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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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red faction guerrilla - lots and lots of fun.


every shooter will include some form of destructible environment in the near future because its too damn awesome, its as inevitable as was integrating physics ~8 years ago.

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Singularity - Just completed it. This really seems to have been overlooked but I really enjoyed it, it's like a cross between HL2 and Bioshock. It's not hugely original but if you're a fan of either of those then I'd suggest giving it a look.

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red faction guerrilla - lots and lots of fun.


every shooter will include some form of destructible environment in the near future because its too damn awesome, its as inevitable as was integrating physics ~8 years ago.



this is one of the many reason why i hated MW2 and why i love BFBC2 so much. if a grenade goes off next to a wall.. its going to damage the wall. that dosnt happen in MW2 but does in BFBC2

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my cpu is bottlenecking to fuck on gta4 :(


my graphics card is all 'yeah sup dude' chugging away at 50%.

my ram is chilling at the corner not even breaking a sweat.


my cpu is bleeding from the mouth and anus.

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i feel like picking up dragon age again and trying out some of the expansions, does anyone know if they should be played in any specific order though? and why is "awakening" much more expensive than any of the other expansions?

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Guest disparaissant

my flatmate decided, on a whim, to spend most of his paycheck on a ps3. i have no qualms with this. currently replaying fallout3 on it, and we've been passing a controller around playing Heavy Rain, which might be the most cinematic game I've ever played. also fucking scary. christ almighty, the first scene with the girl and i've got the controller and you have to fight off fucking rapists and it's just like JESUS CHRIST AHH PRESS BUTTONS DONT DIE OR GET RAPED. odd how good it is, considering how much i hated fahrenheit/indigo prophecy.

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i feel like picking up dragon age again and trying out some of the expansions, does anyone know if they should be played in any specific order though? and why is "awakening" much more expensive than any of the other expansions?


Word is that the DLCs for Dragon Age are quite bad, which is surprising since the Mass Effect 2 DLCs have all been top notch.

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ORLY? I downloaded this... must try it!


Been playing Space Invaders Infinity Gene - fucking mental, and it can make levels out of music on your HDD as well!

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Guest ansgaria

Just bought Minecraft. My mate's playing it a lot, so I decided to try it out. It is actually a lot of fun.



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I've never really been interested in the MGS series, but I am intrigued by the 'cut everything' idea


I can't fucking wait for it. The cutting seems extremely smooth and well-done. I was skeptical about them having Raiden as the main-character (I was already skeptical when MGS2 came out) and changing the subtitle from 'tactical espionage action' to 'lighting bolt action'. I love MGS for it's sneaking.


holy fuck amnesia: the dark descent is the scariest game i've ever played.


So I've heard. I played the second Penumbra game with some mates last night. We were screaming as little girls. Holy shit.

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FIFA 11 demo

I'm pleased so far. Some nice improvements:

- Richer animations once again. I can't imagine how much player animations this game contains.

- Better pacing. No more weird jumps in pace and more realistic ball behavior.

- Véry physical gameplay. I was pretty good at dribbling and doing tricks in FIFA 10 and WC 10, but it is really hard to run with the ball in this game. Running feels very different, dueling is hard, tackling is loads of fun.

- They made player attributions more important or something. But what this especially does is add imperfection to player behavior. This works extremely well, game feels a lot more realistic.

- Crossing and heading is improved a lot

- Deep passes feel a lot sharper

- High pressure seems less effective. Which is a good thing.

- Match highlights! (so I assume you can now save multiplayer goals after the game)

- Menu's seem much smoother and seem to bother me a bit less


Team and opponent AI are still utter shite though.


But overall, it feels better balanced, fixes some important issues and has some very nice new animations and gameplay tweaks.

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Dead Rising 2 Prologue I whack on when I want to kill some zombies. Some of the weapon combo's are fucking ridiculous, RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME! Drill bucket? Fuck yeah!

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FIFA 11 demo

I'm pleased so far. Some nice improvements:

- Richer animations once again. I can't imagine how much player animations this game contains.

- Better pacing. No more weird jumps in pace and more realistic ball behavior.

- Véry physical gameplay. I was pretty good at dribbling and doing tricks in FIFA 10 and WC 10, but it is really hard to run with the ball in this game. Running feels very different, dueling is hard, tackling is loads of fun.

- They made player attributions more important or something. But what this especially does is add imperfection to player behavior. This works extremely well, game feels a lot more realistic.

- Crossing and heading is improved a lot

- Deep passes feel a lot sharper

- High pressure seems less effective. Which is a good thing.

- Match highlights! (so I assume you can now save multiplayer goals after the game)

- Menu's seem much smoother and seem to bother me a bit less


Team and opponent AI are still utter shite though.


But overall, it feels better balanced, fixes some important issues and has some very nice new animations and gameplay tweaks.


-Football Chants (crowd dynamics)

-finer detailing on players actual footwear (ie. means better customization on your Be a pro)

-be a goal keeper mode will be fantastic in a 11 vs 11 online game!

-great goal celebrations, no more running through the play who scored, jumping and feels more fluid

-precision passing, makes the game so much better, no more ping pong passes

-real time 360 psychics makes the game lovely to play.. i cant wait to get stuck in to a be a manager mode with afcb.

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my flatmate decided, on a whim, to spend most of his paycheck on a ps3. i have no qualms with this. currently replaying fallout3 on it, and we've been passing a controller around playing Heavy Rain, which might be the most cinematic game I've ever played. also fucking scary. christ almighty, the first scene with the girl and i've got the controller and you have to fight off fucking rapists and it's just like JESUS CHRIST AHH PRESS BUTTONS DONT DIE OR GET RAPED. odd how good it is, considering how much i hated fahrenheit/indigo prophecy.



Yeah, Heavy Rain was awesome. I still have to go back and get Platinum on it.

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i just got my new pc, been playing crysis warhead on max settings, which is nice eye candy wise, but it's a fucking boring game. crap design, story, sound design, blah.


mass effect 2 is awesome though.

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