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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Guest Fishtank

Amnesia: The Dark Descent


I played Amnesia with some mates last week, finally finished it off.



Not a single pair of trousers were clean.


I gave Amnesia to my girlfriend as a birthday present because she likes "adventure games" :rdjgrin:


I ended up playing it yesterday when she couldn't handle the stress no more (she made it to the flooded cellar area with the crates, then I had to take over and do the jumping section), I thought it wasn't so bad at first, but then I got to the extremely dark area that has the machine parts and FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU- :fear:


I love this game, the last time I was creep'd out by a game was DOOM and I was like 12

I wonder what this game would be like on acid...

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A friend has finally talked me into playing WoW.
































I actually like it thus far. :cisfor:

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what are some more good rts games with multiplayer?



actually, medieval II: total war is pretty sweet too. have to mention that.

it's super-cheap on steam too.

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A friend has finally talked me into playing WoW





I actually like it thus far. :cisfor:


Ah here goes another one...



There's nothing wrong with the game's playstyle or level of entertainment. That is not the problem. It is indeed a very well designed game that has way more pros than cons to weigh it out analytically. The environment is rich in detail, the NPC's flesh out the storyline and overall atmosphere, and the magic/abilities are cool, to simply put it. Hell it's 3 expansion packs deep(almost) and there's a great deal to discover in this mystical Azaroth world that makes it incredibly enticing at first.



The problem is...

It's the fact that when you finally hit 70 80, and your left with either being a hardcore raider or getting a high arena ranking is when you grimly realize that the whole game was in fact pointless and a big chunk of your life was wasted. Believe me if you want to or not and indulge in whatever you desire, but if you want the cliffnotes of the game, this pretty much sums it up: waste of time eventually.



Lets see...played back when I was senior in HS, played all the way till sophomore year at Uni, so give or take a few years while clocking in 20+ hours per week when raiding at 60/70(30+ during summers).


Missed my senior prom: check

Spent 2 birthdays playing just WoW: check

Stayed in during nights to raid/pvp/do nothing instead of going out with friends: check

Getting my dick sucked while playing WoW: check

Went through 2 computers just to keep playing: check

Regrets: check

Made friends: check

Turned into a decrepit computer zombie: check


Well atleast I made a couple friends...(by a couple I mean just 2).



Basically if I would have sold my account(epic'd out 70 Pally, 70 Mage, various alts from 20-50), I could have made around $400(during BC times), which would've been the only redeeming quality of this game(selling accounts are a bitch'inna half btw). Instead I paid $450+ for a boredom killer(~30monthsX15fee).


Overall the game is super fun to get into, but only for like a year at the very most. Ultimately at that point it's just frustration and boredom waiting for raiders to get from boss to boss, running Arenas until your eyes bleed, and dissatisfaction from the sheer stupidity/annoyance of the nerds that infest it.

There's very few good-natured people that play and 98% have some sort of social awkwardness. I know this percentage from experience, and though it is made up on the spot, its pretty fucking spot on (just jolly on over to the WoW forums and see for yourself). You don't need research analysis and consensus graphs to see that the majority of the people that play are completely obsessed and have no life.


It's up to you to decide what to do in your free time, and if it's WoW then have at it.



But yeah, I won't say I told you so. :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't pick it up for 5 to be honest. I played and liked some of the older ones, but XIII seemed just dire to me. I only saw the beginning though, but when the first three-or-so hours bore me as much as they did in this case, I don't think it's worth carrying on. I don't mind characters being just thrown into the story with no big introduction, but in this case, I tried, but just couldn't give a shit about any of them. The artwork was alright I guess looking but it all just seemed like the billionth soulless emulation of the same thing.

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A friend has finally talked me into playing WoW





I actually like it thus far. :cisfor:


Ah here goes another one...



There's nothing wrong with the game's playstyle or level of entertainment. That is not the problem. It is indeed a very well designed game that has way more pros than cons to weigh it out analytically. The environment is rich in detail, the NPC's flesh out the storyline and overall atmosphere, and the magic/abilities are cool, to simply put it. Hell it's 3 expansion packs deep(almost) and there's a great deal to discover in this mystical Azaroth world that makes it incredibly enticing at first.



The problem is...

It's the fact that when you finally hit 70 80, and your left with either being a hardcore raider or getting a high arena ranking is when you grimly realize that the whole game was in fact pointless and a big chunk of your life was wasted. Believe me if you want to or not and indulge in whatever you desire, but if you want the cliffnotes of the game, this pretty much sums it up: waste of time eventually.



