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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Happy to see that fucking tool Walker got voted out of office in Wisconsin.

What damage can the Repubs do with control of the senate, but not house?

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what's the deal with governors, how do deeply blue vermont, n.h and mass get republican governors, and by pretty big margin too? do they not matter in the grand scheme of things?


they can matter in various ways to influence the state senate (propose new legislation etc) and the state constitutions but generally they are limited in their power. They really spend most of their time balancing state budgets which is why fiscal conservatives tend to do well even in blue states. Mass has repub governors often. 

Happy to see that fucking tool Walker got voted out of office in Wisconsin.

What damage can the Repubs do with control of the senate, but not house?


stop any anti-trump shit that bubbles up from the house

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alaska still has to deal with the grumpy ol coot don young in the house who is more than a bit of a dolt

Yeah I'm tired of that old sack of shit. Going on his 24th term now...ridiculous.


And it looks like Dunleavy's gonna be the next guv'nah, albeit by a narrow lead.

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what's the deal with governors, how do deeply blue vermont, n.h and mass get republican governors, and by pretty big margin too? do they not matter in the grand scheme of things?


they can matter in various ways to influence the state senate (propose new legislation etc) and the state constitutions but generally they are limited in their power. They really spend most of their time balancing state budgets which is why fiscal conservatives tend to do well even in blue states. Mass has repub governors often. 

Happy to see that fucking tool Walker got voted out of office in Wisconsin.

What damage can the Repubs do with control of the senate, but not house?


stop any anti-trump shit that bubbles up from the house



Yeah I was surprised that this is only the 3rd time in 50 years NY has had a Dem. senator.

Can the senate really stop anything that comes from the house? Is there no legislative procedure in the US that can get around this? My knowledge of how shit works in government there is limited to that schoolhouse rock video on how a bill becomes law and PJ O'Rourke's description of the political process in "Parliament of Whores".

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Last night wasn't the ideal rejection of the status quo, but it was still pretty damn good. To quote Max Boot, an anti-Trump ex-GOP critic of the Republican party, last night was a rebuke but not a repudiation of the administration.


The US House is now Democrat lead. Trump now has to face an check and balance. He'll downplay it, he'll spin it as an advantage for 2020, but the fact is the absurd complacency of the GOP previously in power is gone. Long due investigations are coming and Mueller is rolling up his sleeves as the continue to probe the behemoth of illegal, illicit, and treacherous doings by the current administration.

Yesterday saw the youngest congresswomen, first Muslim woman, first two Native American women, first two Texan Latina, and first black woman from Massachusetts elected. More women than ever now serve in Congress. The first openly gay governor has been elected in Colorado. Three states that went for Trump elected Democrat governors. And Abrams, Beto and Gillum came within historically close loses despite running against rampant misinformation, voter suppression, and in the context of running in reliably conservative states. Red states approved expansions to medicare. Slowly but surely the legislature is actually reflecting the ideals, values, and demographics of it's citizens.


In Texas Beto and other Dems made Senator Ted Cruz, Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton sweat in remarkably close races. The Texas State House gained 12 Democrat seats and statewide, including two seats in the TX state Senate. some of the most right-wing "Empower Texas" planted incumbents lost to big margins despite more money and redistricting advantages.


The momentum to move forward in 2020 is strong. The increase in young voter and new voter turnout will continue if people stay informed and motivated. The big lies and superficial economical claims of Trump and his base can only be milked for so long. To quote Attica Locke on NPR this morning "Why is a steel plant and economy worth more than moral decency?" Don't break and allow our constitutional democracy slip into authoritarian populist nationalism. Beware of darkness. It's ok to be cynical and pessimistic but change comes when those are rejected for optimism and action. They are not the majority. Trump is still the most unpopular president in modern US history. The most generous polls give him an approval rating of 44%. My fellow American WATMMERs - keep voting and keep getting involved as much as you can.

