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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Just started Final Fantasy VI....man this intro is dragging....i really fucking hate the menu loading times and battle transitions....completely ruins what may have been a great experience...


Let me guess... Are you playing Final Fantasy Anthology or the PSN Store version? Both ports really awful.

Man how can they cock up a conversion of a game as old as '94 ?! BTW - Do give the game a bit of a chance (unless the conversion really is that bad) as I almost gave up after 3 hours as it seemed so dull, but the story slowly opened up and I now think it could possibly be my favourite game in the entire franchise


I have the PSN version, which apparently is a direct port of the FF Anthology disc. I mean, it really, really is fucking stupid how shitty this is, I would have spent no money on a far superior version if I had just downloaded a ROM file. Once again, evidence supporting why people download illegally. There is no reason this shit should occur in a game that old. Same thing happened with Chrono Trigger and FFIV, the wait times between EACH battle in Chrono Trigger made me break the disc. WTF is wrong with people re-releasing game collections? First this, now Silent Hill? I'm getting really fucking disillusioned with gaming these days, not because I don't enjoy new releases, but I basically have to expect a shit ton of problems with every new release, when I could download it for free with less problems. This makes NO. FUCKING. SENSE.

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got to old age and died alone in a car crash with no family last night. started a new play with my girlfriend today, so far so good, not addicted to drugs or feeling suicidal, although our mother just died of cancer :(


lived a modest life and died an old man during a game of baseball. haha not bad, would play again

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got to old age and died alone in a car crash with no family last night. started a new play with my girlfriend today, so far so good, not addicted to drugs or feeling suicidal, although our mother just died of cancer :(


lived a modest life and died an old man during a game of baseball. haha not bad, would play again

I died in my sleep a happy old guy. I wish I was as good at real life as I was at this. What a great way to waste my workday.

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Max Payne 3 - Polished and cinematic but meh... Can't get into the gameplay.

Limbo - Finally finished this, had to youtube myself out of 2 puzzles. Great atmosphere, some very cool sound design.

Bastion - Also finished this. Amazing game, fantastic ending.


I should get my PS3 back so I can play Dragon's Dogma.

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watching some of the hi def trailers for Wii U, I realized once all devices we use for gaming are hi def, games will probably be classified they way we see movies; real life or animated. Nintendo has pursued since the N64 days a look of live animation. I can only see that becoming a bigger field as more fantasy based directors pursue the next gen consoles. People like Cliff Blazinski go for over the top live action ala GOW, then you have Miyamoto, who can make some of the most beautiful environments created, but they would never pass for reality. I think this is a good thing going forward.

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12 free games for PS+ users. Including: Infamous 2, Little Big Planet 2, Virtua Fighter 5, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Just Cause 2, Saints Row 2, Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One, Warhammer 40K Space Marine.


I didn't realise you ever get full games for free with PS+?


they've been giving out more and more recently - I was surprised to see there are 115 full PS3 games available to download (games that are sold as well at retail on Blu-Ray discs) - Sony's really being a leader in digital distribution.


In other news, Virtua Fighter 5 still sucks, even free. Hope everyone has upgraded their stock PS3 HDDs, because most of these games clock in at 15GB each. Amazed they are giving away Little Big Planet 2 - that's a carrot for PSN+ if I ever saw one.


PS+ is an insanely good deal. I managed to pick it up recently and was stoked to see these new games. I just bought JC2 though, and infamous 2. But guardian of light, saints row, lbp2, warhammer. Hells yeah. Thats worth the 50 right there. Plus I got SOTN, and a bunch of other little games already. And discounts on games. There was a ubisoft discount promo recently and I got far cry2 and just cause 2 and beyond good and evil hd for 50% off. good deal for 3 cool games that I haven't played yet.

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Finally started playing dead space 2, I prefer it to the original, a lot. I didn't find the first one scary at all, maybe that's got something to do with it. Fun sci-fi action gore romp. Not as repetitive as the first one, the zero gravity stuff handles much better. I like the bigger scope on things.

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Still playing Dark Souls. Started a new character, managed to cover the same ground in 10 hours that my first character did in 65. Absolutely tearing through the areas. However I'm at a point now where my hand axe (which I've stuck to for speed purposes) is not cutting the mustard anymore and I can't find a decent quick weapon to replace it.


My character is zippy as fuck and the game is much better for it. Bosses, though they take a bit longer through hacking and slashing for longer, are a piece of piss if you're fast.

This game really is the shit. The online integration is so original and adds so much.

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Still playing Dark Souls. Started a new character, managed to cover the same ground in 10 hours that my first character did in 65. Absolutely tearing through the areas. However I'm at a point now where my hand axe (which I've stuck to for speed purposes) is not cutting the mustard anymore and I can't find a decent quick weapon to replace it.


My character is zippy as fuck and the game is much better for it. Bosses, though they take a bit longer through hacking and slashing for longer, are a piece of piss if you're fast.

This game really is the shit. The online integration is so original and adds so much.


I need to get into this series..Maybe Ill run by the local Gamestop and see if they have some cheap used copies (only half-decent thing Gamestop can be used for...fucking hate that company).



So I forced myself to play some more FFVI...and like you guys said earlier, its getting a little more tolerable. I can definitely see how Chrono Trigger evolved out of FFVI (or was FFVI after Chrono Trigger?) Same effects, graphics, sprites, etc. etc. Hopefully the story will become mroe enjoyable as it progresses...I just got Sabin on my crew....


