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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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I just sold that piece of garbage called Gears of War 3.


Now i'm wondering whether I should buy Rage or Dark Souls.




Rage = fun, kick back and relax and blow shit up.

Sark souls = die a bunch and challenge yourself.

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playin all my old games in my free time. started up a new game in Oblivion. goddamn this game is fun, but only if you are in the mood for total immersion

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The new Hitman Absolution looks fucking amazing!!!




And before any of you start dissing the scripted then let me just remind you that it's a (show-off) demo.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

The new Hitman Absolution looks fucking amazing!!!




And before any of you start dissing the scripted then let me just remind you that it's a (show-off) demo.

never played a hitman game but it looks like it has potential. the gunfight/beginning stuff looks a bit lame but once he's in the police uniform it looks pretty great (but very scripted). also wtf is with that inception music.

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The new Hitman Absolution looks fucking amazing!!!




And before any of you start dissing the scripted then let me just remind you that it's a (show-off) demo.

never played a hitman game but it looks like it has potential. the gunfight/beginning stuff looks a bit lame but once he's in the police uniform it looks pretty great (but very scripted). also wtf is with that inception music.


I hope they keep it low-key and throw that god awful metal music right out the window. I want subtleness.

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Started play AssCreed 3 since I just found it after buying it a while ago and never starting it. I didn't realise how close to Unchartered all the climbing and movements seem to be. It's quite enjoyable right now but all the climbing is starting to get tedious already. Is there a massive amount of this through the game??? I wanna cannon peoples!!!

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Been hammering Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga with my housemate quite a bit lately. These games provide an excellent alternative to self-harm for people who've run out of razorblades.

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The most IDM game ever?


Oh man, that's awesome. Want!

I've been enjoying the chuff out of the spiritual sequel Child of Eden on my PS3:




Though the music is nowhere near as good as the first (being a little Japanese-trance heavy), the visuals more than make up for it. It's like a million synapses bubbling behind your eyes - like how exciting fireworks looked when you were a kid.


(Not playing using the ridiculous motion capture/kinect/move method by the way - Shoot em ups need to be played using control pads like they've always done !)

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The most IDM game ever?


Oh man, that's awesome. Want!

I've been enjoying the chuff out of the spiritual sequel Child of Eden on my PS3:




Though the music is nowhere near as good as the first (being a little Japanese-trance heavy), the visuals more than make up for it. It's like a million synapses bubbling behind your eyes - like how exciting fireworks looked when you were a kid.


(Not playing using the ridiculous motion capture/kinect/move method by the way - Shoot em ups need to be played using control pads like they've always done !)


Child of Eden can be played without kinect?

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Child of Eden can be played without kinect?

Well the PS3 version can be played with just a normal pad so I assume it's the same for the 360. I actually only got excited about the game when I found out it could be played that way as I refuse to play any game using this technology:



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been playing Rage on PC which, i have to say, has been the most fun i've had with a game since Half Life 2. i think it's shaping up to be better, which i never thought would happen.

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Been hammering Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga with my housemate quite a bit lately. These games provide an excellent alternative to self-harm for people who've run out of razorblades.


word, great games & Treasure's best moment's imo. i wish ikuruga was longer..

i'm (still) playing quake3 every once in a while, there's really nothing else that gets it just as right as q3, smooth and fast. also came across a pretty good point&click by a small finnish studio called Alpha Polaris, set in the antarctic with The Thing-like proceedings, recommended..

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Child of Eden can be played without kinect?

Well the PS3 version can be played with just a normal pad so I assume it's the same for the 360. I actually only got excited about the game when I found out it could be played that way as I refuse to play any game using this technology:


[funny pic]


Basically. The motion control kinect/move/wii stuff is just utter shit. I'll definitely check out Child of Eden then, it looked really fun.


if i died right now my final words would be this: fuck. blighttown. most infuriating level design i've ever witnessed. small walkways, no way out without going forward, poison, poison everywhere! incredibly strong enemies, respawning enemies (that are themselves very, very annoying). the list goes on. and on top of this there are mad framerate issues. i really hope they get round to patching them.


still loving the game but i've rag equit for the first time after dying in silly ways 20 times in a row in this place.


Yup, not looking forward to Blighttown at all. Might go kill the zombie dragon and butterfly before bothering with it.

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I'm continuing my game in Mass Effect 2. Haven't played it since it came out for PS3, when I got maybe half way through the game. I forgot how good it is. I have no idea why I stopped playing it and then forgot about it. I'm definitely hooked again on this game. I'll be finishing it soon, that's for sure.


Played Rage on PC a bit too. There are a lot of graphical issues that really weigh down on the game. But the game-play is fun. It's basically Borderlands with better graphics. And Borderlands was great, so...


I have one more trophy to go in ICO to get the platinum, and it's pretty tough. I have to beat the entire game in under 2 hours. I tried it once already with half effort and got about 20 mins over. So I think I'll try again once I beat Mass Effect 2. With the help of Youtube I'm sure I can get to the end in under 2 hours. It can get a bit frustrating though, in a couple spots.

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i beat the binding of isaac last night

then i started it again cuz its completely differnet every time cuz the whole game is randomly generated and there were new monsters and 2 new levels.

so i think the more you beat it the harder it gets and the more items and enemies get unlocked .

i wonder how many times u can beat it and unlock new stuff.

not that im gona have to worry about it right now cuzits friggin difficult and is probly gona take me a nother week of trying every day to win again

and also a lot of luck with the items


heres a quick look if you guys wanna see what it basically looks like


its only 5 dollars, and very worth if you ask me

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