Lets see...played back when I was senior in HS, played all the way till sophomore year at Uni, so give or take a few years while clocking in 20+ hours per week when raiding at 60/70(30+ during summers).


Missed my senior prom: check

Spent 2 birthdays playing just WoW: check

Stayed in during nights to raid/pvp/do nothing instead of going out with friends: check

Getting my dick sucked while playing WoW: check

Went through 2 computers just to keep playing: check

Regrets: check

Made friends: check

Turned into a decrepit computer zombie: check


Well atleast I made a couple friends...(by a couple I mean just 2).



Basically if I would have sold my account(epic'd out 70 Pally, 70 Mage, various alts from 20-50), I could have made around $400(during BC times), which would've been the only redeeming quality of this game(selling accounts are a bitch'inna half btw). Instead I paid $450+ for a boredom killer(~30monthsX15fee).


Overall the game is super fun to get into, but only for like a year at the very most. Ultimately at that point it's just frustration and boredom waiting for raiders to get from boss to boss, running Arenas until your eyes bleed, and dissatisfaction from the sheer stupidity/annoyance of the nerds that infest it.

There's very few good-natured people that play and 98% have some sort of social awkwardness. I know this percentage from experience, and though it is made up on the spot, its pretty fucking spot on (just jolly on over to the WoW forums and see for yourself). You don't need research analysis and consensus graphs to see that the majority of the people that play are completely obsessed and have no life.


It's up to you to decide what to do in your free time, and if it's WoW then have at it.



But yeah, I won't say I told you so. :rolleyes:


Heh... warnings definitely taken into account. I figure i'll probably play for six months or a year or so, max a character or two and get bored. But I have a few friends who play, and after playing with a few of them on someone else's account, I figured what the hell, why not at least try it. And the few that I played with for those hours are loads of fun, decent guys actually (if a few are a bit out there).

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A friend has finally talked me into playing WoW





I actually like it thus far. :cisfor:


Ah here goes another one...



There's nothing wrong with the game's playstyle or level of entertainment. That is not the problem. It is indeed a very well designed game that has way more pros than cons to weigh it out analytically. The environment is rich in detail, the NPC's flesh out the storyline and overall atmosphere, and the magic/abilities are cool, to simply put it. Hell it's 3 expansion packs deep(almost) and there's a great deal to discover in this mystical Azaroth world that makes it incredibly enticing at first.



The problem is...

It's the fact that when you finally hit 70 80, and your left with either being a hardcore raider or getting a high arena ranking is when you grimly realize that the whole game was in fact pointless and a big chunk of your life was wasted. Believe me if you want to or not and indulge in whatever you desire, but if you want the cliffnotes of the game, this pretty much sums it up: waste of time eventually.



Lets see...played back when I was senior in HS, played all the way till sophomore year at Uni, so give or take a few years while clocking in 20+ hours per week when raiding at 60/70(30+ during summers).


Missed my senior prom: check

Spent 2 birthdays playing just WoW: check

Stayed in during nights to raid/pvp/do nothing instead of going out with friends: check

Getting my dick sucked while playing WoW: check

Went through 2 computers just to keep playing: check

Regrets: check

Made friends: check

Turned into a decrepit computer zombie: check


Well atleast I made a couple friends...(by a couple I mean just 2).



Basically if I would have sold my account(epic'd out 70 Pally, 70 Mage, various alts from 20-50), I could have made around $400(during BC times), which would've been the only redeeming quality of this game(selling accounts are a bitch'inna half btw). Instead I paid $450+ for a boredom killer(~30monthsX15fee).


Overall the game is super fun to get into, but only for like a year at the very most. Ultimately at that point it's just frustration and boredom waiting for raiders to get from boss to boss, running Arenas until your eyes bleed, and dissatisfaction from the sheer stupidity/annoyance of the nerds that infest it.

There's very few good-natured people that play and 98% have some sort of social awkwardness. I know this percentage from experience, and though it is made up on the spot, its pretty fucking spot on (just jolly on over to the WoW forums and see for yourself). You don't need research analysis and consensus graphs to see that the majority of the people that play are completely obsessed and have no life.


It's up to you to decide what to do in your free time, and if it's WoW then have at it.



But yeah, I won't say I told you so. :rolleyes:


I've finished Diablo 1 and 2 like 50 times. I could see it as a waste of time, but I had a great time (most of the time at least) playing it and I used it to straighten my mood oh so many times. I found out games are not so much about the experience of finishing them, but of beating the crap out of them as you go along. And its just that that serves a purpose. EVERYBODY that's over 12 and playing videogames for more than a hour per day has a mental issue in my book. That issue is connected to the type of game you want to play and as you need to play it kinda works for you. It depends now on whether you use the gaming experience to you advantage or you sink lower and become even more of a wreck (You know what I'm talking about!).