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what's the deal with governors, how do deeply blue vermont, n.h and mass get republican governors, and by pretty big margin too? do they not matter in the grand scheme of things?


they can matter in various ways to influence the state senate (propose new legislation etc) and the state constitutions but generally they are limited in their power. They really spend most of their time balancing state budgets which is why fiscal conservatives tend to do well even in blue states. Mass has repub governors often. 



good point- in TX the governor is really a high profile spokesperson with veto powers. Lt. Governor yields a lot more power and the one we currently have is about as stereotypical of a Trump boot licking right-wing asshat as you can get. To my surprise his opponent got fairly close in the final results. He was losing in the early returns, def sweated for the first time. 

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Trump wasn't a brief moment of mass hysteria then eh? Fuck sake.


it's funny, commentators love to point to a single new moment where America supposedly jumps the shark for good by doing something obviously insane, like not smashing Trump/the GOP hard enough in the midterms, or electing him in the first place. remember when people had similar sentiments after Dubya was given a second term in 2004? those a bit older probably felt the same watching Vietnam drag on interminably with no moves towards an end in sight.


truth is that there have been many such moments over the decades and it's usually the disadvantaged/underprivileged who have their eyes open the most to watch for them carefully. it's like that skit in the Dave Chappelle SNL show shortly after Trump was confirmed, where the young enthusiastic middle-class types are all sitting around watching the results come in with increasing surprise and indignation while Dave and Chris Rock are just loling at them. you have to be really blind to believe that this kind of thing is isolated or new, the insanity is always there, under the surface. people like Trump just give it an excuse to become public and acceptable.



When asked about the Putin collusion Chappelle made the point that "Russia didn't make Americans racist"



Heard pretty good commentary on NPR by Attica Locked about the shocking reality that Trump is still approved by so many. https://www.npr.org/2018/11/07/665193596/author-attica-locke-weighs-in-on-the-results-of-midterm-elections



This is man emboldened by bitter white working class people projecting their ills on everyone else. There is a total disconnect with common sense and decency to go along with this superficial and false idea of winning. The fact that it's 2018 and we are still dealing with Confederate apologists, Nazis, and fringe religious fanatics. Yet they are emboldened through false victim-hood and a quest for a fanciful past that never existed. That's nationalist populism in a nutshell. No real majority but absolute power via cronyism, corruption, and law-breaking. Delusions and lies with scary consequences to those not part of the party in office.


It's telling that some of the most diehard and sincere conservatives - George Will, Evan McMullin, Max Boot, etc. have literally stated that in order to save the Republic we need to vote straight ticket Democrat. Republicans as a party of ideals and convictions simply does not exist. It is a corrupt, elitist, power hungry cabal that uses race baiting, legal deceptions, and rhetorical lies to stay in power. I'm hopeful but cautiously so for 2020. There's a long fucking way to go and god help us some more bursts of right-wing violence to accompany this final, desperate gasp of to re-implement a racist and nationalist status quo in American politics.

Edited by joshuatx
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Is there a chance with the change in house that the renegotiated NAFTA can be repealed? Not sure how that works.


Not the sweeping change many wanted but I think most people expected the senate to remain repub majority..

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el oh el and indiana blowing for the country again. love my state.



This place fucking sucks!!!


<hug the crap out of you!!!>



indiana is a great place. i have it tattoo'd on my body. but everyone who lives there is a dumb piece of shit  

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Watergate 2: Electric Boogaloo.


That Whitaker guy has been associated with Sam Clovis, another witness in the Mueller investigation and will have to recuse himself. Sessions has most likely been cooperating this whole time. This has been planned for, it adds another easy count of obstruction, and if he waited until the weekend, Senior DC officials would have had a harder time reacting quickly.


It’s gonna be the end of Scarface, only he wants to fuck Ivanka instead of his sister.

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What a fucking asshole...


Edit: I’m of course talking about trump


This shit is beyond parody. Incredible.



goddamn those bots are flooding the hell out of the comment section

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I only just found out Sessions got fired and lol'd irl in the middle of a busy lunch crowd when I saw the headline flash on the screen.

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It's going to be delightful to watch him interact with a House that isn't completely full of sycophants.



adam schiff replacing that devin nunes wanker as head of house intelligence committee :)

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