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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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We have the best water. The most blue.


I get calls from hurricanes -- really, lots of calls, every hour -- telling me how good our water is. They all say it, they thank me for having the best water, they say "you know, I really appreciate how great your water is here." Lots of calls.

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We have the best water. The most blue.


I get calls from hurricanes -- really, lots of calls, every hour -- telling me how good our water is. They all say it, they thank me for having the best water, they say "you know, I really appreciate how great your water is here." Lots of calls.



fucking el-oh-el.

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Some funny shit about Omarosa, and does she really work for this administration? It's like fucking Romper Room in this White House.



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Ha! Totally makes sense that this experimental reality TV shit show starring Donnie T is being run by a washed up reality TV contestant that lost on his own stupid show over 10 years ago.

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I really think he just loves the attention more than anything. He seems like he's holding in such giddiness to say that he was trending on Twitter, and that so many people are talking about him. I bet his wife got a good poke last night with his peen fully erect all day long fielding interview requests and issuing statements.

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You could just made a new thread entitled "Ted Cruz is a Boot-licking Tosser" or "Ted Cruz is 98% fecal matter by mass"

no, i'll support squee here.


enough WTF to warrant a post. but not to make a special thread about it. ted cruz really doesn't deserve a thread dedicated to himself. the proposed titles should be basic assumptions that don't warrant any discussion whatsoever. not thread-worthy 

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Unrustle those jimmies right now young man, that was merely a vehicle to express a couple of metaphors I had brewing as to what a hypocritical shitbag Lyin' Ted is.  Even if I thought Fuckface warranted his own thread (and I don't) at least it'd be topical, which can't be said about lotsa General Banter these days.


Thanks Obamacare

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Well played, sir.


My support for teh Squeek remains however. No matter how smart your metaphors are, or topical the content, I'm sticking with my principles on this one.


Also, topical banter!? What!? .... mmmmm

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yes, Hillary is trying to promote her book, and she hasn't taken much ownership for her failure as a candidate.  But as a former First Lady, and more importantly, Secretary of State, it's interesting to hear her analysis of Trump administration's first 8 months in office:



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yes, Hillary is trying to promote her book, and she hasn't taken much ownership for her failure as a candidate.  But as a former First Lady, and more importantly, Secretary of State, it's interesting to hear her analysis of Trump administration's first 8 months in office:



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Donnie T, hands down, is the greatest con man the world has ever seen...


Donnie has convinced millions of Americans that he knows what the fuck he's doing..and that he represents their interests as their president.


Let's start with political affiliation. Is he a Republican? Was he ever? Wasn't he a Democrat back in the day, switched to Independent, then went to over to Republican since the Dems we're pissed he started his whole bullshit birther campaign, of which he didn't believe Obama was an American? I mean WTF? Donnie doesn't really represent anyone except himself, and will switch allegiances on a dime to protect his self interests. He doesn't give a shit about anyone which adds into his extrodinary ability to con because...


For people in rural areas working paycheck to paycheck, to come out and say "I support Trump because he gets us" is ridiculous proof that Donnie the city slicker fast talking orange colored snake oil salesman out of new York city who has never done a day of manual labor in his life and will never know hardship is a snake in the grass that should never be trusted and has successfully convinced human beings that he is one despite his sludgy face mask...

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