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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Got a ticket in SoCal yesterday for not having current registration for my car. It's my own fault, whatever, but the ticket says I have to appear in court near Anaheim. I live in NorCal. Goddamnit.


I think you can just pay the fine online. You need to appear if you want to contest it




There is no fine on the ticket. It just says that I have to be at a certain place in November...




Fucking hell. This is getting more ridiculous. The phone number on the ticket leads to an info service that will not connect to a person. They've done a fantastic job of fucking over out of towners. I don't care if I have to pay the ticket, I just don't want to have to travel back to fucking OC to do it!  :catsob:  :catnope:  :catrage:  :catcry:



edit: Apparently, what I have to do is contest the ticket and request a trial by written declaration. Their website is a giant mess and it's not explained well on the ticket itself. Anyway, I hope this works...

Edited by Braintree
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just returned from holiday with the girlfriend, we were in Italy and then at her parents' place. First world problem is that they literally threw green bills at us to go shopping because they're rich mofos and now I feel guilty. But got nice shoes and a coat. But feel guilty.

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Got a ticket in SoCal yesterday for not having current registration for my car. It's my own fault, whatever, but the ticket says I have to appear in court near Anaheim. I live in NorCal. Goddamnit.


I think you can just pay the fine online. You need to appear if you want to contest it




There is no fine on the ticket. It just says that I have to be at a certain place in November...




Fucking hell. This is getting more ridiculous. The phone number on the ticket leads to an info service that will not connect to a person. They've done a fantastic job of fucking over out of towners. I don't care if I have to pay the ticket, I just don't want to have to travel back to fucking OC to do it!  :catsob:  :catnope:  :catrage:  :catcry:



edit: Apparently, what I have to do is contest the ticket and request a trial by written declaration. Their website is a giant mess and it's not explained well on the ticket itself. Anyway, I hope this works...



Try calling the courthouse or the DMV

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spent half the day trying to get HEVC working nicely in Premiere Pro to no avail.


Are you still holding your poo?






Got a ticket in SoCal yesterday for not having current registration for my car. It's my own fault, whatever, but the ticket says I have to appear in court near Anaheim. I live in NorCal. Goddamnit.


I think you can just pay the fine online. You need to appear if you want to contest it




There is no fine on the ticket. It just says that I have to be at a certain place in November...




Fucking hell. This is getting more ridiculous. The phone number on the ticket leads to an info service that will not connect to a person. They've done a fantastic job of fucking over out of towners. I don't care if I have to pay the ticket, I just don't want to have to travel back to fucking OC to do it!  :catsob:  :catnope:  :catrage:  :catcry:



edit: Apparently, what I have to do is contest the ticket and request a trial by written declaration. Their website is a giant mess and it's not explained well on the ticket itself. Anyway, I hope this works...



Try calling the courthouse or the DMV




I called every pertinent number on their site. Same automated shit over and over.

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spent half the day trying to get HEVC working nicely in Premiere Pro to no avail.


Are you still holding your poo?



no, I pooed, thanks. I just moved slowly and carefully and kept Thor asleep on my lap the whole time.

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welp... I spent half my weekend experimenting with A/V shit and I'm not sure what I've learnt, other than how much of a pain in the botty it is getting a nice tradeoff between quality, size and computational effort. after recording, transcoding repeatedly, editing/manipulating, rendering repeatedly, and finally uploading a clip of me playing Doom 2016, Youtube still makes it look like pewp compared to the source.




- PP still doesn't play nice with HEVC, which wipes the floor with H.264 in terms of quality and size

- forgot to convert to 16:9

- wtf has Youtube done with the gamma/colour tones, it's lightened/muddied everything

- uploading a 1.5GB file on Australian internet, lol

- still not enough bitrate for 1080p, which means it needs to be even bigger

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welp... I spent half my weekend experimenting with A/V shit and I'm not sure what I've learnt, other than how much of a pain in the botty it is getting a nice tradeoff between quality, size and computational effort. after recording, transcoding repeatedly, editing/manipulating, rendering repeatedly, and finally uploading a clip of me playing Doom 2016, Youtube still makes it look like pewp compared to the source.




