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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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I've just downloaded the GBA emulator and I have so far most of FFs and Yugioh... Well, I can't download all the games but, first, need to finish those.

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Saying that SMB isn't a 'serious' game is kinda.. silly. nevermind.

the game is about a Japanese Italian plumber eating mushrooms, jumping into pipes, and saving a princess from a giant turtle. you really think thats "Serious". lol.


no. just no.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Just finished the Forza 4 leaderboards, placed 30th in the world out of 2 and a half million or so players. Now I'm playing Grid, Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3, F1 2011 and Dirt 3. I'll move back to Skyrim sometime this week and restart after downloading the expansion.


Going to get Magic 2013 soon too.


Oh, and of course, Minecraft.

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Saying that SMB isn't a 'serious' game is kinda.. silly. nevermind.

the game is about a Japanese Italian plumber eating mushrooms, jumping into pipes, and saving a princess from a giant turtle. you really think thats "Serious". lol.


no. just no.



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Guest Frankie5fingers

Saying that SMB isn't a 'serious' game is kinda.. silly. nevermind.

the game is about a Japanese Italian plumber eating mushrooms, jumping into pipes, and saving a princess from a giant turtle. you really think thats "Serious". lol.


no. just no.



whats going on here. why is everyone ganging up on me. lol.

you know, no one, and i mean NO ONE, on this site knows more about games than me. i havent played every game, but i sure as hell played more games than anyone here. i bet i have more games for one of my systems than most of you have played in your entire life. so no one here can tell me whats what when it comes to video games.

and if there happens to be someone who does know more than me, however unlikely, then you sir/ma'am will be my best friend forever. lol


you know, this actually intrigues me. if the mods dont mind, id like to issue a challenge. that everyone takes pictures of all their video games. to see who owns more games. and games on Emulators and Steam also count. just take a screen shot of those. ill start a thread for it.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

oh don't worry. its nothing. but i do wanna see what games everyone owns. im what you call a TRUE hardcore gamer. not one of those people who claims to be cause they own Skyrim. which by the way is not a Hardcore game. (don't get me started on that).

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Saying that SMB isn't a 'serious' game is kinda.. silly. nevermind.

the game is about a Japanese Italian plumber eating mushrooms, jumping into pipes, and saving a princess from a giant turtle. you really think thats "Serious". lol.


no. just no.



whats going on here. why is everyone ganging up on me. lol.

you know, no one, and i mean NO ONE, on this site knows more about games than me. i havent played every game, but i sure as hell played more games than anyone here. i bet i have more games for one of my systems than most of you have played in your entire life. so no one here can tell me whats what when it comes to video games.

and if there happens to be someone who does know more than me, however unlikely, then you sir/ma'am will be my best friend forever. lol


you know, this actually intrigues me. if the mods dont mind, id like to issue a challenge. that everyone takes pictures of all their video games. to see who owns more games. and games on Emulators and Steam also count. just take a screen shot of those. ill start a thread for it.


omg so kewl

such a badass

i luv u frankiefivedingus!

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Guest Frankie5fingers

yeah yeah yeah, keep it comin guys. just keep pointing out that i have no fucking life. why don't you think about what your saying while i go cut my wrists. lol

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Just finished the Forza 4 leaderboards, placed 30th in the world out of 2 and a half million or so players. Now I'm playing Grid, Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3, F1 2011 and Dirt 3. I'll move back to Skyrim sometime this week and restart after downloading the expansion.


Going to get Magic 2013 soon too.


Oh, and of course, Minecraft.


Since when is 30th place anything to be proud of? :trollface:


j/k man... 30 ranked worldwide!

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Meet The Pyro Video


This is good.



Thank fuck there was no awkward reveal.



I just spent 15 euros on hats and shit. Leaving my soldier alone to try out Pyro now.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

yeah it is. thats like, every day for me. everything looks happy and nice, meanwhile the world is burning down around me.

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This is probably my favourite page of anything ever.


And I own a lot of books, more than anyone here. :trollface:

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Guest Frankie5fingers

you know, no one, and i mean NO ONE, on this site knows more about games than me. i havent played every game, but i sure as hell played more games than anyone here.


this just supports my theory that having lots of experience does not necessarily translate into understanding. you've played so many games, wow, cool story bro, but then you go and say something daft about what's a "serious" game and what isn't. why?

apparently this along with the thread i started went WAY over your head. lol. im not actually that Arrogant.
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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse



I hope they've used all that time to build a next-level engine or summat


I agree, but I'm impressed with how far they have taken the Source engine. Portal 2 looks pretty great but then again there isn't an extremely dynamic diversity in the terrain or size of what's going on usually in that game so I guess it's not saying much.


I wouldn't be surprised if they are rolling out a fuck ton of new dramatic improvement to the Source engine for their next Half Life instance that makes it look like I brand new supa sexy engine. I would be surprised if they started a new engine.

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