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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Still getting the occasional J Peterson vid rec that I never click on.  Someone prob posted a 5 clip of him saying "cowabunga" out of context on here which I absently clicked on to better take in the essence of some BS thread derailment.

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so this motorcyclist who crashed into you and your mum's shared bedroom and fucked her brains out, what bike was he riding? couldn't have been a very loud one if you could hear her ecstatic moaning over the sounds of the engine.

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@usagi has a masculinity complex if he thinks that polluting the already very polluted soundscape of the city with these unnecessary motorbike sounds. it doesn't make him more of a man. if anything, it makes him less of a man, because any mature being should know that, when you have to go somewhere, you walk, unless you're in a hurry, but even then, you're not in a hurry that much that you need to drive a motorbike. I'm pretty sure that, if he's really a man, he'd be able to ride a bike without having to rev the engine.

but, I guess, he's just a spoiled brat who thinks that the world owes him something and that he's the center of that world. he's just another fool who thinks that driving a motorbike is cool and that it gives him a sense of power. it's always the same thing, isn't it? and you know what? it's always the same kind of person. what a shame

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5 minutes ago, dingformung said:

@usagi has a masculinity complex if he thinks that polluting the already very polluted soundscape of the city with these unnecessary motorbike sounds. it doesn't make him more of a man. if anything, it makes him less of a man, because any mature being should know that, when you have to go somewhere, you walk, unless you're in a hurry, but even then, you're not in a hurry that much that you need to drive a motorbike. I'm pretty sure that, if he's really a man, he'd be able to ride a bike without having to rev the engine.

but, I guess, he's just a spoiled brat who thinks that the world owes him something and that he's the center of that world. he's just another fool who thinks that driving a motorbike is cool and that it gives him a sense of power. it's always the same thing, isn't it? and you know what? it's always the same kind of person. what a shame

You ok, dude?

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14 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

I've heard it tastes pretty bad. We are loaded with toxins. If you're going to eat someone, eat someone who has an organic vegan diet and takes good care of themselves. 

Too chewy

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I went to a local Vietnamese cafe here and bought a baguette thinking it's going to be a some kind of hot bánh mì but it turned out to be regular cold baguette with cheese and ham filling. wtf

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1 hour ago, toaoaoad said:

I've heard it tastes pretty bad. We are loaded with toxins. If you're going to eat someone, eat someone who has an organic vegan diet and takes good care of themselves. 

The most surprising takeaway from the interviews with cannibals that I've listened to, is how often they are grossed out by something of the experience they didn't anticipate, or the ethical dilemma that came about once they began following through with their fantasies.

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Re: cannibals and human meat. I was once having some beers with a woman who had done voluntary work in Papua New Guinea and there she met some local people that had been cannibals. They said they don't like to eat western people because they are too salty but Asians taste pretty good. After that she started to obsessively put salt in everything she ate there and made sure that everyone around her saw her putting the salt in her food.

She also said that talking with the cannibals who were just casually joking about eating humans while laughing, grinning and baring their sharpened teeth was one of the most traumatic experiences she's had and gave her nightmares for years.

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1 minute ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

She started putting extra salt in her food so people could rest assured that western people weren't too salty for her, or...?

So that the people think that she is too salty to be eaten

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this smug fucker




Search interview with cannibal on youtube, I can't share video i dunno. Actually he's all over youtube. he creeps me out 

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My girlfriend and I have found a house that we REALLY want to buy. It shouldn't be a problem, but our bank is taking their sweet fucking time because we're both self-employeed that apparently that means that we need to talk to their business people...

2 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

Yeah, that's one of them.  He seems like a real sweety.  Except for the eating women bit.

Then there's the whole porn thing...

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2 hours ago, yekker said:


Too hairy. Probably needs to be burned off before he can be put on the grill.

Like they do with dogs and monkeys and such in Indonesia.

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1) I was waked up in a kind of rough manner, through a loud noise and an unexpected social interaction. Also, it interrupted a dream.

2) The dream I was having was very vivid and I was completely involved as I was having it.
I was in a house with many other people and we were all sitting on a couch. I was sitting next to two very attractive women that I knew. I was trying to flirt with them and I was getting more and more into the flirting. Then, I started to make out with one of the women. I was very sexually excited and I was reaching inside her shirt and feeling her boobs. I was also kissing her neck very aggressively. As I did this, I got even more sexually excited and I was also trying to give her a love bite. I was then startled out of this dream and woke up. The dream immediately ended and I felt a sense of sadness and loss. I felt like the dream was so real and that I had lost something I was really enjoying. I was also still horny from the dream.

3) I masturbated but I didn't feel much other than the relief after I reached orgasm.

4) I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't get back to sleep. I lay there for a while and then felt the urge to have a cigarette. I got up and went outside to have a cigarette. The cigarette was calming but left a slightly unpleasant taste in the back of my throat. Often I like the earthy taste but this time I did not as much as I sometimes do.

5) I'm cooking some noodles. This is problematic. I get some water on my finger and it burns but I don't feel it right away. I keep cooking. I realise the water is scolding hot and burning my finger. I run and put my finger under cold water. I feel the pain.

6) I don't feel like doing anything other than relaxing.

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2 minutes ago, dingformung said:

1) I was waked up in a kind of rough manner, through a loud noise and an unexpected social interaction. Also, it interrupted a dream.

2) The dream I was having was very vivid and I was completely involved as I was having it.
I was in a house with many other people and we were all sitting on a couch. I was sitting next to two very attractive women that I knew. I was trying to flirt with them and I was getting more and more into the flirting. Then, I started to make out with one of the women. I was very sexually excited and I was reaching inside her shirt and feeling her boobs. I was also kissing her neck very aggressively. As I did this, I got even more sexually excited and I was also trying to give her a love bite. I was then startled out of this dream and woke up. The dream immediately ended and I felt a sense of sadness and loss. I felt like the dream was so real and that I had lost something I was really enjoying. I was also still horny from the dream.

3) I masturbated but I didn't feel much other than the relief after I reached orgasm.

4) I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't get back to sleep. I lay there for a while and then felt the urge to have a cigarette. I got up and went outside to have a cigarette. The cigarette was calming but left a slightly unpleasant taste in the back of my throat. Often I like the earthy taste but this time I did not as much as I sometimes do.

5) I'm cooking some noodles. This is problematic. I get some water on my finger and it burns but I don't feel it right away. I keep cooking. I realise the water is scolding hot and burning my finger. I run and put my finger under cold water. I feel the pain.

6) I don't feel like doing anything other than relaxing.


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