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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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incredible. one gif speaks volumes.


also it's nice to see Limpy hasn't changed an iota.




Ted Cruz was the only GOP or Democratic candidate NOT to visit Rhode Island, but his campaign did send out the below email to build support with Rhode Islanders.




HONOR & PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION Probably some 2nd amendment bullshit
CRUSH THE WASHINGTON CARTEL The best way to fix a broken system is to throw a sociopathic asshole like me right in the middle of it
REPEAL OBAMACARE Access to health care isn't a right, plus most of my base hates that Socialist Kenyan Muslim, plus I've been so successful with this already
GROW THE ECONOMY I have no concrete ideas whatsoever but hey sounds good to me
DEFEND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY please, continue to discriminate based on your "beliefs"
RESTORE AMERICAN LEADERSHIP GLOBALLY C'mon you pussies let's get this M-I complex running full steam
PROTECT THE LIFE OF THE UNBORN Never mind the 1 in 5 'born' kids in this country that are malnourished or the 500+ more pressing issues facing our society
DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD Yes, I'm a misogynist asshole
STOP AMNESTY bitches (esp. non-white/christian) gonna pay
STOP THE IRANIAN NUCLEAR DEAL now more than ever America needs a scapegoat to perpetuate the Middle East shitshow
ABOLISH THE IRS who needs public spending anyway, free market gonna it out
PROTECT & HONOR OUR VETERANS continue to pay lip service to the men and women fighting on behalf of the ruling elite
END COMMON CORE Our education system is fucked anyway so why not reshuffle the deck
DEFEND THE 2ND AMENDMENT yep, I like Duck Dynasty



I need a Bob D's Debullshitron 3000 (Patent Pending) in my life.

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I was just listening to a social psychologist talk about how there is zero correlation between 'good talkers' and 'good thinkers'...yet politics is a talking contest


We have yet to elect an awkward weirdo with great ideas

I'm p sure he last awkward weirdo was Nixon. Sweaty, fidgety and swag-less.

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I was just listening to a social psychologist talk about how there is zero correlation between 'good talkers' and 'good thinkers'...yet politics is a talking contest


We have yet to elect an awkward weirdo with great ideas


i bet a presidential historian could split the hairs for us and tell us who is closest to that "awkward weirdo" with great ideas. there must be one in there... and probably some people who think it was Nixon! lol.

Edited by ignatius
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Yeah i guess if you go back a couple hundred years some of the early presidents might've been awkward weirdos...i dunno.


I dunno about Nixon. He was a 'good talker' (albeit a sweaty one)...allegedly, people who listened to Nixon vs JFK debates thought that Nixon won.(those who watched it thought JFK won)


I guess i'm talking about a stuttering savant with zero charm who has amazing ideas. I'm talking like a John Nash (without the hallucinations perhaps), or a Stephen Hawking...not some slightly-awkward normie.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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I'm pretty sure Cruz is an awkward weirdo, unfortunately he has zero amazing ideas.

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I guess i'm talking about a stuttering savant with zero charm who has amazing ideas. I'm talking like a John Nash (without the hallucinations perhaps), or a Stephen Hawking...not some slightly-awkward normie.


I would like to see their policy prescriptions. Just because someone is genius in one field doesn't mean they would be a good politician. In fact I would argue that because being a politician means being able to work well with others, that people like Nash and Hawking would be terrible as presidents. They need the freedom to sequester themselves for a week at a time - being a politician trying to run a big, highly populated country like the US means you don't get that kind of luxury.

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Ypu're probably right. I guess i meant the political equivalent of those guys. (Yeah John Nash was terrible at pretty much everything save for theory...his sketchy demeanor would've been terrible for diplomacy, i imagine)


But even then, maybe the charisma stuff is necessary as well. Imagine if MLK talked and acted like Vincent Price...would people have rallied around him?


I guess lately i'm just disheartened by the pragmatic realities of the world.

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Wtf is that article you linked? Seems like it's from months ago when Rubio was still in the race.


Cruz is out though! Like what, three days after picking Fiorina as his VP. Flol.


sent using magic space waves

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Wtf is that article you linked? Seems like it's from months ago when Rubio was still in the race.


Cruz is out though! Like what, three days after picking Fiorina as his VP. Flol.


sent using magic space waves


ha! yes sorry bout that. was just checking whether you guys were paying attention. :emotawesomepm9:

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that article it all makes me sick.


Hole on dere boi, the next couple of months are gonna go full retard. Christ, looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.


In other news Ted Cruz can go back to what he does best, which is being the zodiac killer and eating bag upon bag of meaty dicks

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god i want to live in rhode island so bad. it's like CT but with actual grit. DA BUCKETTT...


bob do u actually think hil-dog is gonna win??? cruz sucks but dang i'm still really nervous

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^I think Kasich is waiting for Trump to be arrested/assassinated. I can't see any other way he'd get the nomination.


Also, honest question: Since Cruz left, what happens to all those delegates? Do they just disappear?

Edited by Trilobot
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^I think Kasich is waiting for Trump to be arrested/assassinated.


Yes please.

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Wtf is that article you linked? Seems like it's from months ago when Rubio was still in the race.


Cruz is out though! Like what, three days after picking Fiorina as his VP. Flol.


sent using magic space waves

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