I like video games.

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Totally agree. Games exercise and excite a region of the brain that has previously never been activated until the past 30 years or so when console games came out. They are becoming such a huge part of our generation and more so for the following generations. Anyways /rant.


I still in fact play diablo 1 & 2, since I started with a couple friends in 7th grade, and the fact that your character wasn't being publicly judged and that you could indeed finish the game was what made it more enjoyable for me. WoW cannot be finished unless the devs stop making more expansions or end updates. Until then, you never virtually enhance your experience because there is always an epic item to get or a ranking to raise. You never really settle with your character if you intend on being the best. OP classes get incredibly frustrating from patch to patch, and the only thing that keeps people playing is new info on the next patch and seeing if their class gets buffs or not. :fail:


Diablo 3 will be sick. I am definitely locking myself in the first few days I get it.

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Cost me 30 bucks to buy it... yesterday or the day before from Amazon. Sucks that I missed that deal. That's what I'll be playing for the next couple of weeks. I'll probably hate it, but I need a break from the other games I've been playing.


Diablo 3 will be sick. I am definitely locking myself in the first few days I get it.


I'll be fucked when that game comes out.

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at 99.61% in Just Cause. i've read around 10 people have completed it.. in the world. 'Hey, there are a few suitcases hidden around a 400 square mile area.. go find them!' Yeah, i think i'm done.

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Totally agree. Games exercise and excite a region of the brain that has previously never been activated until the past 30 years or so when console games came out. They are becoming such a huge part of our generation and more so for the following generations. Anyways /rant.


I still in fact play diablo 1 & 2, since I started with a couple friends in 7th grade, and the fact that your character wasn't being publicly judged and that you could indeed finish the game was what made it more enjoyable for me. WoW cannot be finished unless the devs stop making more expansions or end updates. Until then, you never virtually enhance your experience because there is always an epic item to get or a ranking to raise. You never really settle with your character if you intend on being the best. OP classes get incredibly frustrating from patch to patch, and the only thing that keeps people playing is new info on the next patch and seeing if their class gets buffs or not. :fail:


Diablo 3 will be sick. I am definitely locking myself in the first few days I get it.



I just wish they would quit delaying D3 already!


Not that I'll be able to run it. :trashbear:

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Been playing a bit of Crysis Warhead as I picked up a Superclocked Nvidia GTX 460. Have the graphics at Enthusiast (Ultra High) with 4x AA, and man, does the game ever look good. Runs very, very smooth. Completely lag-less. Am running it in Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.


Once I beat Crysis Warhead, I'm off to finally beat StarCraft II, which is also on Ultra High settings.


I love my new video card.

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I wouldn't pick it up for 5 to be honest. I played and liked some of the older ones, but XIII seemed just dire to me. I only saw the beginning though, but when the first three-or-so hours bore me as much as they did in this case, I don't think it's worth carrying on. I don't mind characters being just thrown into the story with no big introduction, but in this case, I tried, but just couldn't give a shit about any of them. The artwork was alright I guess looking but it all just seemed like the billionth soulless emulation of the same thing.


I didn't grab it myself for mostly the same reasons... now, I haven't played a FF game since X (which I liked for the most part), so I'm a bit hesitant about XIII, especially after some of the reviews. Plus, I really don't have the time to invest in it at the moment.


Been playing a bit of Crysis Warhead as I picked up a Superclocked Nvidia GTX 460. Have the graphics at Enthusiast (Ultra High) with 4x AA, and man, does the game ever look good. Runs very, very smooth. Completely lag-less. Am running it in Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.


Once I beat Crysis Warhead, I'm off to finally beat StarCraft II, which is also on Ultra High settings.


I love my new video card.


Yeah, you keep playing your PC games and let me catch up trophy-wise with you on PS3! :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Gbiscuit

Recently purchased Sonic Adventure over Live Arcade. Reliving a bit of my childhood and I forgot how utterly nonsensical it all was. No matter, gameplay is still fun and the adventure zones are a nice break.


Picked up GRAW2 as well for the umpteenth time, I forgot how fun MP was.

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Good call on Sonic Adventure. I never completed it on the Dreamcast. The levels with Amy on the exploding plane were too much for me back then.


I'm going to download that as well as Scott Pilgrim, which I didn't really like during the demo. It moved too slowly for my liking and there was no explanation as to what I was supposed to be doing when I entered a shop.


But the gif thread reminded me of it's potential for kitsch fun, and I'm still besotted with the films soundtrack so I should really give them some money at some point.

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