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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Examples of abbreviated words that are sometimes given apostrophes include 'flu (short for influenza), Hallowe'en (All Hallows Evening), and Jo'burg (Johannesburg). These all look a little old-fashioned and you don't need to bother, although I have kept fo'c'sle (forecastle) in the Guardian style guide for nostalgic reasons as it is a survivor from the very first "Style-book of the Manchester Guardian" in 1928.




I guess I've read a lot of linguistically old fashioned books :shrug:


Funny you mention that, in my city here they have an annual Halloween "spook-tacular" or whatever in the park, and every year they hang the same banner in the same place across the same street to advertise for it.  Dunno if they've fixed it yet or not, but for years it said "Saturday's and Sunday's in October" and " featuring hundred's of pumpkin's." I really should try to get a picture of it


But yeah flu has become such a ubiquitous word here that it's taken on a life of it's own, and besides a shitty affliction by any other name is still a shitty affliction, amirite?


This is correct.  I think the answer might be to playing something other than guitar on it.  Either that or find the right sexy effect that makes the guitar magic.  Maybe it's time to bring out the Zvex Fuzzfactory... that thing's an untameable beast, but maybe that's what the song needs.


As watmm's QC I trust you'll make the right decision, just watch out for that sixth sigma, he's a beast too!



Also don't understand why the US is EEUU in Spanish either but I digress

cause in spanish when a word is plural you double its correspondent letter in the acronym (Comisiones Obreras would be CCOO but Comisión Obrera would be CO)


Now I know the deal 4 real, thanks spanish guy!  Now if I can just grasp why inanimate objects and other nouns are magically imbued with gender then I'll be all set :dadjoke:

Edited by Bob Dobalina
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I easily spent at least twice the amount of time I agreed to charge for on this pop mix for a client.  Cursed perectionism.  On the upside, it sounds like it could be a commercial hit... and she did agree to giving me a royalty percentage for songwriting and arrangement input.  Of course, the chances of it getting to the ears of the right people who determine this sort of thing are negligible as always.  But there's always that fraction of a fraction of a percent of a chance it could happen.

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I easily spent at least twice the amount of time I agreed to charge for on this pop mix for a client.  Cursed perectionism.  On the upside, it sounds like it could be a commercial hit... and she did agree to giving me a royalty percentage for songwriting and arrangement input.  Of course, the chances of it getting to the ears of the right people who determine this sort of thing are negligible as always.  But there's always that fraction of a fraction of a percent of a chance it could happen.


I would get that royalty percentage down in writing mate. 

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I easily spent at least twice the amount of time I agreed to charge for on this pop mix for a client.  Cursed perectionism.  On the upside, it sounds like it could be a commercial hit... and she did agree to giving me a royalty percentage for songwriting and arrangement input.  Of course, the chances of it getting to the ears of the right people who determine this sort of thing are negligible as always.  But there's always that fraction of a fraction of a percent of a chance it could happen.


I would get that royalty percentage down in writing mate. 



Yeah, I should.  I mean, she strikes me as a very sincere, well meaning person, so I don't think she'd ever deliberately screw me over.  But yeah, you're right.

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I have a nasty cold. Normally I'd go to a doctor to and milk some decent codeine syrup from the visit, but alas, my obamacare doesn't kick until next month. 


Thanks Obama. You've ruined my sickness-ritual of pretending to be a rapper. 

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i just watched a 3 hr documentary and now i'm wrecked because it just confirms so much. but at the same i shouldn't believe any of it because everything is manipulation. which is something i learned in the documentary




:cerious:  :trap:  :facepalm:

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Why worry about what's going on in the real world when you have a studio full of equipment to hide in and create your own world? 

Fuck what's going on outside, focus on the inside.


Saying this mostly to myself btw.

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i just watched a 3 hr documentary and now i'm wrecked because it just confirms so much. but at the same i shouldn't believe any of it because everything is manipulation. which is something i learned in the documentary




:cerious:  :trap:  :facepalm:


yeah really need to watch this, seems like Adam Curtis has out-done himself. check out his other documentaries too, perfect for a bleak night in


lush music too, there's some AFX in the trailer for it

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