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2 New Aphex Twin Songs to Debut at European Culture Congress 10th Sept


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Sales/Downloads of Ableton w/Max4Live shoot through the roof...

how is this working?

he's using all this channels with max for live and sending all of them to Aux A for?!

strange setup, i cant figure out much how he is using it..


For the other tracks it seems he is just playing the entire tracks in playback.. i can read "Avril alternate version" etc

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I wonder if the 'Avril alternate version' is for the swinging piano bit.

Another guess us the Max thing might be for the laser array section at the end (although saying that he has the 'choir' track selected so who knows. Maybe it's sending trigger noises to their headphones which are routed to aux a

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heheheheh.well played. You'll probably have to add an on going account with all purpose orchestra feed and grooming services, to your order. Well unless you've got a few acres of land, then i guess you could let them roam across the property feeding themselves. Breeding them later on could be fun and you might even be able to turn it into a little side business all on it's own.


/imagines vet visit to check how foetus is coming along, those long green gloves, the rain, the mud, the staccato bleeting*.



* (or was that upside down cat picture bleeting)

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Ah didn't realise the Polish set was different from the UK one.


EDIT: Oh yeah I remember now - am I right in thinking he did a 'remix' of the ensemble. That probably explain the max patch now - it's the recordings with the Max PolyBeat triggering different bits of the recording

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Woa, he talks! Quite newsworthy this! Cheers for the link, interesting how he never heard/saw an orchestra irl before this...



This directly contradicts the fact I queued behind him at a classical gig at the Royal Festival Hall.

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Woa, he talks! Quite newsworthy this! Cheers for the link, interesting how he never heard/saw an orchestra irl before this...


This directly contradicts the fact I queued behind him at a classical gig at the Royal Festival Hall.


maybe he only went backstage to bang the flutist

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This is RDJ after all - virtually none of the 'facts' that get spouted are true


i wonder if Riddage really uses Ableton, or if that shot of his DAW was a red herring...

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So, was he also prompting the images that would appear on the small LED screens in front of the musicians? I'm assuming so.

I guess when he wanted them to play a scary sounding chord, the ghostly face would pop up and the 3 colors corresponded to different qualities. Maybe one color was volume, another was pitch and another was speed?

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Woa, he talks! Quite newsworthy this! Cheers for the link, interesting how he never heard/saw an orchestra irl before this...



This directly contradicts the fact I queued behind him at a classical gig at the Royal Festival Hall.


Was that before or after 2011?

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This is RDJ after all - virtually none of the 'facts' that get spouted are true


maybe he's protecting his ego. If everyone thinks it sucks and it all goes wrong he can say "I don't know nuffing about no orchestra, i told you all that".

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This is RDJ after all - virtually none of the 'facts' that get spouted are true


maybe he's protecting his ego. If everyone thinks it sucks and it all goes wrong he can say "I don't know nuffing about no orchestra, i told you all that".



cynical but also more than possible, did the remote orchestra set Aphex fan's world alight? not really. but it was a bold and brave experiment, it was out of everyones comfort zone. it was a chore listening to it though :dry:

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Nah, he just says shit like that so that when you hear his good stuff it sounds even better. It also makes his natural abilities seem all that more impressive.


Even funnier is that he stops himself from saying he never learned music on purpose. I think he felt that he would open a can of worms with that comment.


ugh, what am I doing with my life. I'm dissecting specific words from the mouth of Aphex Twin. Give us new music you cunt so we can stop stalking you.

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Woa, he talks! Quite newsworthy this! Cheers for the link, interesting how he never heard/saw an orchestra irl before this...



This directly contradicts the fact I queued behind him at a classical gig at the Royal Festival Hall.


Was that before or after 2011?





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