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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Salvatorin has made a kickass ASCII version of my avatar which I am using now



But it turns out most of the people for some reason keep using the terrible Syro forum theme which is rather dark, and makes my avatar nearly invisible because it's transparant :catrage: especially in chatmm


change your theme, think of the avatar :cattears:



And come on, that badger pic is cringey now. Why is it still there?


i'm still using the tomorrow's harvest theme. your avatar looks fine.

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Guest fiznuthian




Bitcoins are still a silly idea.

Care to explain why?
Actually don't bother. This is a first world problem that we could argue in circles over. There's a lot of unknowns and no one knows what is going to happen. People scoffed at the internet in its early days too. And yet it grew and it grew. :)



Bitcoin is a silly idea as a currency. Limited resource with little oversight equals many unscrupulous people trying their best to scam the shit out of honest people. Because there is no regulation, there is no recourse to the justice system.


As an investment it might do alright, kind of like digital gold.



Chen, i'm going to route my response into the bitcoin thread so I don't derail this one anymore. most people don't give a f about buttcoins i think. :rdjgrin:

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I'm going to a movie marathon this evening, all the Hobbit films followed by the Lord of the Rings, it's going to be bloody brutal.

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I'm going to a movie marathon this evening, all the Hobbit films followed by the Lord of the Rings, it's going to be bloody brutal.



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I'd actually prefer it if they played the Hobbit on the tape that I listened to when younger, instead of the film.


Good luck though.


There was a Schwarzenegger marathon a while ago that I missed. Hope they do it again.


(That's the 1st time I've ever spelt Arnie's name I think. Got it sooooooo wrong)

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post-ribs frenzy splattered face n chin, burping leads to enjoying the deliciousness twiiiice




compare this to the starving masses & its 1st world as f*ck

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post-ribs frenzy splattered face n chin, burping leads to enjoying the deliciousness twiiiice




compare this to the starving masses & its 1st world as f*ck

I always think the same thing after tearing apart half a ribcage of a piggie. Meat right off the bone rules. Always a twinge of guilt though.

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Guest bitroast

Salvatorin has made a kickass ASCII version of my avatar which I am using now



But it turns out most of the people for some reason keep using the terrible Syro forum theme which is rather dark, and makes my avatar nearly invisible because it's transparant :catrage: especially in chatmm


change your theme, think of the avatar :cattears:



And come on, that badger pic is cringey now. Why is it still there?


that's ASCII ??

got a larger version ?

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Salvatorin has made a kickass ASCII version of my avatar which I am using now



But it turns out most of the people for some reason keep using the terrible Syro forum theme which is rather dark, and makes my avatar nearly invisible because it's transparant :catrage: especially in chatmm


change your theme, think of the avatar :cattears:



And come on, that badger pic is cringey now. Why is it still there?

that's ASCII ??

got a larger version ?





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Went to a new doctor who sez I probably don't have asthma, just acid reflux that was attacking my goddamn larynx, etc (along with clogged up sinuses from allergies).


And now I'm on nasal spray 'roids and an extended Prilosec regimen to let things heal, but in the process I have to avoid basically everything good to eat/drink.


Also my arm has had a sore migrating bruise for a week and a half from the blood draw at the doctor's office.

Edited by baph
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Salvatorin has made a kickass ASCII version of my avatar which I am using now



But it turns out most of the people for some reason keep using the terrible Syro forum theme which is rather dark, and makes my avatar nearly invisible because it's transparant :catrage: especially in chatmm


change your theme, think of the avatar :cattears:



And come on, that badger pic is cringey now. Why is it still there?


Changed for you. Man, glad to be rid of that horrid theme. I dunno why I kept it.

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I'd actually prefer it if they played the Hobbit on the tape that I listened to when younger, instead of the film.


Good luck though.


There was a Schwarzenegger marathon a while ago that I missed. Hope they do it again.


(That's the 1st time I've ever spelt Arnie's name I think. Got it sooooooo wrong)


My brain imploded and I had a brutal migraine at 7am, an hour into LOTR, and I thought I'd gone blind. Slightly gutted, it finished at 4pm so my effort was weak.

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My shitty nine year old laptop died. It's been a couple weeks, but it's been nice. First time since 1992 that I've been without a computer and I'm getting used to it. This old iPod touch and my ps4 are the only lifelines I have. I'm discovering the browser on ps4 isn't to bad. But fuck.



Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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Some bookshop lady coldly barked at me without even letting me finish my sentences while I was just trying to talk to her about my association and what it proposes (free writing workshops/masterclasses for -25yo younguns).


I do hate going door-to-door to promote this but this just put the nail in the coffin for me. Fucking cunt. I don't understand why such cold and obtuse people are working in the cultural field ? Who the fuck let them run libraries ?

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applenub here. anyone an idea how i put a folder of photos on an ipad? (serious)

and i dont want to install itunes or any third party application on my pc.


so far ive tested dropbox: only let's me DL 1 photo at a time & a wifi transfer app which let's me DL 1 photo at a time as well. i iz confuse

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I smashed my thumb on a slab of granite last week, it bled like hell. It was healing, until I smashed it between some french doors this morning. Bled like hell again, literally covered my hand in blood. I'm having a hard time playing my videogames. :cry:

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