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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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The difference between parts of the United States is really insane. It's not all the same mentality all over the nation. Even in my state - the west side is prodominantly far-left and then once you get over them mountains it's a whole different bowl of gumbo.


Those land-whales of Kentucky need to fuck off, go back to horking down mountain dew and jimmy deans breakfast croissant sandwiches, and stop telling people what legal union they can be in when it comes to 'marriage'. Fucking disgusting humans.


I'm still on for merging Oregon, Washington and BC.

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The difference between parts of the United States is really insane. It's not all the same mentality all over the nation. Even in my state - the west side is prodominantly far-left and then once you get over them mountains it's a whole different bowl of gumbo.


Those land-whales of Kentucky need to fuck off, go back to horking down mountain dew and jimmy deans breakfast croissant sandwiches, and stop telling people what legal union they can be in when it comes to 'marriage'. Fucking disgusting humans.


I'm still on for merging Oregon, Washington and BC.

Speaking for all of BC, we'll take you, but you gotta leave the guns behind.

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You're right in terms of regions, some of my bros have no idea what it's like to chop firewood, or draw water from a well. that's what makes The Visit so creepy. it's like an alien environment to them. Our country is so large, the geographical landscapes can be almost indecipherable. The South never sees snow, or sometimes large amounts of rain, so the geographical differences can seem like different countries to us.

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43% of Republicans currently support a US Military coup

30% of independents support a coup

20% of Democrats currently support a military coup

Can we be anymore fucked up?




the funny part is that everyone wants a coup for different, often opposite reasons

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Black woman jailed for 8 days in a psych ward, tricked into being handcuffed, and injected with lithium and sedatives bc cops didn't think a black woman could possibly be a banker, own a BMW, or have Obama on her twitter followers. Jesus fucking Christ on a stick.



edit: corrected. thx chen

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He's already been invited to the White House by Obama and endorsed by NASA as the kind of kid they want to see pursueing a science career. Fuck Texas and their xenophobic bullshit. That school district has no idea the lawsuit tneyve opened themselves up to. There will be firings, undoubtedly. Multiple police officers questioned a 14 year old minor for hours outside the presence of his parents or an attorney. Goddamn idiots.

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so, should the rest of the world be concerned about a possible Trump nomination or is all the hooh-hah just methane?


i wouldn't say it's just "hooh-hah" because he's the leading republican presidential candidate. when you see even 1% of his popularity drop then you'll know he's in trouble because every media company wants to be the one to report having found the donald's achilles heel so they'll really blow up the story


meanwhile: a woman's kid got taken away because she refused to pray to god

Edited by Nebraska
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He's already been invited to the White House by Obama and endorsed by NASA as the kind of kid they want to see pursueing a science career. Fuck Texas and their xenophobic bullshit. That school district has no idea the lawsuit tneyve opened themselves up to. There will be firings, undoubtedly. Multiple police officers questioned a 14 year old minor for hours outside the presence of his parents or an attorney. Goddamn idiots.




so, should the rest of the world be concerned about a possible Trump nomination or is all the hooh-hah just methane?


i wouldn't say it's just "hooh-hah" because he's the leading republican presidential candidate. when you see even 1% of his popularity drop then you'll know he's in trouble because every media company wants to be the one to report having found the donald's achilles heel so they'll really blow up the story


meanwhile: a woman's kid got taken away because she refused to pray to god



trumps running on an outdated OS, but problem is a good chunk of the US is still on it as well.

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