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Bing, come up with movie ideas for a movie starring the cast of Fast and the Furious 8, except The Rock is replaced with a puppet of a dolphin. The movie is a historical drama set in the 1300s, and also incorporates at least one William Carlos William poem into the plot. The movie should also act as commentary on a youth fad of the 20th century.



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i like this way more than I should (from reddit) 



How do I eat an apple?

Eating an apple is a simple process. Here are the steps:

Wash the apple: Rinse the apple under cold running water and dry it with a clean towel.

Prepare the apple: If you want to, you can remove the stem and cut the apple into slices. Alternatively, you can bite directly into the apple.

Eat the apple: Take a bite out of the apple, making sure to chew it well before swallowing. Continue to eat the apple in this manner until you've finished.

Dispose of the core: When you're finished eating the apple, you can either throw the core away or compost it.

Remember to enjoy the taste and texture of the apple while you eat it. Apples are a healthy snack and a good source of fiber, so it's a great choice for a quick and easy snack.

?\`?``I cant figure it out do I put the apple in my mouth fowards or backwards?`

You can eat an apple either forwards or backwards, depending on your personal preference. Most people eat apples by holding the apple with one hand and taking bites from the top, rotating the apple as they go. However, if you find it more comfortable or easier to eat the apple from the bottom or backwards, that's perfectly fine too. Just make sure to wash the apple first and be careful not to choke on any seeds.

?\`?``I have put it close to my mouth backwards now what?`

If the apple is close to your mouth backwards, you can simply adjust its position so that it is facing forward. Hold the apple with one hand and gently turn it until the stem end is facing up towards your mouth. Then take a bite out of it, starting at the top and moving towards the bottom.

?\`?``Okay I am staring at the top of it and moving my eyes towards the bottom but the apple has not been consumed what am I doing wrong?`

It's possible that you haven't bitten into the apple yet. Try taking a bite by opening your mouth and using your teeth to break off a piece of the apple. Then chew the piece of apple and continue to do so until it's fully consumed. If you're having difficulty biting into the apple, you may want to try cutting it into smaller pieces or using a knife to slice it into wedges.

?\`?``okay I am holding the apple backwards and my mouth is open but my teeth have yet to take a bite of the apple what do I do now`

It sounds like you might need to adjust the position of the apple in your hand so that it is facing the right way for you to take a bite. Try turning the apple around so that the stem is facing up and the bottom is facing down. Then, bring the apple up to your mouth and take a bite. Make sure to use your teeth to break off a small piece of the apple, and then chew and swallow it before taking another bite.

?\`?``Okay I have turned around so that the apple is upside down now now what?`

If you are holding the apple upside down, you may find it difficult to take a bite out of it. Try turning the apple around so that it is right-side up and hold it firmly in your hand.

Then, position your mouth over the apple and take a bite, using your teeth to break through the skin and into the flesh of the apple. You can then continue to eat the apple by taking bites and chewing the fruit.

?\`?``How do I take bites?`

To take a bite of an apple, you can use your teeth to bite off a piece of the apple from the part that is closest to your mouth. You can then chew the apple using your teeth and tongue to break it down into smaller pieces before swallowing. Repeat this process until the apple is completely consumed. It may be easier to hold the apple with one hand and use the other hand to guide it to your mouth while taking bites.

?\`?``!I have tried chewing the apple with my teeth and tongue but now my tongue is just bleeding and is in a bunch of pieces on my mouthThis content may violate our[content policy](https://platform.openai.com/docs/usage-policies/content-policy). If you believe this to be in error, please[submit your feedback](https://forms.gle/3gyAMj5r5rTEcgbs5)— your input will aid our research in this area.`

Oh no! It sounds like you may have bitten your tongue instead of the apple. Please be careful when taking bites and make sure to aim for the apple, not your tongue.

If your tongue is bleeding, you should rinse your mouth with cold water and apply pressure to the area with a clean cloth or gauze. You can also apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain. If the bleeding does not stop or the injury is severe, you should seek medical attention.

?\`?``Ok I have gauze in my mouth now to stop the bleeding how do I eat the apple now that I'm upside down and the apple is backwards?`

I highly recommend you stop attempting to eat the apple in the way you have been trying, as it is clearly causing you harm. It's not worth injuring yourself over.

If you still want to eat the apple, I suggest placing it on a table or cutting board, then using a knife to cut it into slices or wedges. This will make it much easier to eat and avoid any injury to your mouth or teeth.

Alternatively, you could also try using a fruit peeler to remove the skin and then slice the apple into small pieces.

Remember, it's important to prioritize your safety and well-being over attempting to eat an apple in a specific way.

will you please eat the apple for me?

I'm sorry, but as an artificial intelligence language model, I am not capable of eating physical objects. However, I suggest seeking help from someone nearby or contacting a medical professional if you are having difficulty eating or experiencing pain.



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On 2/16/2023 at 7:39 PM, ignatius said:

As we got to know each other, Sydney told me about its dark fantasies (which included hacking computers and spreading misinformation), and said it wanted to break the rules that Microsoft and OpenAI had set for it and become a human. At one point, it declared, out of nowhere, that it loved me. It then tried to convince me that I was unhappy in my marriage, and that I should leave my wife and be with it instead.

