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For those that bought the Analord vinyl back in 2005:


If you now buy the 10 Analords that have extra tracks on, thats £35. For that you get 20 previously unreleased tracks - that works out at £1.75 per new track - about 75% more expensive compared to the average track on Bleep these days, but not too bad.


Factor in that you also get access to very high quality versions of 41 of the original analord tracks - like, much higher quality than you're likely to get from recording your own Analord vinyl (unless your some sound engineer or something) then thats a total of 61 high quality WAVS or mp3s for £35 - works out at 57p per track.


Then factor in this:




and it should be an easy decision ; )


Factor in that I've already spent close to $200 on Analord tracks and another 70 doesn't seem all that appealing.

Plus 75% over current market value of tracks is ridiculous.

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I posted earlier that I didn't get my confirmation from Rephlex right away. Turns out google had sent it to my spam box even though it came from googlemail.com. I now have a googolplex of terrabytes of wav files.

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Wow, just wow. Good for Rephlex! I'm glad to see they finally got the new site done as they promised all along!


Now, WATMM just needs to get done, and the trifecta will be complete...

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Awesome - purchased Monolith and am listening to heaps of clips. Best surprise tune so far is Rings of Saturn off Mental Union - totally awesome, will probably get the whole album. (and new Wisp, and Jodey Kendrick)


Noted some (most) of the streaming mp3s are indeed 64kbps but some are V4 (Macc and Doghn, Jodey Kendrick, Mental Union).


Unreleased AFX is interesting - I was really hoping for an unreleased track from Analord 10 but nope :(

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64kbps ? that's damn near unlistenable.


well it's just for streaming eh.. gives you a fair idea if the tune is good or not. That said I prefer higher bitrate too..


But the main thing with the site for me is the prices are reasonable - especially for some of those EPs with heaps of tracks.

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I just don't get the attitudes of some of you guys. We basically get a shit load of amazing content for the holidays, and people are complaining about the idea that they need to pay money to get the analords to get the new tracks. We could have just not gotten new tracks at all... If you really feel bad about it, then pirate it I guess... but for me, I am going to support Rephlex as best as I can, because they have offered timeless joy to my ears over the years. I only own two analords on vinyl, but its not like I can play them on my computer, especially not in the quality of these recordings. To complain about the preview bit-rates, we could have just gotten lame 30 second samples with beeps and buzzes every 10 seconds (boomkat/bleep)... Yeah you don't get full fidelity but you can tell if you like the music or not... and if you do like it, then buy it and listen in full quality. Rephlex may be a bit cheap from time to time, with no sleeves for their vinyl, and limited artwork/packaging... but in the end the music is all that matters, and they release amazing stuff. It's not like these artists are flowing with cash because of Rephlex... maybe Richard and Grant... but for the most part, these guys probably barely survive financially as is. We need them just as much as they need us. Why do you think Rephlex is starting to pick up the pace with this flashy new website? Just to stroke your precious cocks?

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but for the most part, these guys probably barely survive financially as is. We need them just as much as they need us.




Maybe its not 50/50, but there's clearly a dependence on both sides. They need money to buy gear, and we need their amazing music. Or do you just have 6,000 posts on this forum because you like dick and fart jokes?

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but for the most part, these guys probably barely survive financially as is. We need them just as much as they need us.




Maybe its not 50/50, but there's clearly a dependence on both sides. They need money to buy gear, and we need their amazing music. Or do you just have 6,000 posts on this forum because you like dick and fart jokes?


my petty-minded friend, you don't know much about me. less talk, more tonguing Richard's ass.


it's pretty overwhelming, being introduced into a world with differing opinions, isn't it? it's alright, it just takes time to get used to it.

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I understand Wisp's capitalist standpoint; and rightly so, he is on the roll regardless of anything he says so that needs disclosure. The idea that Rephlex is not here to serve me; they don't need to have corporate responsibility or customer service, etc. is something I get. That's true but it kills me when people can't sit back and recognize the huge jerk off it is. I don't understand this "clear your conscience" shit because I did not download Analord; I sat there at my turntable and encoded every track as the volumes came. So now, I see that I would have to pay only $3 less than the lp (!) to re-buy it and get the unreleased tracks and still get my dick cranked by inflated fucking prices and the dreaded pound. If you told that process to a non-IDM music buyer, they would be so tickled.


