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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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the breitbart reading alt-right college age white male imagines an icily indignant blonde haired she-wolf to be his spirit animal. the women of the left are horrific dykes, unworthy. the aryan beauty confirms something for him. her looks equal authority, intelligence, truth. she could be his cool girlfriend, backing him up in debates with dirty socialist cucks. together they could start a revolutionary news media network with an easily remembered verb for a name. they will boldly face the cultural marxists together, falling asleep in each other's arms, his copy of the fountainhead sliding off the bed onto a pile of statistics on black on white hate crime.



good to see you back.



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Well she does have one fair point. I dunno how much the public pitchforking and people saying "MURDERER!!!" everywhere really helps things become any clearer. I watched both of the videos repeatedly and I still can't tell wtf the guy was doing with his right hand. It certainly looks like piss poor policework from the footage but who are we to talk. I doubt any of us have been rolling around on the ground with a guy who for some reason won't just stop resisting and has a pistol in his pocket.


There are better examples out there of cops being power hungry pigs. The ones in this incident were obviously frightened and in a panic. Not saying it's justified, but people are making them out like they were racist cuntbags. To me, they don't appear to be all that well trained and are not controlling the situation properly.


Maybe i'm wrong here. If anyone has any further information I am not considering just lemme know. Apparently the officers have had "excessive force" citations before? This isn't surprising. Many, many police officers get written up for this. Even the gentle ones.

Edited by maitake
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Also, if anyone wants to see REAL scum just go back to the James Boyd shooting in Albuquerque.. That video blew my fucking mind. The guy had a weak looking knife and a whole team of cops executed him with assault rifles.

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Well she does have one fair point. I dunno how much the public pitchforking and people saying "MURDERER!!!" everywhere really helps things become any clearer. I watched both of the videos repeatedly and I still can't tell wtf the guy was doing with his right hand. It certainly looks like piss poor policework from the footage but who are we to talk. I doubt any of us have been rolling around on the ground with a guy who for some reason won't just stop resisting and has a pistol in his pocket.


There are better examples out there of cops being power hungry pigs. The ones in this incident were obviously frightened and in a panic. Not saying it's justified, but people are making them out like they were racist cuntbags. To me, they don't appear to be all that well trained and are not controlling the situation properly.


Maybe i'm wrong here. If anyone has any further information I am not considering just lemme know. Apparently the officers have had "excessive force" citations before? This isn't surprising. Many, many police officers get written up for this. Even the gentle ones.


Good point but personally speaking the reason this video is so outrageous and delusional is the complete lack of objective perspective. She's fighting against "creating a narrative" by pushing her own. She tangents off into other incidents involving radical Islamic sympathizer shootings that have nothing to do with with these incidents. If one was to counter her argument with the double standard that right-wingers had regarding the criminal gun touting anti-authoritarian nut-jobs involved in the Bundy standoff they would immediately be on the defensive and try to accuse you of chancing the subject or bringing up something unrelated/incomparable and/or "educate" you on the facts of that case.


As a non-black male I find this disturbing to me immediately because they are officers shooting people point black neither in self-defense nor because of an immediate threat. The Minnesota man was shot while complying. I was nervous driving home on a 5 hr drive because getting pulled over at night is a frightening prospect with that in mind. As someone who tries to understand the perspective of a person of color, the videos are far more disturbing because they merely by their physical appearance are more likely to be killed in such an incident. People so fiercely dismissive of this concern are literally avoiding empathy by ignoring this reality because it doesn't pertain to them. That's privilege and the reality is that of racial bias.





so what the evil, 'Mirror Mirror' blond Anti-Abby Martin here is saying is - she feels you, people die and it sucks. But, remember this person did bad things in their past, you don't know what happened ever, but know that this person was totally in the wrong and courts decide things better. Just remember that when you're mad.


I love the mass of dudes that post this chick on my FB feed lately. It's all the macho semi-right apologists that don't know a damn thing about basic ideological concepts, the law, or politics. But it's got a skinny blond girl saying it all riled up n' such and I'm mad at Murica so HAVE AT IT FB FEED, NOW YOU KNOW MY OPINION.






the breitbart reading alt-right college age white male imagines an icily indignant blonde haired she-wolf to be his spirit animal. the women of the left are horrific dykes, unworthy. the aryan beauty confirms something for him. her looks equal authority, intelligence, truth. she could be his cool girlfriend, backing him up in debates with dirty socialist cucks. together they could start a revolutionary news media network with an easily remembered verb for a name. they will boldly face the cultural marxists together, falling asleep in each other's arms, his copy of the fountainhead sliding off the bed onto a pile of statistics on black on white hate crime.





