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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

Friendly Foil

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thats a good theory and all john lithgow, but why do you just keep saying that without presenting us with any counter evidence? we've already shown you piles of evidence, namely that german radio station played 2 actual tracks from the album that sound VERY similar to the rest. what do you have to say to that?

if this is just your intuition then kindly shut the fuck up,


Who are you, again? Hows about I have my own opinion and not fall in line with all you sheep fawning over Joe Electronica's "My First Whack At Reason"?


Obvious Sean Booth is obvious.

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Guest Greg Reason

i agree that on Untilted and Quaristice their low fi distortion techniques worked out great. Im just not feeling that bassy tearing effect coming out of the speakers on Oversteps. sounds thin and weak but like it's going to break my speakers at the same time.


Yeah I'm not immensely keen on the gritty distortion thing they have going on this record. It's a bit of a disgusting distortion sound, but that's probably what they were looking for if they chose that one to use so frequently on the record. Maybe it'll grow on me.

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thats a good theory and all john lithgow, but why do you just keep saying that without presenting us with any counter evidence? we've already shown you piles of evidence, namely that german radio station played 2 actual tracks from the album that sound VERY similar to the rest. what do you have to say to that?

if this is just your intuition then kindly shut the fuck up,


Who are you, again? Hows about I have my own opinion and not fall in line with all you sheep fawning over Joe Electronica's "My First Whack At Reason"?


Obvious Sean Booth is obvious.


Actually Sean Booth is round my house right now playing Outrun and he said that isn't him.

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But we still can't verify the quality of the mastering nor the ripping/transcoding. Which plays a factor, since you're talking about tone.


i think this is something that people are holding out on or imagining but i hear no obvious transcoding dithering going on, the mastering is final (its a promo cd, why would it be different?) and the tone is going to be 99.9% similar to the finalized album. you don't have to have a degree in audio engineering to know this

Edited by Awepittance
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Guest lithgow

thats a good theory and all john lithgow, but why do you just keep saying that without presenting us with any counter evidence? we've already shown you piles of evidence, namely that german radio station played 2 actual tracks from the album that sound VERY similar to the rest. what do you have to say to that?

if this is just your intuition then kindly shut the fuck up,


Who are you, again? Hows about I have my own opinion and not fall in line with all you sheep fawning over Joe Electronica's "My First Whack At Reason"?


you're totally welcome to have an opinion, but are you one of those people who can't back up their own opinions and just likes to say controversial shit for the thrill? are you in denial because you dont like Oversteps?

if you arent then stop being such a twat and explain to us why you think this is fake, nobody is going to listen to you if your posts resemble a broken record


Wait, so I have to write a novel about it? Is it not possible to just say it's fake? So sorry that I don't fall immediately in love with a shitty sounding transcoded poop pile and write encyclopedia's dedicated to my undying passion for it.

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chiastic slide is only lo-fi in the sense that there is a lot of digital dithering and bit crushing at play, the mastering and mixing of Chiastic slide was fucking impeccable though, everything jumped out in all the right places. not like Oversteps where parts actually sound like they want you to imagine your speakers breaking or blowing out.


My beautiful 1979 Marantz 2285b receiver's power supply failed last week and I spent part of the weekend rebuilding it, the new leak was the thing I listened to first, it was nerve-wracking. We made it through just fine though.


Agreed on Chiastic, that record is microscopically tweaked and manicured.

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But we still can't verify the quality of the mastering nor the ripping/transcoding. Which plays a factor, since you're talking about tone.


i think this is something that people are holding out on or imagining but i hear no obvious transcoding dithering going on, the mastering is final (its a promo cd, why would it be different?) and the tone is going to be 99.9% similar to the finalized album. you don't have to have a degree in audio engineering to know this

The artifacts seem to be most obvious on "see on see".

I don't know much about how labels work or about how Warp works and no, I don't have an audio engineering degree. So no, I wouldn't know whether the mastering would occur before or after sending out the promos, when the promos were sent out 2 weeks after preorder/announcement, 2+ months before the release date.

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Guest Greg Reason

This is brilliant. Almost as good as Tool's 10,000 Days leak debacle. For months people were listening to (what was quite obviously) the new Tool record whilst swearing blind it was fake. They shut the fuck up pretty quick when the "real" one came out.

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yeah fuck the net, it exposes people who don't like to drink, who aren't 21 and who don't live near metropolitin areas to awesome music. i only like to keep Autechre available for functioning alcoholics who live in big cities, that's the spirit


irl lol

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Guest the anonymous forumite

oh Bob, thank you for that sarcastic photobucket pic.

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Guest Greg Reason

I don't know much about how labels work or about how Warp works and no, I don't have an audio engineering degree. So no, I wouldn't know whether the mastering would occur before or after sending out the promos, when the promos were sent out 2 weeks after preorder/announcement, 2+ months before the release date.


In 99.999 percent of cases the promos have been mastered. I say 99.999 percent because maybe at some point in history an album was sent out prior to mastering but that is pretty much never the case.

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Wait, so I have to write a novel about it? Is it not possible to just say it's fake? So sorry that I don't fall immediately in love with a shitty sounding transcoded poop pile and write encyclopedia's dedicated to my undying passion for it.


you can have your opinion and you can of course write want you want, BUT: ignoring the fact the ilanders and see on see were played on sunday, and that these two fit perfectly into the leaked album makes you look like a retard. and besides that: who would make a fake that sounds like this anyway? Ae making an album based almost completely on FM-sounds? are you kidding me? fakers do stuff like that soulless and crappy altered carbon shit.

Edited by panz0r
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