I don't know shit about hacking; I wouldn't advocate that truthfully; I was just really pissed and even more so that few people seemed to feel the same way. New Aphex is exciting but...

I just remember a time where Rephlex released CDs and LPs at a fair price and I used to buy Aphex Twin releases also at a fair price. Then, crazy world happened from 2005 on and it looks to only continue. I can only imagine what's in store--fuck, Wisp is already on the gallop by releasing an LP with every track featured on the forthcoming disc unbeknownst to many. I understand "album samplers" but be upfront. It's just little shit like that. And now all kinds of people will bitch and come up with some clever remarks and trash me but, whatever. It's not the first time I've been shitposted on for an opinion. It's just all leaving a bad taste in my mouth--Reid's snarky comments, Aphex Twin's "whatever", and the anti-climax (for me) of the new Rephlex everyone has waited for. It makes me want to withhold all purchasing on principle alone. Fuck it, last post, sorry to those who are having a great time with the new site--who am I to shit in the cereal?


dude, enough with the poop and dick jokes already, christ.

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but for the most part, these guys probably barely survive financially as is. We need them just as much as they need us.




Maybe its not 50/50, but there's clearly a dependence on both sides. They need money to buy gear, and we need their amazing music. Or do you just have 6,000 posts on this forum because you like dick and fart jokes?


my petty-minded friend, you don't know much about me. less talk, more tonguing Richard's ass.


it's pretty overwhelming, being introduced into a world with differing opinions, isn't it? it's alright, it just takes time to get used to it.


Richard's ass? So you are here for the fart jokes!


Look, I am just getting a little tired of the negativity of WATMM sometimes. I'm not saying force a smile and put on a happy face, differences is what makes discussions unique and interesting... but I think all of us here have a pretty strong favoritism towards WATMM music (why would we post here if we didn't?)... and from my perspective, you can't equate the price of an album to a set standard. Yeah alright most records sell for what $10-$20... but whats wrong with an artist deciding to charge more? You ultimately have the power to decide, if the price isn't worth the content, then don't buy it. It's really that simple. I think of paying for music as more as an investment then the purchasing of a physical thing. Its something I will most likely have forever, and if my money goes towards more content, then sweet! If I eventually don't think the artist is providing enough value and I no longer have interest in the music he/she is creating, then I will cease. Music is honestly priceless to me, and money although a very essential element to our society, is nothing compared to it.


My personal feelings towards the intentions of the artists have NOTHING to do with my enjoyment of their creations. Richard may be a greedy ass, but his music is too important for me to give a shit.

Edited by karmakramer
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but for the most part, these guys probably barely survive financially as is. We need them just as much as they need us.




Maybe its not 50/50, but there's clearly a dependence on both sides. They need money to buy gear, and we need their amazing music. Or do you just have 6,000 posts on this forum because you like dick and fart jokes?


my petty-minded friend, you don't know much about me. less talk, more tonguing Richard's ass.


it's pretty overwhelming, being introduced into a world with differing opinions, isn't it? it's alright, it just takes time to get used to it.


Richard's ass? So you are here for the fart jokes!


Look, I am just getting a little tired of the negativity of WATMM sometimes. I'm not saying force a smile and put on a happy face, differences is what makes discussions unique and interesting... but I think all of us here have a pretty strong favoritism towards WATMM music (why would we post here if we didn't?)... and from my perspective, you can't equate the price of an album to a set standard. Yeah alright most records sell for what $10-$20... but whats wrong with an artist deciding to charge more? You ultimately have the power to decide, if the price isn't worth the content, then don't buy it. It's really that simple. I think of paying for music as more as an investment then the purchasing of a physical thing. Its something I will most likely have forever, and if my money goes towards more content, then sweet! If I eventually don't think the artist is providing enough value and I no longer have interest in the music he/she is creating, then I will cease. Music is honestly priceless to me, and money although a very essential element to our society, is nothing compared to it.



