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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Just shows that he doesn't understand photo evidence even if it's right in front of him. His meager brain can only process things that appeal to his ego. There is zero objectivity in his thought processes. How his brain development got stunted at around 5 years but the rest his body managed to reach 70 is a scientific paradox.

Ether way, the more unstable he appears, the more I doubt the longevity of his reign.

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Just shows that he doesn't understand photo evidence even if it's right in front of him. His meager brain can only process things that appeal to his ego. There is zero objectivity in his thought processes. How his brain development got stunted at around 5 years but the rest his body managed to reach 70 is a scientific paradox.


Ether way, the more unstable he appears, the more I doubt the longevity of his reign.


yeah those are my thoughts exactly... it really just can't sustain. he'll either be impeached or he'll resign out of pure humiliation. 

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shitting a baby whilst Betty White fingers him tho.


*submits request to Jim'll Paint It*

Edited by usagi
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8 chars in both cases...so relatively easily hacked, no matter how random the sequence. if you know the length of the passwrd, you're already halfway.. ;)

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Haha, what a bunch of amateurs.
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One thing I heard on the radio during the elections from an elderly republican outside a convention


"He's promised to open the mines again. I know he's lying, but at least he's giving us hope".


Says it all really.


But maybe just maybe this moronic batshit regime will shake things up  - getting rid of the Red vs Blue binary  stupidity could be a good outcome but I fear all this will do is solidify it. He doesn't seem very Republican which is good but his craziness and lack of all sorts of integrity, morals etc is sickening tbh. He may be "clever" at playing the media, getting the vote, reaching to the populist zeitgeist but the guy is no fucking good.


I'm trying to look past the daily silliness at his actual policies and well, both are fucking nutso in the extreme.  

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Inside the West Wing, it is almost impossible for some aides to know what is in the executive orders, staffers say. They have been written by Stephen Miller, Trump’s senior White House adviser for policy, and Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, according to people familiar with the matter. Ideas for some of the Trump executive orders came from transition officials and so-called “landing teams,” sources say, who weren’t working in the White House.


Unsurprisingly, the cheeto-in-chief is signing EO's without even knowing what's in them or having run through them with the officials and agencies that they actually concern. It sure looks good for the voters, but will probably be watered down or just ignored if they are deemed to be impossible, but the voters will be distracted by some other bombastic Trumpism by that time.


And Steven Bannon having the ear of a simpleton egomaniac more interested in his image than actual governing, is interesting and slightly worrying since Bannnon has said this 

“I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly told Radosh in 2013.  “Lenin,” he continued, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” 




I can't wait how it is after the first 100 days of Trump in office if this is what we got in less than a week. 

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This is a bigger shitshow than I had anticipated.

The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.

Guess that quote turned out to be nonsense eh


Did I say that second quote? Doesn't seem like something I would have said.



ya didn't, sorry bad post, it was a quote floating around during Trump's campaign, I forget the source. My hamfisted point was Trump's shitshow is as bag as his detractors thought it would be - and I'm wondering how many of his supporters are having second thoughts if they weren't taking him literally.





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Ah right. Yeah it'll be interesting to see what makes them turn on him. My guess is it will be after two years and there financial position isn't any better and America is an international laughing stock...

Though of course Trumpy will probably still blame it on Hillary.

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Imagine being a black guy in the military who voted for Trump. Like your life goal is to die in vain as the ultimate Uncle Tom.



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Just shows that he doesn't understand photo evidence even if it's right in front of him. His meager brain can only process things that appeal to his ego. There is zero objectivity in his thought processes. How his brain development got stunted at around 5 years but the rest his body managed to reach 70 is a scientific paradox.




He is a very smart person & has a good brain.



“No. 1 in his class at West Point,” Trump said. “Now, I know a lot about West Point. I’m a person that very strongly believes in academics. In fact, every time I say I had an uncle who was a great professor at M.I.T. for thirty-five years, who did a fantastic job in so many different ways, academically—was an academic genius—and then they say, Is Donald Trump an intellectual? Trust me, I’m like a smart persona.” - DT





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