course) he was made a vulcan. inside joke right there



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