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Guest bitroast

remember when salem were up and coming and it was kind of like super dank mgmt and people were into it and then every realised they were a bit of a fucking embarrassment and then they passed out and died in a curb somewhere next to myspace and the rest of the witchy hour spook-fad.

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Guest bitroast



checked out redlights again on youtube to have refresher course on what they actually sounded like before i decided i didnt like em.

managed to get the song stuck in my head for 2 hours :catrage;

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I lol at Salem also but I recently heard this and it's kind of alright.




they totally can't pull anything off live though. there's a video of them performing Trapdoor live and at one point the other guy, the non-rapper guy, tries to signal the sound guys when he realises that there's no way he can pitch the rapper's voice low like that on the fly, like he thinks the sound guys can do something about it. they're not competent enough to play live. (but then again neither are some other artists we like more, like a certain semi-anonymous/not-really anonymous 2step producer from Sarf Lunnon).

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I lol at Salem also but I recently heard this and it's kind of alright.




they totally can't pull anything off live though. there's a video of them performing Trapdoor live and at one point the other guy, the non-rapper guy, tries to signal the sound guys when he realises that there's no way he can pitch the rapper's voice low like that on the fly, like he thinks the sound guys can do something about it. they're not competent enough to play live. (but then again neither are some other artists we like more, like a certain semi-anonymous/not-really anonymous 2step producer from Sarf Lunnon).

I heard that song when watching Beyond the Pines and checked out the album which it came from. I dunno what to think. It's sort of alright and sort of not. And it's brickwalled to fuck. Gave me ear fatigue. And some of the tracks reminded me of a brighter sounding Shxcxchcxsh from their latest album, Linear S Decoded. Shxcxchcxsh is much more superior.

Edited by azatoth
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