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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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After being ill for years my grandfather died the day before my birthday... Burying him tomorrow. RIP grandpa I love you but damn


ok in the process of writing this post I've been informed that apparently we're cremating him, no burial. Hope my dad doesnt want to keep the ashes cause that shit gives me the heebie jeebies

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After being ill for years my grandfather died the day before my birthday... Burying him tomorrow. RIP grandpa I love you but damn


ok in the process of writing this post I've been informed that apparently we're cremating him, no burial. Hope my dad doesnt want to keep the ashes cause that shit gives me the heebie jeebies

Damn. Sorry to hear that, man.

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After being ill for years my grandfather died the day before my birthday... Burying him tomorrow. RIP grandpa I love you but damn


ok in the process of writing this post I've been informed that apparently we're cremating him, no burial. Hope my dad doesnt want to keep the ashes cause that shit gives me the heebie jeebies

Sorry for your loss :sad:

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There was some Trump arm-the-schools vid interspliced with incredulous reactions posted in my fb feed, at the end of which was a fantastic speech from a movie.  I commented asking what movie the bit was from because I had to see it.  Tons of likes for that comment, yet no one bothers to answer the question.  Quoting it in a google search didn't help.  An excerpt was: ""everyone in the room is now dumber having heard that."  Anyone know the reference?

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Almost definitely the richest person in the state and probably one of the richest in this part of the country (I've been told about $200,000,000 no horseshit) came in where I work the other day and he was completely chill and unpretentious and friendly even though he'd walked there in the rain for something we weren't able to do for him.  It made it a little harder to maintain my knee-jerk classism for the rest of the day.



EDIT: only a little harder.

Edited by RSP
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So I've got this album ready, with several songs that require seamless transitions where the audio overlaps between track X and track Y.  I have it so that all transitions are seamless in the wav files.  However when I upload it to bandcamp, and bandcamp encodes mp3s from the wav files... the very last transition has this fucking tick.  Does anyone know of some trick to avoid that?  I've done a lot of trial and error to no avail.  Is it just hopeless and the mp3 version of the album has to be fucked right on the last track?  

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burnt the roast spuds, aka according to the family they were overdone & "poor form" for a sunday, but if they aint crispy they fail the lush test imho


vultures ate all the chicken skin too while i was carving & plating oop, ffs, only savages do that


no-one has seen the rhubarb crumble in the top oven yet, revenge will be schweeeeeet

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So I've got this album ready, with several songs that require seamless transitions where the audio overlaps between track X and track Y.  I have it so that all transitions are seamless in the wav files.  However when I upload it to bandcamp, and bandcamp encodes mp3s from the wav files... the very last transition has this fucking tick.  Does anyone know of some trick to avoid that?  I've done a lot of trial and error to no avail.  Is it just hopeless and the mp3 version of the album has to be fucked right on the last track?  



that's annoying. did you contact bandcamp? i've found them pretty responsive for helping fix things or add features. 

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Almost definitely the richest person in the state and probably one of the richest in this part of the country (I've been told about $200,000,000 no horseshit) came in where I work the other day and he was completely chill and unpretentious and friendly even though he'd walked there in the rain for something we weren't able to do for him. It made it a little harder to maintain my knee-jerk classism for the rest of the day.



EDIT: only a little harder.

Keep in mind it’s easy to be friendly and personable when you can buy your way out of virtually any trouble.

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So I've got this album ready, with several songs that require seamless transitions where the audio overlaps between track X and track Y.  I have it so that all transitions are seamless in the wav files.  However when I upload it to bandcamp, and bandcamp encodes mp3s from the wav files... the very last transition has this fucking tick.  Does anyone know of some trick to avoid that?  I've done a lot of trial and error to no avail.  Is it just hopeless and the mp3 version of the album has to be fucked right on the last track?  

Super (super duper like ~1ms) short fade out and/or fade in. Once I started doing that with my .wav files years ago I've not had such problems.


edit: not that I've had them specifically with Bandcamp ever, but just general file type conversion issues of pops/clicks like you're talking about. I've uploaded hours of music to BC and never had the problem (not that I've every downloaded the mp3s of the files that I can remember so maybe I really DO have the problem and am just unaware...????)

Edited by auxien
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Yeah I recommend downloading the mp3s to be sure, because all my files are seamless on the wav and flac versions, but the tick appears on the mp3 download each time (for 1 of 5 such transitions, so pretty good success rate... but 4/5 is still 20% ruined).  I'll see about the short fade idea.  Thanks for the suggestion.

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