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yeah I dunno. Rick & Morty isn't a marketing scheme usually. Pop culture reference does not equal advertising. Tbh watching that show, I rarely thought of Back to the Future at all? I mean, you haven't seen it so not sure where what you say is coming from tbqhbbq.

It's a goode show btw.

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yeah I dunno. Rick & Morty isn't a marketing scheme usually. Pop culture reference does not equal advertising. Tbh watching that show, I rarely thought of Back to the Future at all? I mean, you haven't seen it so not sure where what you say is coming from tbqhbbq.

It's a goode show btw.


I'm not saying it's a marketing scheme or anything negative, only that there's a thin line between a sponsored scene like that (aside from direct ads) and what animated shows naturally do. I'm not completely unfamiliar with the show, it originated from Back to the Future parody and it's strange to deny characters' likeliness visually and as archetypes (Doc wasn't an original character himself, a mish-mash of Einstein and various imaginary mad scientists).


I think we should stop this discussion and reflect.

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The Engineer city arrival and genocide and Davids mysterious sanctuary/lab was the best part then the ship rescues them and then it got a bit silly. The ending few minutes was also excellent just before he locks Daniels in the sleep pod and thereafter. The remaining 70% was okay.





SQUEE EDIT: I know we all hate Prometheus but there's no reason to spoil Alien Covenant

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Saw it in the BFI IMAX last night, annoyingly our seats were right at the front, so spent most of the movie craning my neck to see the whole screen, and certain scenes were quite hard to follow from being too close, looked very impressive when I was given time to take in a scene though, literally had to turn my head left and right to take it all in. The set design was really very impressive, lots of epic reveals as they fly down to and wander around the planet, design of the gear/spaceships/etc was all great too, just looked great overall, CGI was all very well done as well. Music was great, seems like they were making more of an effort to borrow cues from the originals.


Acting was an improvement from Prometheus probably, though Waterson had less presence than Rapace, was a fairly dull lead tbh, but she was fine. Danny McBride surprised me in it, was quite good. The supporting cast weren't fleshed out to any significant degree, so it was similar to Prometheus in that regard, they had far less clunky dialog to deliver though so it wasn't a big deal to me.




lol @ James Franco's part, wonder why he even bothered? gets killed immediately and you're not even sure if it's him stuck in the sleep pod.




ultimately though it wasn't as good as Prometheus, the plot just wasn't interesting enough for me, and too many rehashed ideas from the originals. definitely an unsatisfying series of answers to the questions posed in Prometheus.





...and seeing as all the engineers are now dead, presumably we're not going to get any answers at all. unless there's a bunch more of them on other planets, or just buzzing around the galaxy in their ships.


the whole final part when they're back on the ship was the worst part for me, there wasn't really any tension, and I was pretty bored by the time they finally fired the thing out an airlock (again).

David not being Walter wasn't in the slightest bit surprising either, so bit of a fail there.


the next film will see David's machinations developing the xenomorphs on the new colony perhaps?


still no indication of how the ship on LV-426 came to be there, perhaps it's not important, that planet just had the ship crashed on it already.



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So I just back from seeing it.

It wasn't that bad. Sure there are things in that made me go "why?!" but it blows Prometheus out of the water and shits all over it - but I still wouldn't say that it's a good movie. But it's decent.

The first 40 minutes or so are just fine. Then stuff starts happening and I guess that was where Ridley Scott dozed off - or woke up - because that's when it really starts shitting the bed. It gets better near the end though.


Anyway, ill say more when I've had time to digest it and once everyone has seen it

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shruggy. was good fun tho. need to see it again to see if i can work out if it is a any good. methinks not. but bias. and jaded.

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got IMAX tickets for Sunday.

from reading all the opinions on the internet it feels like I've already seen it tho


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Just saw that there covenant film and it were pants.

Few nice scenes but predictable as fuck and none of the characters had any character. Caze's review is pretty spot on imo.

Tasty subs in the cinema though.

"Whistle & I'll come."

"You blow, I'll do the fingering."


Edited by Brian Dance
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Holy shit this film delivered. Great bridge between Prometheus and Alien in every sense. I wasn't looking to get to know these characters like some were, i just wanted more of the bigger picture. As the credits rolled a knew I was in the midst of a potentially profound experience. Hopefully they get straight to work on the next one.

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yes. these conflicting opinions are outrageous.


I've decided to take it for what it is and like this film, even if it's stupid/bad. Just don't wanna come out the theater disappointed.

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older coworker of mine who is a longtime Alien fan said it wasn't as bad as Prometheus.


It's better than Prometheus. No doubt about that. It's also better than Resurrection. A lot of people hate on Alien3 which I actually think is pretty decent. So, I think it's the fourth best Alien movie there is.

I'm still digesting Covenant though. It had a couple of pretty cool scenes, the soundtrack was way better with lots of homages to the original Alien soundtrack, but that stupid theme from Prometheus showed up again at one point and it made me want to burn the theatre down.

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