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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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so what the evil, 'Mirror Mirror' blond Anti-Abby Martin here is saying is - she feels you, people die and it sucks. But, remember this person did bad things in their past, you don't know what happened ever, but know that this person was totally in the wrong and courts decide things better. Just remember that when you're mad.


I love the mass of dudes that post this chick on my FB feed lately. It's all the macho semi-right apologists that don't know a damn thing about basic ideological concepts, the law, or politics. But it's got a skinny blond girl saying it all riled up n' such and I'm mad at Murica so HAVE AT IT FB FEED, NOW YOU KNOW MY OPINION.






the breitbart reading alt-right college age white male imagines an icily indignant blonde haired she-wolf to be his spirit animal. the women of the left are horrific dykes, unworthy. the aryan beauty confirms something for him. her looks equal authority, intelligence, truth. she could be his cool girlfriend, backing him up in debates with dirty socialist cucks. together they could start a revolutionary news media network with an easily remembered verb for a name. they will boldly face the cultural marxists together, falling asleep in each other's arms, his copy of the fountainhead sliding off the bed onto a pile of statistics on black on white hate crime.






This lady needs to go back and learn basic logic.


Her premise is that you cannot infer upon the motive of the police for killing the man since you can't see what the man is doing in the video, ignoring historical systemic oppression and racial profiling of blacks in America (particularly the south), but then insinuates he should have been killed by police, given his history.


Also, when she references the nightclub attack by "ISIS", is she referencing the Bataclan or Pulse? Because the latter had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism.


This shit makes me feel really sorry for dumb people.

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Wasn't that posted elsewhere?


Tangentially related, when I was painting houses, the company I was with was painting an old folks home, with a large number of elderly German residents. We had one African fellow working with us, some of the Germans did not like him being there at all. HOping they didn't pass on their irrational hatred to their descendants..

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i made an enemy this week. sort of, i was talking with this guy who is half black. He's telling me he's irish and shows me a castle his family was supposed to come from etc.. He smokes so i ask what he smokes. He says newports. I said you should smoke marlboros half the time since you are half white. He called me a racist. I said i have never met a black person that smokes who didnt smoke menthols. You tend to see a pattern I can't help it. Now he wont even look at me

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lol I think my grandparents smoked Marlboro reds fwiw.


You should tell him he's killing himself though. Smokers love that.


Are you saying they should have been smoking menthols based on their skin color?


(secret way of finding out if doublename's complexion is darker than mine... well, most peoples complexions are...)

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lol I think my grandparents smoked Marlboro reds fwiw.


You should tell him he's killing himself though. Smokers love that.

Are you saying they should have been smoking menthols based on their skin color?


(secret way of finding out if doublename's complexion is darker than mine... well, most peoples complexions are...)

Yeah, they were members of the er... demographic traditionally associated with menthol cigs. Edited by doublename
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i made an enemy this week. sort of, i was talking with this guy who is half black. He's telling me he's irish and shows me a castle his family was supposed to come from etc.. He smokes so i ask what he smokes. He says newports. I said you should smoke marlboros half the time since you are half white. He called me a racist. I said i have never met a black person that smokes who didnt smoke menthols. You tend to see a pattern I can't help it. Now he wont even look at me

Lol he should've seen that one coming.

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i drove across America back in the 90's i was an American spirit smoker. pack a day. thankfully i quit, but me and my friend were sure we'd get boxes of spirits for nothing out west where the indians live. Nothing, not even in those huge smoke warehouses discount stores. Very disappointing

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I saw this on the way home from the gym today. Made me chuckle. Mostly because the driver pulled out into traffic, laid on their novelty horn (it was really weird) and just went through to where they needed to be.




i drove across America back in the 90's i was an American spirit smoker. pack a day. thankfully i quit, but me and my friend were sure we'd get boxes of spirits for nothing out west where the indians live. Nothing, not even in those huge smoke warehouses discount stores. Very disappointing


I always thought it was ironic they were called American Spirit and had a Native American on the front. But, in reality, you burn and smoke them in a horrible addicting habit...

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That bitch is disgusting.





lol it's just a crazy scared old lady, you have those everywhere, she'd prob scream buttrape if she saw me walking there, it's not a race thing

that dude is a total douchebag that just wants some attention

Edited by Ivan Ooze
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Not finding much information on the Baton Rouge shooting, despite having multiple friends there. There's no justification for this of course, but tensions are high as the cops have been at times unreasonable in their handing of protests.


Edit: a bit more information, still active: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/07/17/reports-baton-rouge-police-officers-shot/87218884/

Edited by auxien
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