I swung from being a liberal teenager to moderate GOP / libertarian in college, more of the Ron Paul supporter than anything else, but I never got so wrapped up in the mentality that I found myself skeptical/dismissive of things like the reality of racism, police brutality, etc. Right-wingers of any kind of intellect maintain their steadfastness in such opinions as the one in the video through echo chamber rhetoric, delusional narratives, selective fact picking, and complete lack of objective reasoning and thought on the perspectives of others and context of issues they refuse to sympathize with. It's a sad existence and a frustrating thing to behold IRL.


(I am essentially left-wing now and pragmatically a centrist when it comes to who I support in elections FYI)

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I doubt any of us have been rolling around on the ground with a guy who for some reason won't just stop resisting and has a pistol in his pocket.


but we're also not cops. cops are supposed to be trained to handle (de-escalate?) situations where someone has a pistol in his pocket. the problem seems to be that most cops prefer to shoot first and investigate later


you also said "there are better examples of cops being power hungry pigs". do you consider how the cops bombed the dallas police shooter an example of "power hungry pigs" or do you think that was warranted considering he did kill multiple cops and had plans for more attacks?

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The thing with the Dallas PD roboting in a bomb to the shooter: why didn't they robot in some super strong tear gas? Or chloroform him? Or something else? Obviously he was threatening and not willing to give up, but I wonder if it was just a matter of, 'well, he killed a bunch of cops already, doesn't wanna come peacefully, let's just fucking send in a bomb.'

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The thing with the Dallas PD roboting in a bomb to the shooter: why didn't they robot in some super strong tear gas? Or chloroform him? Or something else? Obviously he was threatening and not willing to give up, but I wonder if it was just a matter of, 'well, he killed a bunch of cops already, doesn't wanna come peacefully, let's just fucking send in a bomb.'


He killed boys in blue, they weren't going to take him alive. Texas has a real knack for executing people they don't like and a cop killer who's planning to kill more is like top of the list for police anger. People think police are mad when they attack someone, they're really fuckin' pissed when one of their own dies. It's a 'their word goes' scenario so I'm not surprised they blew him up from a distance and said to everyone 'he was making more threats and we needed to do stuff to kill him'

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The thing with the Dallas PD roboting in a bomb to the shooter: why didn't they robot in some super strong tear gas? Or chloroform him? Or something else? Obviously he was threatening and not willing to give up, but I wonder if it was just a matter of, 'well, he killed a bunch of cops already, doesn't wanna come peacefully, let's just fucking send in a bomb.'


He killed boys in blue, they weren't going to take him alive. Texas has a real knack for executing people they don't like and a cop killer who's planning to kill more is like top of the list for police anger. People think police are mad when they attack someone, they're really fuckin' pissed when one of their own dies. It's a 'their word goes' scenario so I'm not surprised they blew him up from a distance and said to everyone 'he was making more threats and we needed to do stuff to kill him'




Yeah it seems pretty rare to hear about a cop killer being taken alive.


Of course, yeah. I'm just not so sure these things should really be considered acceptable. I'm just pondering really, but isn't that essentially warfare tactics, where your decisions regarding how you handle an enemy, known to be a threat, essentially will not be called into question? But it's not war, it's citizens within their own towns. Maybe the important part of the militarization of the average American police force is as much to do with mindsets and lack of repercussions as it is to do with weaponry and tactics. I think I knew that to some extent, but maybe it seems clearer now.

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it's not acceptable. you have a chance at learning something about the killer's psyche and motivations, information which could always add to the pool of intelligence that is drawn from by experts whenever things like this occur. they waste that opportunity (and, by extension, make future incidents just as difficult to understand or prevent) when they let their animal brains take over and just go in for the kill. unless there's imminent danger and there's no other sensible option, it's never acceptable.


I've always been amused at how few terrorists are taken alive for questioning. it's almost like they don't want to discuss their motivations cos it might lead into controversial territory re American foreign policy :cisfor:

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Of course, yeah. I'm just not so sure these things should really be considered acceptable. I'm just pondering really, but isn't that essentially warfare tactics, where your decisions regarding how you handle an enemy, known to be a threat, essentially will not be called into question? But it's not war, it's citizens within their own towns. Maybe the important part of the militarization of the average American police force is as much to do with mindsets and lack of repercussions as it is to do with weaponry and tactics. I think I knew that to some extent, but maybe it seems clearer now.


you hit the nail on the head. btw: pop quiz. how many amerikan cops in riot gear does it take to arrest one woman?



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it's not acceptable. you have a chance at learning something about the killer's psyche and motivations, information which could always add to the pool of intelligence that is drawn from by experts whenever things like this occur. they waste that opportunity (and, by extension, make future incidents just as difficult to understand or prevent) when they let their animal brains take over and just go in for the kill. unless there's imminent danger and there's no other sensible option, it's never acceptable.


