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My roommate's sister-in-law just had a baby. I hope she doesn't come home tonight so I can play RDR2 all night without feeling guilty for being a lazy schlub.

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How does that in any way affect you?

Spi I thought the phrase about the barrel insinuated that the person was giving bj through the hole , no bungholes within bungholes inception style antics .


Well I'm disappoint. THANKS

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Would be super cool if we could get a second set of ears installed. Or just listen to different mono sources in each ear and train your brain to separate them. I feel like this would be less messy than just listening to two+ things at once on the same set of ears, but I'm probably wrong.

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Every other time I open the First World Achievements thread there's an urge to post "I achieved orgasm," yet I've only acted upon that impulse once. 



This post might be better suited for the FWS thread.  Mods please reroute accordingly.

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actually, on that point... y'all nibbas ever have blood in your nut? I found this for the first time ever earlier this year and was alarmed enough to schedule a doctor's appointment that very afternoon, where I was told that it's fairly normal and nothing to worry about. I was like, wtf.

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nearly a decade on & i feel a strange sadness every time i hear "tik tok" by kesha. like not in any sort of "oh the state of modern society" kinda way, just like...an awareness of how "now" it once felt in terms of capturing a particular slice of popular culture. and now culture has moved on. the feeling that this song represents has been aging for a decade


i dunno it's hard to describe. kesha is a pisces as well & i had a feeling about this before i checked

Quoting just because

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actually, on that point... y'all nibbas ever have blood in your nut? I found this for the first time ever earlier this year and was alarmed enough to schedule a doctor's appointment that very afternoon, where I was told that it's fairly normal and nothing to worry about. I was like, wtf.


Somebody told me he was having sex with a prostitute in Amsterdam when this happened and she was like "oh no what is this?" and he freaked out and got tested for Satanic gonorrhea. 

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actually, on that point... y'all nibbas ever have blood in your nut? I found this for the first time ever earlier this year and was alarmed enough to schedule a doctor's appointment that very afternoon, where I was told that it's fairly normal and nothing to worry about. I was like, wtf.


Did he even bother to explain what the cause might be?  


I have not yet experienced the nut blood thing.

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she said it's a common occurrence because of the concentration of blood and small blood vessels rupturing for a variety of reasons that mostly resolve themselves.

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nearly a decade on & i feel a strange sadness every time i hear "tik tok" by kesha. like not in any sort of "oh the state of modern society" kinda way, just like...an awareness of how "now" it once felt in terms of capturing a particular slice of popular culture. and now culture has moved on. the feeling that this song represents has been aging for a decade


i dunno it's hard to describe. kesha is a pisces as well & i had a feeling about this before i checked

Quoting just because


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