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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

Indeed, my son.



It's been a while since we got a really good zombie movie ( although, I did enjoy [REC] ) I would of enjoyed it more if the internets didn't spoil some key moments .


Hopefully the World War Z film will be epic

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King of the Ants - first half - 9/10, second half - 4/10 . Movie started out very promising and becomes a kind of hard to watch thriller because it's so intense then the plot takes a pretty unrealistic direction and gets silly


I can see that, although it was strangely satisfying to see the scenario played out.




The coincidental murder then living in the widow's house and falling in love was a bit 'tarded. Oh hey, Levar Burton is going to be on T&E this week.







yeah exactly, for me the whole thing you said in the spoiler tags is when i stopped being into the movie. I think if they totally subtracted that out it would be more like a 8/10.

It was one of Stuart Gordon's best post Reanimator movies for sure though. Have you seen 'Stuck' or 'Edmond' ? I thought Edmond was pretty hilarious and pretty disturbing, haven't seen Stuck.



edit: and shit new T& E sounds wesome if levar burton is in it, and my new fascination with Gordon makes me want to go check out Dolls ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092906/ ) and From Beyond ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091083/ )

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

Drag me to hell












...did you like it ? lol


And no , I haven't seen it . A LOT of people love it .

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the yes men fix the world.


fun, inspiring. although i get a bit depressed when i see stuff like this because the panorama is so fucking clear yet there seems to be no possible way to change the course of all. but that's just me.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Drag me to hell












...did you like it ? lol


And no , I haven't seen it . A LOT of people love it .


Lol, yeah I did enjoy it actually, it was good fun. But like completely not what I expected and a bit ridiculous.


I fully expected an in your face shit scared horror and that's just not what it is.

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lol nice scoring system ^.


the ratcatcher - 7.8 sluts out of 10 enjoyed this bleak and depressing portrayal of a young boy's deprived, loveless childhood in 70's glasgow slums... like a scottish 'kes'.


i'd be interested to see if any americans can actually watch/understand this film.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

The Pacific HBO Mini Series... wow so far 8.4/10


almost made a thread about this a while back, I guess its the same team that made Band Of Brothers but it seems a lot more involving/entertaining/intense to me. fucking great so far

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The Pacific HBO Mini Series... wow so far 8.4/10


almost made a thread about this a while back, I guess its the same team that made Band Of Brothers but it seems a lot more involving/entertaining/intense to me. fucking great so far


people have been whining there isn't enough of rattatatatatatta BLAMO KABLOEY SPLaT BANG BANG BOOOOOM. but i guess the latest episodes on peleliu have made them shut up now. they are definitely following less characters than they did on BoB.

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Le Révélateur.


Not sure what to make of it, looks gorgeous tho


Is this what your avatar is from? No soundtrack/score? Looks mighty interesting.

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I watched Tengoku to jigoku/High and Low/Heaven and Hell - 7/10


First Kurosawa movie I've ever watched. It started out pretty good but the last 30 minutes were so long and boring that I almost turned it off.

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my new fascination with Gordon makes me want to go check out Dolls ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092906/ ) and From Beyond ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091083/ )


From Beyond is definitely worth watching; Dolls I haven't seen.




Kick-Ass: 7.5/10. Surprisingly enjoyable, though it was a bit disturbing to watch a 12-year-old girl efficiently kill about 20-30 people.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Kick-Ass: 7.5/10. Surprisingly enjoyable, though it was a bit disturbing to watch a 12-year-old girl efficiently kill about 20-30 people.




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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

kickass 6/10

hype is an odd thing. i wouldn't have gone and seen this if i hadn't hear it was any good BUT if i hadnt heard it was any good i would have enjoyed it more than i did. i expected it to be good and it was merely ok. perhaps more suited to dvd than the cinema.


a better ending would have been



if the bazooka exploded when it hit frank (as it probably should/would have) killing them all. roll credits



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Guest Mirezzi

Cameron did basically everything in his power to diminish my appreciation for the technology in Avatar.


The only thing a semi-intelligent adult could appreciate is the technology, after all, but seriously...Cameron fucked up almost every single major creative decision that came his way. The most blaring example, of course, is the design of the aliens. Wow. Just fucking terrible.


Dirt. That's what this project needed more than anything. Something to dirty the image. It just looked soooooo fucking pristine and everything seemed to shine or have some glossy, lacquer finish, reminiscent of old screen savers or 3D Max benchmark programs from 10 years ago.

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Cameron did basically everything in his power to diminish my appreciation for the technology in Avatar.


The only thing a semi-intelligent adult could appreciate is the technology, after all, but seriously...Cameron fucked up almost every single major creative decision that came his way. The most blaring example, of course, is the design of the aliens. Wow. Just fucking terrible.


Dirt. That's what this project needed more than anything. Something to dirty the image. It just looked soooooo fucking pristine and everything seemed to shine or have some glossy, lacquer finish, reminiscent of old screen savers or 3D Max benchmark programs from 10 years ago.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Cop Land - What's in there is great but the threads that you're teased with that the film never really goes into makes it kind of disappointing. The climax was a lot more satisfying when I watched in on TV as a teenager too, though I did like the final scene.

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Guest Z_B_Z

a.i. - 7/10 - saw this when it came out and remember not liking it. after a rewatch ill say it was ok, but i cant help but think of what it would have been like if kubrick directed it..

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Cameron did basically everything in his power to diminish my appreciation for the technology in Avatar.


The only thing a semi-intelligent adult could appreciate is the technology, after all, but seriously...Cameron fucked up almost every single major creative decision that came his way. The most blaring example, of course, is the design of the aliens. Wow. Just fucking terrible.


Dirt. That's what this project needed more than anything. Something to dirty the image. It just looked soooooo fucking pristine and everything seemed to shine or have some glossy, lacquer finish, reminiscent of old screen savers or 3D Max benchmark programs from 10 years ago.


Pandora is a pretty pristine place... You'll get your dirty dark images when he makes an R rated Battle Angel.


I stand by my stance that Avatar is one of the better blockbuster movies in the past years. If you were expecting a story with the depth of a Coen film or PTA, then what the fuck is wrong with you? Just like how music can be serious or fun, Avatar is purely a mainstream fantasy/sci fi popcorn flick that happens to also have a very interesting message that speaks very true on our human history. Whether you like the movie or not, the story of Avatar is the dirtiest mainstream portrayal of the human race I can remember. Its tremendous success I think speaks volumes on the general populace feelings on our society today and the fear that our Earth will only be destroyed more and more as time passes. Its a very anti-capitalistic film and I think it will be looked back as an important one.


Right now I am watching Hardball with Chris Matthews (which is a US MSNBC Political show) and DMC chairman Tim Kaine just brought up Avatar and how its success is a reminder to our government that greed hurts our future more than ever before. Capitalism is one of the greatest evil's of today. FDR has probably been rolling in his grave ever since 1980.


If people can accept that the message of Avatar though obvious and simple to most of us, is very very important... then I'm not sure why you'd hate the film so much. Avatar is inspiring new generations to appreciate our greatest gift, Earth.

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