- PP still doesn't play nice with HEVC, which wipes the floor with H.264 in terms of quality and size

- forgot to convert to 16:9

- wtf has Youtube done with the gamma/colour tones, it's lightened/muddied everything

- uploading a 1.5GB file on Australian internet, lol

- still not enough bitrate for 1080p, which means it needs to be even bigger


looks good man.


also you've played that game how many times? You are pre-aiming at enemies and shit haha

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welp... I spent half my weekend experimenting with A/V shit and I'm not sure what I've learnt, other than how much of a pain in the botty it is getting a nice tradeoff between quality, size and computational effort. after recording, transcoding repeatedly, editing/manipulating, rendering repeatedly, and finally uploading a clip of me playing Doom 2016, Youtube still makes it look like pewp compared to the source.




- PP still doesn't play nice with HEVC, which wipes the floor with H.264 in terms of quality and size

- forgot to convert to 16:9

- wtf has Youtube done with the gamma/colour tones, it's lightened/muddied everything

- uploading a 1.5GB file on Australian internet, lol

- still not enough bitrate for 1080p, which means it needs to be even bigger


looks good man.


also you've played that game how many times? You are pre-aiming at enemies and shit haha



I've played that particular level 3-4 times. tried to get through it as quick as possible to keep the filesize down.

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I'm flying from Asia back to Europe and I developed a diarrhea last night. So, my stomach is making weird noises, I'm slightly nauseous and I'm pretty tired because I didn't sleep that well. But when I managed to sleep I had vivid erotic dreams so I'm horny as fuck also.



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The only upload of Rawhead Rex I can find on Youtube is 360p and I don't feel like finding a place to download it in better quality.



Life is hard.

I've got it on VHS! But don't despair, I'm sure it doesn't look much better than you're seeing it there on YT. 

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I'm flying from Asia back to Europe and I developed a diarrhea last night. So, my stomach is making weird noises, I'm slightly nauseous and I'm pretty tired because I didn't sleep that well. But when I managed to sleep I had vivid erotic dreams so I'm horny as fuck also.



Just fap through the poos


Come out stronger on the other side




Just bring some Gatorade

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I'm flying from Asia back to Europe and I developed a diarrhea last night. So, my stomach is making weird noises, I'm slightly nauseous and I'm pretty tired because I didn't sleep that well. But when I managed to sleep I had vivid erotic dreams so I'm horny as fuck also.



Just fap through the poos


Come out stronger on the other side




Just bring some Gatorade

I managed to get a transit visa to China so instead of waiting for 10 hours in the airport I'm now drinking beer in central Beijing.


The stomach seems to have settled so far..

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Several years ago I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled at the same time I had mononucelosis, So yeah grow a pair will ya?




j/k feel better spiral, if you have drugs take them, and ice cream!





So Lil Miss Dobalina the elder is in Pre-K now and it's birthday party season, christ almighty we went to two of them this weekend and I need an enema.


- They're all usually lunch time events with pizza and cake (as they should) neither of which I can have being celiac.  So I usually end up eating salad and if I'm lucky like yesterday, some cheezy poofs


- It's hard enough making small talk with all these other 'rents - most whose names I can never remember since we rarely see them except for these things - never mind the fact the I burned all my material at the Saturday party.  There I got into a convo with one of the parents that I know a bit better (my wife & his work together, nice guy, smart, has his doctorate in film studies which I didn't know was a thing until I met him).  Anyway we get talking about our kids interest in legos, bemoan how most of the creativity's been sucked out of it with all of these cross-promotional bullshit like lego-batman, how back in the day we'd have to use a little something called our *imagination*, games in general, etc.


I make one offhand remark about, how as a kid, all of my neighborhood friends would play dungeons and dragons, but that since I was younger than everyone else most of it went over my head.


Big Mistake.  Turn's out dude is a hardcore into it and starts telling me about the weekly D&D group he's in, and now I'm getting groomed like Corey Haim into the world of role play adventure I'd been missing.

Edited by Bob Dobalina
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