I've always been amused at how few terrorists are taken alive for questioning. it's almost like they don't want to discuss their motivations cos it might lead into controversial territory re American foreign policy :cisfor:


i think you'd find it's surprisingly difficult to capture murderous people who don't expect to live alive. combat is not like an action movie.


also, i keep hearing people talk about tear gas, but i'm pretty sure most tear gas products do not come with remote controls. i think it's likely the decision to strap remote controlled explosives to the bot was because it would actually work. why risk someone trying to be a hero and close the gap enough to throw a canister? strap some plastic explosive to the bot and no one is put at risk.


the attacker knew military techniques and was using them. if i were in the police's shoes i would be a bit hesitant to get near him i think. there's a video of the shooter bum rushing one of the officer's behind a pillar, and it shows quite clearly how fast and dangerous he was. the cop had no idea how to respond to the bullets coming his way, and was promptly shot in the back within seconds.


anyway, just brainstorming some contrary ideas here. i don't think police bomb bots would end well if they become a thing police forces use regularly. i'm pretty sure this was just an isolated case of cop killing rampage and the FBI/ATF/Marshals or whoever showed up making it stop NOW.

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@ the female protester getting bumrushed by cops - I would escort her off the premises and ask her if she'd care for a latte...






On a serious note -- I don't think it should be acceptable by any means, I'm just not surprised anymore. The police are more and more militarized to justify having the means to kill people like this dude who started shooting cops. Sadly, the cops being shittier cops is a result of the drug war, a shit economy, and our surplus of weapons in this county IMO. Fight fire with fire or something like that.


Also, who the fuck in their right mind would want to subject themselves to the daily life of a police officer in a harsh metropolitan area?! Chances are they might not be the most sound individuals in that case... Just sayin'

Edited by Audioblysk
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i think you'd find it's surprisingly difficult to capture murderous people who don't expect to live alive. combat is not like an action movie.


also, i keep hearing people talk about tear gas, but i'm pretty sure most tear gas products do not come with remote controls. i think it's likely the decision to strap remote controlled explosives to the bot was because it would actually work. why risk someone trying to be a hero and close the gap enough to throw a canister? strap some plastic explosive to the bot and no one is put at risk.


the attacker knew military techniques and was using them. if i were in the police's shoes i would be a bit hesitant to get near him i think. there's a video of the shooter bum rushing one of the officer's behind a pillar, and it shows quite clearly how fast and dangerous he was. the cop had no idea how to respond to the bullets coming his way, and was promptly shot in the back within seconds.


anyway, just brainstorming some contrary ideas here. i don't think police bomb bots would end well if they become a thing police forces use regularly. i'm pretty sure this was just an isolated case of cop killing rampage and the FBI/ATF/Marshals or whoever showed up making it stop NOW.



i think the part that's worrisome about this is that it makes it sound/look like the police either a). receive no training on how to handle such situations or b). disregard training whilst in the field.


i don't expect police to risk their lives unnecessarily, but using a bomb to take down a civilian is kind of excessive imo. i mean, they didn't even do that with christopher dorner (and in fact, tried the non-remote controlled tear gas). do cops not go to police academy anymore to learn basic training?

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i think the part that's worrisome about this is that it makes it sound/look like the police either a). receive no training on how to handle such situations or b). disregard training whilst in the field.


i don't expect police to risk their lives unnecessarily, but using a bomb to take down a civilian is kind of excessive imo. i mean, they didn't even do that with christopher dorner (and in fact, tried the non-remote controlled tear gas). do cops not go to police academy anymore to learn basic training?



the situation the other night (in a heavily populated downtown area) was hardly comparable to a siege at a remote mountain cabin (and the tear gas in question there burnt the cabin down with him in it, he shot himself in the head then). whatever criticism the cops in america rightly get, I think it's silly to focus on the execution of this nutter. they were dealing with a trained killer, operating in a heavily populated area, threatening to kill white people and cops, laughing in the faces of attempts to negotiate with him. it's a near certainty that if they had tried to take him alive one or more cops would have died, they decided to take him out, they succeeded.

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Curbing my cynicism for a minute, I appreciate photos like the one above for simply being a giant fucking "u wot m8" mirror to the shitshow that this land of the free* has become.


Also, wtf does Jonah Hill have in his backpack, more twist-tie hancuffs? Looks like a turtle asking to be flipped on its shell.


My one takeaway from Sarah Silverman's short-lived Comedy Central show (other than coming around to the realization that her sister's the more fit one) is this poignant exchange in the course a traffic stop:


Cop: "Do you know why I became a police officer?"

Sarah: "Because you got all C's in high school?"


*freedom to assemble in designated locations only, some terms and conditions may apply

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Yeah I'm seeing all sides and arguments in how they dealt with the Dallas situation and the Dorner point is relevant, as is the counter of it being remote versus Dallas in a populated area. Not really arguing what should have happened here, but as a whole what this shows about how police handle shit like this in general. It just so often seems to end in violence or death, and yes I'm accounting for reporting bias regarding what gets headlines and what doesn't; there simply seems to be a lot more violent interactions, and I don't think it's all the police's fault necessarily, but there's little doubt in my mind that they're sure not helping.

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