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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I bought one of those bottles of japanese lemonade with a marble inside and now I'm trying to get the marble out but I'm at work where no sharp or metal objects are allowed.

I did just find a pair of nail clippers though. Wish me luck.

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Well if it was a choking hazard I woulda got it out by now eh? Come on Stevie, you need to think these things thru



:facepalm:  good point





(why are you trying to get it out tho? Why do they put it in there to begin with?)

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shes your ex tho


why are you trying to get her attention?


hard question man.


We are in good terms and still hang out/see each other often but she seems to not give a fuck anymore, which hurts because I thought she wasn't past me (like I'm not past her).

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Well if it was a choking hazard I woulda got it out by now eh? Come on Stevie, you need to think these things thru



:facepalm:  good point





(why are you trying to get it out tho? Why do they put it in there to begin with?)



It's the stopper. It starts at the top and you press it into the bottle with a lil plastic doohickey

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Keep getting Tapatalk ads for a mobile game called Gaydorado. Dunno why

A ) Tapatalk thinks I would into any game like that, homosexual bent or not

B ) most of the time I read it as Gaydorito which is seriously dumb

C ) other times I read it as Gaytorado, like Gatorade, for gay dudes.


Also interviewed for three jobs today, quite sure I've got almost no shot with any of them.

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shes your ex tho


why are you trying to get her attention?

hard question man.


We are in good terms and still hang out/see each other often but she seems to not give a fuck anymore, which hurts because I thought she wasn't past me (like I'm not past her).

and thats why you follow the ages old advice of going no contact with your exes unless you got your shit together to the point of nuclear fusion

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Fucking squirrels and chipmunks keep getting into the garden and pulling vegetables off the plant. They don't even eat the vegetables, they just in there to fuck things up. Going to have build a serious fence and roof thing this weekend.


re: Kerouc "On the road". when i was living abroad, I had a discussion with a friend that i met there - another Canadian. He said he didn't rate it that highly cause he'd already traveled the world by then - much more than Kerouac had done by his age. Which to me is missing the whole point of the book. It's not about the locale - it's the experiences and relationships that you build in life.


And yeah, that kind of hedonism is good fun, for a while, but after some time, you just get to be like that 40 year old guy gurning his teeth off in a grim club. I'm currently listening to Frank Ocean's "blonde" record a lot - and I feel like you can't get that album unless you lived some in the party scene, and experienced the resultant emptiness at the end of it.

Nowt empty here fella. Still having good times! Don't get old. Adulthood is when childhood turns into a corpse.

Yeah, lol, guys. I just recently quit my job, put all my stuff in storage and yesterday flew on a one-way ticket to South Africa. And I'm 39. It's a possibility that I'm in my forties when this trip is over. I have no planned end date.


Granted I very rarely go to parties anymore. Couple of beers in a bar and a bit of smoke now and then are enough for me. I'm more interested to going to the desert in Namibia and climb them dunes. And I might be freelancing while I travel if I find customers.


I did a similar thing in 2015 for 8 months so it's not like a "big life changing thing" anymore but I really love to have this kind of off-year once in a while. This is the third time now.

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I kind of like your computer's natural glitch edits.  


My friend's dad, who keeps sending me vid clips and inspirational quotes, just sent me a clip of a guy diving into the water and getting swallowed whole by a fucking shark.  No disclaimer or anything.  I mean... amazing clip, but jesus christ!

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I kind of like your computer's natural glitch edits.  


My friend's dad, who keeps sending me vid clips and inspirational quotes, just sent me a clip of a guy diving into the water and getting swallowed whole by a fucking shark.  No disclaimer or anything.  I mean... amazing clip, but jesus christ!


One time I met a Moroccan guy in the train who was in Europe for the first time to work in a nuclear power plant. It started out to be an interesting talk, he told me about his job in the power plant how he perceived European landscape and that everything looks so much greener than what he is used to. He went on and on with talking and at some point made me exchange Facebook contacts with him. Now he frequently sends me videos of people with weird diseases and body deformations in Arab language and asks me how my family is and that he wants to visit me. Amazing but Jesus Christ our savior

What I'm trying to say is I hear you

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people you've met irl sending weird internet horror content (body deformities, vids of people dying, etc.) feels kinda like if your coworker came in one day all like WOW, I WATCHED SOME PRETTY FAR OUT FETISH PORN LAST NIGHT, Y'ALL. some internet things are supposed to stay strictly confined to the internet


FWP: i'm picking out which pictures to keep out of all the ones i've taken in the last month, and a lot of the ones i like aesthetically also happen to prominently feature random strangers going about their days. i always have this problem with photography where it feels hard to draw the line between "capturing the world as it is" and "kinda stalkery"

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I know what you mean, it's kinda why I do so little street photography. It always feels a bit weird to just take pictures of people in the streets. One time I photographed a large group of kids making giant soap bubbles using two sticks with a circular thread stretched between them and I actually photographed the soap bubbles more than the kids but one of the moms walked up to me and told me to fucking stop taking pictures of their children. That felt a bit awkward, like I'm some pedophile creep. But in the end I think it's best to keep everything you make. You will thank yourself in 5 years because it's an interesting retrospective

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