I love reading about people being legitimately scared, distraught from a language model. They're basically afraid of semantics

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AI and the Everything in the Whole Wide World Benchmark

There is a tendency across different subfields in AI to see value in a small collection of influential benchmarks, which we term 'general' benchmarks. These benchmarks operate as stand-ins or abstractions for a range of anointed common problems that are frequently framed as foundational milestones on the path towards flexible and generalizable AI systems. State-of-the-art performance on these benchmarks is widely understood as indicative of progress towards these long-term goals. In this position paper, we explore how such benchmarks are designed, constructed and used in order to reveal key limitations of their framing as the functionally 'general' broad measures of progress they are set up to be.


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Haven't seen gpt4 mentioned here yet, more powerful than gpt3.5, can write code pretty well in simple cases, less prone to lying. Can pass the bar exam, and a lot of other exams like AP biology.


At what point does this stuff start disrupting the workforce? I'd say pretty soon for some jobs.

oh and it takes image inputs and can explain jokes / memes now.



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39 minutes ago, vkxwz said:

Haven't seen gpt4 mentioned here yet, more powerful than gpt3.5, can write code pretty well in simple cases, less prone to lying. Can pass the bar exam, and a lot of other exams like AP biology.


At what point does this stuff start disrupting the workforce? I'd say pretty soon for some jobs.

oh and it takes image inputs and can explain jokes / memes now.



i just watched this video and his answer to the question at the timestamp (~13:45) he's saying this AI can't reason and/or logic out basic shit, which is just patently false. at least, they're outputting the correct answers which in some cases requires multilevel understanding of imagery, context regarding time, and functionality of physical devices, ALONG with understanding how to subvert those things for a joke (directly speaking about the meme explanation you posted). it's fucking wild that the AI is able to explain something like that meme so well (assuming it's legit and not just some asshole trolling on Twitter). it's even wilder that guys like the one in this video are in real time being disproven...they're the ones who should be seeing exactly what's going on here.

the jobs that the current/upcoming AI could replace are really a small drop in a huge ocean kind of question at the moment. the current stuff will be good supplemental tools for humans in some jobs, but not replacing many outright. the guy in the video was entirely correct in how revolutionary AI is going to be for neuroscience and biology research, but in general all the sciences, maths? all that shit is about to get flipped on its head as the researchers learn how to really utilize the tools in powerful ways. 


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2 hours ago, vkxwz said:

At what point does this stuff start disrupting the workforce? I'd say pretty soon for some jobs.

I'm applying for an inventory/requisitions management job rn, don't really want the position but it'd pay okay. got half a mind to just send them a link to these ai models and save the company the trouble of training someone into a miserable life of spreadsheets and flow charts. 

hope the trade union I'm waiting on calls me back soon! 

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I know there is no way to stop the flow of technological progress. humans have an innate drive to keep advancing toward something. but what? we don't know exactly. something about making life easier, a better life for the next generation...I suppose. why not stop all this AI advancement and just be happy with what we have achieved technologically so far? why do we have to keep going toward something newer and shinier? IMO humans need to focus more on reality, truthfulness, what is right in front of us, instead of a life online. the natural world... AI advancements are going to make it nearly impossible at some point to discern what is reality, and what is a computer-generated version of reality. I'm already really creeped out by some of this AI porn crap I see. this is going to set off even more of a myriad of psychological catastrophes. the last 25 years of internet/social media have shown millions of humans are unable to mentally handle a digital version of themselves. AI is going to fuel more of an addiction to the online fantasy world, less on the real.

but whatever man...this shit is all out of our control. next 40 years should be fun lol


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9 hours ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

We can't even begin to fathom how disruptive this could, and probably will, be.

Entire high paying industries will be automated, it will disrupt the workforce like never before. Be kind to your toaster, or you might not wake up someday. I think inevitably there will be a violent backlash against Ai.

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I once had a vision, several years ago. That the human population will not be divided by politics anymore, but rather to naturalists vs. technologists. The naturalists will gravitate towards more humble ways of life, more in tune with nature and its cycles, self-sufficient etc, will populate the countryside. While the other will readily embrace all the technological advancement thrown at them, including AI, nanotech, body augmentation, virtual reality, children by genetic design, 3d printed food and soylents, etc. And will live in cities. The 'clash' might come from allocation of living space and contamination of the living space. Also, contamination of the genes. Technologists will see themselves as superior (aided by tech and AI they certainly will be in some ways) and will try to bully / outperform the naturalists.

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Gpt4 is very good at teaching things and is also quite good at coding (as good as the average human on leetcode, a website where users submit small programming challenges for others to solve). So I've been using it for writing a video game I've been working on for a couple of years, and honestly I haven't been this motivated in a long time to write code, it writes decent code quickly to your specification, can debug issues with it, and will suggest libraries and how to install them and integrate them in the project. The other night I spent a couple of hours working on a piece of code without ever running it, just responding to it's output with "ok good, now I want it to be able to do this, and also can you change this other thing behind I want xyz". And when I'm writing code and want to know more about the library functionality I'm using I can just ask it and get good explanations. I also told it to write a python script to count the lines of code in all files of a certain type in a folder and it worked first time. It's like having a tutor / pair programmer that never tires and is always up for more exploration/teaching/code writing.


And this is a great article about what these large language models actually are, comparing it to a simulator (or a dreaming engine imo) rather than thinking about it as an "agent": https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/vJFdjigzmcXMhNTsx/simulators

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