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What are your plans, resolutions, goals for 2018?


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My second resolution is to hold every person in this thread to their words, by killing those who fail to accomplish anything.


You have until March.

no nut 2018. Let's do this. Together we will conquer this. No nut 2018. Make it happenr

might as well just end me this very moment

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My second resolution is to hold every person in this thread to their words, by killing those who fail to accomplish anything.


You have until March.

no nut 2018. Let's do this. Together we will conquer this. No nut 2018. Make it happenr

might as well just end me this very moment


The moment you feel like nutting

I shall be there that night

 cum what may.

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Well, if I try to not sound like such a cynical bastard then maybe in a nutshell:


- spend less time at work

- spend more time outdoors

- see new places

- meet new people and make new friends

- spend more time with old friends

- have more sex

- have more fun

- do more creative things

- learn new things

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finish EMDR by sept


start PhD on theory & practice in the treatment of PTSD/C-PTSD for March


complete walking holiday in the Pyrenees wiv me Ma to push fitness but with an alternative agenda to finish the week with some hard earned feasting in San Sebastian, munch of the gods


swim more, cos its fun


no alcohol, barring one beer tomorrow


perfect low cal special fx edibles for occasional treats


bass guitar upgrade

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start PhD on theory & practice in the treatment of PTSD/C-PTSD for March

Do you know how long C-PTSD has been a diagnosis in the UK now? It's pretty new according to the wiki.




yeah they used to blanket coverage it under abuse, developmental trauma & ptsd related systems, then v recently it got an official upgrade from 3 symptoms to 6, spare those details


summat like 70% of people who "present" (such a grey word) with ptsd in adulthood have a childhood history of abuse


so they expanded the age baseline and increased the symptom range


its a fuckin labyrinth when mental health services are so badly fragmented, diagnosis gets left untreated cos GP's dont know wtf they're supposed to be looking for, with bottle necks at primary care & secondary care services


1hr of EMDR privately accessed will average £100 an hour, so times that by maybe 50-150......it takes the piss beyond belief & in reality is much more like the US system


if this sytem cant be changed it can be held to account thru persistent institutional underfunding & incompetence, hence the career change

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Style my pubes better.


Drink more pistachio milk


Get a pet wallabie named Irwin


Learn 2 dead languages


Resurrect an extinct species like the dodo bird and BBQ it


Become socially accepted by penguins

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