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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Idea: mods ban Azatoth until he shows his first draft


Also if you have to present your thesis in any other form than uploading digital files to a cloud server I will be disappointed

I think I will need to drop out from the interwebs for a while, aside from research purposes..khrm...

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went for a late afternoon coffee with a friend and tried this new place on Kent. I don't know what the lady put in it but I have toooooo muchhhh energyyyyyyyyy. literally can't sit still. this is not nice.

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Had a bit of a depressive episode, got blackout drunk, and lost my phone in a cab. So now I feel worse and I'm also sans a phone.

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thought of a vocal harmony part for a song with three voices before bed the other day then forgot which song it was intended for and now I was just going to sleep and reviewing a song in my mind and an accompaniment for a section came up which is quite handy but I'll have probably forgotten what song it was so disgard it when I wake up just like the other day.


/"but dleetr couldn't you have spent the time you were whinging about this nonsense actually"


no you fools, it's bedtime and I've got to sleep, if I get up now I'll be fucking around and I've got to get up for work in just over four hours. easy come easy go, it is frustrating a little though, sure I'll think of other stuff but I'll never know how the song would have turned out had I continued with this direction in mind. ahh such is knife

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so sensitive


just fly your summer car to the carribean and live in there for a few days if the resorts are stressing you out dawg :wink:

Edited by luke viia
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I love this place sometimes :)


Ablysk problem. - had to get a credit card - I'm tired of billing departments being pissy because I have no credit history. I can provide statements and info showing I have more than enough liquid assets to cover whatever is happening and pay for everything I need up front but NOOO I gotta get a lil debt card.


I take solace in the fact that it gives me cash rewards and rewards when I gas up my multi-season car. Stephen is gonna sell me his spring car - I always wanted a fiat


P.s. What's your problem Stephen? Uncle blyskerdoodle can help

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so sensitive


just fly your summer car to the carribean and live in there for a few days if the resorts are stressing you out dawg :wink:




Oh mr Luke. <3


I haven't had the wings installed yet.

I love this place sometimes :)


Ablysk problem. - had to get a credit card - I'm tired of billing departments being pissy because I have no credit history. I can provide statements and info showing I have more than enough liquid assets to cover whatever is happening and pay for everything I need up front but NOOO I gotta get a lil debt card.


I take solace in the fact that it gives me cash rewards and rewards when I gas up my multi-season car. Stephen is gonna sell me his spring car - I always wanted a fiat


P.s. What's your problem Stephen? Uncle blyskerdoodle can help



I posted that I was having trouble finding a deece resort in the Caribbean.... at like, ALL the resorts, there are people giving it 1 star because the food sucks or the rooms suck, and then others giving it 4 or 5 starts for exactly the same thing (room is awesome, food great, etc).


And the reviews are all recent too, so it's hard to know what to believe!

Edited by StephenG
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Airbnb? A couple friends did it out there and got a lush house that was cheap and by the beach. Cook your food and go out to get some local chow? goat curry is the bizzzzz!


If not, ask reddit or something lol ;) hope you and the lady have a relaxing trip when you go. Send me a pic of a local dog on a beach, make it blurry. I'll know you were thinking of me

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Ablysk problem. - had to get a credit card - I'm tired of billing departments being pissy because I have no credit history. I can provide statements and info showing I have more than enough liquid assets to cover whatever is happening and pay for everything I need up front but NOOO I gotta get a lil debt card.



I imagine credit is largely the same down in the US as it is here, no?


It's funny the way they build credit, they look at tons of factors.... age and diversity of accounts are the biggest. I guess they just need you to show that you can take on debt and pay it off (which to me is counter intuitive because to me it seems better if you're so good with money that you don't need to take on debt?).


Up here, no credit card means you can't build a credit score high enough to get a mortgage.

Airbnb? A couple friends did it out there and got a lush house that was cheap and by the beach. Cook your food and go out to get some local chow? goat curry is the bizzzzz!


If not, ask reddit or something lol ;) hope you and the lady have a relaxing trip when you go. Send me a pic of a local dog on a beach, make it blurry. I'll know you were thinking of me



Thanks, we're looking forward to it. This will be the first vacation in years where I just put my feet up and drink and read my book rather than crazy adventuring lol. =)

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That's pretty much it. It's not that I have debt, I have the opposite, I've just never needed a credit card. My job was paying me in cash for years and I have investments and a bank account. 1st world success in itself


But yeah, it's cool, I need to build credit because I need it for business ventures and future renting or leasing. Tired of having a boss, I could do my own thing in the industry and be very successful.

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I love this place sometimes :)


Ablysk problem. - had to get a credit card - I'm tired of billing departments being pissy because I have no credit history. I can provide statements and info showing I have more than enough liquid assets to cover whatever is happening and pay for everything I need up front but NOOO I gotta get a lil debt card.


I take solace in the fact that it gives me cash rewards and rewards when I gas up my multi-season car. Stephen is gonna sell me his spring car - I always wanted a fiat


This is similar to why I had to buy a passport - to open a savings account. :cerious:

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Guess my latest dumb FWP would be that I am an idiot when it comes to reading women's body language. Why do they stroke their hair back when you interact with them? Like when I left a generous tip for the barista at the local coffee joint tonight after I bought a lb of whole Kenyan beans, she did that stroke right when the transaction was completed. What does it meeeeaaaan

it means her panty situation was something like



I know you were aiming for the vaginal side of things but I've quite enjoyed ambermonk misinterpreting "panty situation" as explosive diarrhea in response to his swag



always possible, innit.


anyways, at least the baph is back.

Edited by usagi
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Forgot to log into the uni's library website to do the weekly "I still got those books" check in thing. That's usually no biggie but I still had to bring those 4 really heavy books to the library for being late. Usually the nice lady at the counter would say "dont worry" and let me take the books again but today the nice lady wasn't there, but instead some anal cunt who refused to cut me some slack. Now I cant take books from the library for 8 days on fuckin finals month

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^ that sucks, luckily for you the internet is full of PDFs!


fwp: i have the chattiest fucking neighbor, black dude who randomly tells me heavy shit about his past as a coked out boxer, how he might have cancer, who he's watching in the building because he suspects them of one thing or another, and how he wishes neighborhoods were still racially segregated (???), and i can't fucking go smoke a cigarette without hearing about every damn thing on his mind. to illustrate his bizarre behavior, he once brought a watermelon to my house at 6am as a gift (that i didn't ask for) then proceeded to get angry when i avoided answering the door, and now thinks i owe him something because he gave me a goddamn watermelon



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