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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Trump Reverses Pieces of Obama-era Engagement With Cuba - https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/16/us/politics/cuba-trump-engagement-restrictions.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0



Americans will no longer be able to plan their own private trips to Cuba, and those who go as part of authorized educational tours will be subject to strict new rules and audits to ensure that they are not going just as tourists.

United States companies and citizens will be barred from doing business with any firm controlled by the Cuban military or its intelligence or security services, walling off crucial parts of the economy, including much of the tourist sector, from American access.



Trump is the best legacy rehabilitation a predecessor could ask for.

Edited by doublename
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Kellyanne Conway: 'If I was shot and killed tommorow,-"

Barber: "Say no more"


TBH I couldn't actually watch the video, the still says it all, esp. the reptilian lazy eye. Such subhuman garbage.


She just referred to Tpmru as "healer-in-chief" :pedobear:

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Yeah I understand Twitter is important and this sort of threading can rile up numbers and follows and shit but good god is it annoying reading that much text in that format. Plus his *constant* use of *emphasis* *every other fucking word* was seriously getting under my skin. 


That said, he's tying together a lot of stuff that we're just not usually seeing spelled out so clearly, and the sheer amount of stories drug out over the past year about all this does make it difficult to keep track. Good to see it all summed up well.

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people annoyed by trump but still follow him on twitter need a kick in their nuttsack. the number of followers validates him to be an asshole on twitter. following trump on twitter is like voting for him in the elections. (exceptions for bots and journalists)

Edited by goDel
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When is Ryan's seat even up for the vote? I thought other than these random special elections everything was next yet. Are we already gearing up for fucking House races over a year out?


That guy's got a good story, and with enough budget (which the Dems are showing to be all they have at this point) he might be able to do some damage, or like you said at least embarrass Ryan. But like they said in the article, he's run for office before to no avail, he's probably shit at speaking or being under scrutiny or something. We'll find out, I'm sure.

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When is Ryan's seat even up for the vote? I thought other than these random special elections everything was next yet. Are we already gearing up for fucking House races over a year out?


That guy's got a good story, and with enough budget (which the Dems are showing to be all they have at this point) he might be able to do some damage, or like you said at least embarrass Ryan. But like they said in the article, he's run for office before to no avail, he's probably shit at speaking or being under scrutiny or something. We'll find out, I'm sure.



mid terms are 2018.


The 2018 United States elections will mostly be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. These midterm elections will take place in the middle of Republican President Donald Trump's term. All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested.

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