Another funny thing is I grew up with FFIV and loved it...so when I first started playing and found out my first teammate was some guy named Edgar, I immediately thought (FUCK NO NOT THAT DAMNED BARD AGAIN)...and then found out his Auto-Crossbow attack is a fucking shit for the early game.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

ive started playing my favorite series for like the hundreth time, Suikoden. finished the first one and working on the 2. probably the greatest game ever made, YEAH I SAID IT! (with the amount of games that ive played im sure as hell entitled to say it) after which im going to play 3, 4 and 5. then im hittin up persona 3 and 4.

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Suikoden 2 is one of the best RPG's ever made. Fucking fantastic. Shame 3 was never released over here, it was apparently amazing.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Suikoden 2 is one of the best RPG's ever made. Fucking fantastic. Shame 3 was never released over here, it was apparently amazing.

Holy SHIT!!! someone whos actually played it! dude you're like the only person ive met other than my brother whos played that game. lol. but yeah 3 is pretty good, but kinda pales compared to 2. really just cause the story was a little weaker. that sucks that you havent played it. its sad though, and a warning to any FF die hards out there, that this series is better than the FF series but yet recieved no attention at all.

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I'm too poor to play many games but lately I've been digging up old memories by replaying some classic adventure games on dosbox. Right now I'm going through King's Quest 6 [the best of the series]. Some of the puzzles are ridiculous, but the look and sound of the game is beautifully whimsical and nostalgic for me. I also played through Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra, which was one of my favorites back in the day for its unique 1920's setting and murder mystery plot.


I've also been playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent, which is very effective as a horror game, though I'm losing interest more and more toward the end due to lack of variety. The whole constantly-tripping-on-fear effect is really well done, but the gameplay gets very repetitive when the only threat is encountering the same fucking zombie creature who's been ambling about stupidly since the beginning of the game.

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Suikoden 2 is one of the best RPG's ever made. Fucking fantastic. Shame 3 was never released over here, it was apparently amazing.

Holy SHIT!!! someone whos actually played it! dude you're like the only person ive met other than my brother whos played that game. lol. but yeah 3 is pretty good, but kinda pales compared to 2. really just cause the story was a little weaker. that sucks that you havent played it. its sad though, and a warning to any FF die hards out there, that this series is better than the FF series but yet recieved no attention at all.


Yep, I might have to agree! I love that each game takes place in a different part of the world. And the 108 characters thing is great, it's amazing how much backstory they give... at least most of them. I actually played 2 before 1 back in school and creamed it, Luca was a great villain. I've got 1 on PS1 now but still haven't finished it, bit of a travesty!


Nice to see a fellow fan :)

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Guest Frankie5fingers
Yep, I might have to agree! I love that each game takes place in a different part of the world. And the 108 characters thing is great, it's amazing how much backstory they give... at least most of them. I actually played 2 before 1 back in school and creamed it, Luca was a great villain. I've got 1 on PS1 now but still haven't finished it, bit of a travesty!


Nice to see a fellow fan :)

same. and yeah Luca kicked serious ass, probably up there with some of the most badass bad guys of all time. the stories behind the game are some of the best ive ever seen. funny, full of action, and some of the saddest scenes ever made in a video game. i mean seriously, im a grown man and cant help but cry when....well you know. (dont want to spoil it for anyone). it really is a must play for anyone that hasnt yet. and you need to beat 1! there must have been some back story you didnt understand in 2. i'd place one in my top 5 greatest games.


how bout Persona, have you ever played that?

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Guest Shit Attack

hey anybody know how to get a shitty controller working with batman arkam city on the PC ?? this thing will only let you use a xbox360 controller or something . Had the same problem with GTA 4 but found some crack or something that fixed it so does anybody know if you can do it with batman cos using the mouse + keys sucks ?? will admit i stole both of them off the internet but dont think thats what the problem is but if anyone knows how to fix it let us know cheers

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Nah I've never touched the Persona series for some reason. A recommendation I take it?

well of all the games ive ever played, and thats a lot, its the only rpg that even comes close to Suikoden 2. an amazing story, very original, and will keep you entertained for about 150 hours (thats one playthrough, you have to play it twice though if you wanna unlock everything). its very challenging too. part of the game has you going to school (a lot more fun than real school) and the questions youre asked are very difficult. all in all a great game. youll want to play 3 and 4. 1 and 2 arent that great, and the stories arent related so you wont miss anything skipping.
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Guest jasondonervan

Persona is great, 3 & 4 are indeed where it's at. If you have the means, grab the FES version on PS2 - it's definitely better than the cut-down PSP version (which is still great).


Persona 4 (Golden) is on it's way to the PS Vita by the end of the year - confirmed for NA but not EU yet. Extra character and original voice cast re-recordings included, could be a real treat, especially on the Vita's luscious OLED screen.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

everything that Jason said!


im still not sure about the Vita though. ive never heard any good reviews for it. not in the sense of "it sucks" but no one has said anything other than, hey look at this cool screen. things along that line. id never play a persona game on it simply cause i already own them. but i am thinking of getting the new vita-Assassins creed bundle thats coming out. that looks good. hopefully some good games come out on it.

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Guest bitroast

Been playing MGS Peace Walker on the vita (it's just the psp version, but you can play with the settings to have camera control on d-pad and right analogue stick control the d-pad).


Anyway, yeah I'm loving the vita. Skipped the psp so there's plenty of games on the online store to pick through (something the 3ds is seriously lacking in.. Where are any of the games on that system??). I'm loving the vita, but it is overpriced and hopefully still in early days.

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