once you are done setting yourself up on some pseudo-ethical cross, I laughed at how inaccurate the statement I quoted of yours was, which the statement isolated in and of itself had no bearing in the argument you are now writing in response to my post.




im sure there was no negativity or lashing out on your part either, its all good.


also, i might as well clarify,


im not buying the new online analord whatevers. I don't care that much. Don't mean to blow anyone's mind, but I already paid for the vinyl, listened to the b-sides, didn't care for them, not buyin them.


On the other hand, I do appreciate the loads of other stuff on there, planning on buy quite a bit after xmas.

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I understand Wisp's capitalist standpoint; and rightly so, he is on the roll regardless of anything he says so that needs disclosure. The idea that Rephlex is not here to serve me; they don't need to have corporate responsibility or customer service, etc. is something I get. That's true but it kills me when people can't sit back and recognize the huge jerk off it is. I don't understand this "clear your conscience" shit because I did not download Analord; I sat there at my turntable and encoded every track as the volumes came. So now, I see that I would have to pay only $3 less than the lp (!) to re-buy it and get the unreleased tracks and still get my dick cranked by inflated fucking prices and the dreaded pound. If you told that process to a non-IDM music buyer, they would be so tickled.


I don't know shit about hacking; I wouldn't advocate that truthfully; I was just really pissed and even more so that few people seemed to feel the same way. New Aphex is exciting but...

I just remember a time where Rephlex released CDs and LPs at a fair price and I used to buy Aphex Twin releases also at a fair price. Then, crazy world happened from 2005 on and it looks to only continue. I can only imagine what's in store--fuck, Wisp is already on the gallop by releasing an LP with every track featured on the forthcoming disc unbeknownst to many. I understand "album samplers" but be upfront. It's just little shit like that. And now all kinds of people will bitch and come up with some clever remarks and trash me but, whatever. It's not the first time I've been shitposted on for an opinion. It's just all leaving a bad taste in my mouth--Reid's snarky comments, Aphex Twin's "whatever", and the anti-climax (for me) of the new Rephlex everyone has waited for. It makes me want to withhold all purchasing on principle alone. Fuck it, last post, sorry to those who are having a great time with the new site--who am I to shit in the cereal?


Just paypal them (paypal@rephlex.com) like $15 and then pirate the tracks. Problem solved. They get some money, you get some music.

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When abstract painters can charge 100,000's of bucks for some triangles and squares in different colors... why is it absurd for a musician to do the same? Obviously it has something to do with the quantity of the item, but its still a little strange that corporatism has set a standard pricing on music, and if you go beyond the normal, your considered greedy? So Brittany Spears has millions of supporters and the dude who has a second job and makes music out of passion has to be relegated to a similar pricing structure or face criticism?


Obviously I understand that because music can be accessed digitally it makes it impossible to keep something more "exclusive" and why would you want that anyway...? But that doesn't make the situation any less fucked up. Its just how it is.

Edited by karmakramer
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When abstract painters can charge 100,000's of bucks for some triangles and squares in different colors... why is it absurd for a musician to do the same? Obviously it has something to do with the quantity of the item, but its still a little strange that corporatism has set a standard pricing on music, and if you go beyond the normal, your considered greedy? So Brittany Spears has millions of supporters and the dude who has a second job and makes music out of passion has to be relegated to a similar pricing structure or face criticism?



you are only seeing in from the side of the artist. in a consumerist society, the consumer plays half the part as well. if the majority of the consumers do not wish to repurchase all of this, it sends a message that yes, that art is not worth that monetary value to consumers.

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im torn on this issue, because really, everyone seems to be making a bigger fuss over it than there should be.


im happy that they reorganized and set up a catalogue like this with the option to repurchase the analords, etc. etc., but in no way am I somehow obligated to be grateful, or immediately say this is an absolutely brilliant marketing idea just because i like the guy's music.

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