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New Synth Machine App, Fractal Bits, Offers More Than 4 Billion Sounds


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From Synthtopia:


Alexander Zolotov has introduced Fractal Bits, a drum synth app for iOS and Android that offers over four billion unique sounds, created with fractal algorithms.

Each set of 12 drums sounds corresponds to a code of 8 characters that you can save/copy/paste as plain text.


  • Audio Unit Extension (AUv3), Audiobus;
  • search for new sounds with three buttons: next random set, edit code, previous set;
  • three types of keyboards for live drumming: on-screen buttons, PC keyboard, MIDI input;
  • six additional processing parameters + control of all parameters via MIDI;
  • real-time audio recording to WAV (32-bit);
  • export to: WAV (one file or a set), SunVox (samples + effects in one file), text clipboard;
  • the LCK button freezes individual drums – they will not change during the search for new sets;
  • Wi-Fi export/import.

It’s available now for US $1.99.


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I think 4 billion sounds is more sounds than there is on earth. maybe if you include the moon and mars you might get 4 billion but they're both pretty quiet.

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I saw a comment that said “yeah, but 200 million of them are variations of the Seinfeld bass”

upon buying it I can confirm.

jk, but think of it as a pretty complex fm drum synth randomized 4 billion times, but all the sounds are useable.

its also an AU so you can use it in daws and sequence it with whatever.

Maybe coolest part is each one has its own visual that I assume is based on the code for the sound  


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Hey guys. Long time user of Fractal Bits here, and while the 4 billion sounds have kept me going for a long time, I think I’m starting to hit a wall. Anyone know when the update is coming?

I’m thinking of starting a petition to demand another 2 billion sounds. 

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Hi, shea and welcome!

By reversing the samples you’ll have another set of 4 billion samples! Worked for me! But now I’m also nearing the wall with the new set. I was thinking to pitch the original set by two semitones up to D; I read last night on the net that it can be a life changing experience! Who knew!

p.s. read the rules!

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8 hours ago, BCM said:

downloaded this last night, just finished deleting the 4 billion sounds - took absolutely ages.

One by one?! OMG! Why didn’t you just use ‘select all’? If you haven’t been familiar with the function I’m sure someone made a yt tutorial about it.
Happy deleting! 

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54 minutes ago, BCM said:

I tried selecting all but my screen wasn't long enough

Yes, for selecting all you’d need a screen that’s cca 1000 kilometers tall that’s why i use on-screen scrolling; it’s very useful

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