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Skrillex - Discuss, Debate, Praise, Hate


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Brostep is music for true cocksuckers.







dude, he's clearly pretty skilled with that MPC

the music is not to my taste, but he knows what the fuck he's doing.


so... i don't really get the hate here.


He may have skills but he is using his skills for brostep which is the music version of one of the guys from TOWIE .. fuck him.

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im sorry but that sounds like dogshit to me. this is what we have come to? a 4 button drum solo with 2 fingers? that is what we are talking about? i am not denying he can use his fingers well, but come one, try being creative for creation's sake.


wowwowwowow weeeweeeweeeeeweee wowowowowowow weeeee weeeee weeeee weeeee



crowd goes nuts






crowd goes nuts




wowwowwowow weeeweeeweeeeeweee wowowowowowow weeeee weeeee weeeee weeeee



wow, sick, crowd goes nuts

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Guest Backson

so araab has a big watch and him using an MPC with great skill isn't seen as constructive by some...


is this really worth a discussion?

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so araab has a big watch and him using an MPC with great skill isn't seen as constructive by some...


is this really worth a discussion?


wait he is an arab too? oh boy.

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Okay, you lot have been going on about this bloke (dude) for sometime now. I honestly don't know fuck all about him apart from the threads in watmm (of which I have glanced at 1000mph more for humour than info), and I know he produced the new Korn album, I als.o know the funny little caption that appears very often. My walls have been reinforced against this bloke. Why? I am not sure, for all I know he could be brilliant, but I have a sneaky suspiscion he is best avoided. My foundations and ramparts deflect anything against him. A bit like BoC, in nature I can easily live in ignorant bliss from the modern day advancement of culture if I so choose.


So about 15 mins ago I get a text message from a work mate of mine. He's a good bloke, good to have a beer with but a failure when it comes to music, he's a bit younger than me (actually he's about 10 years younger than me lol) but see's me as some sort of music guru (heheheh). And him and his younger brother and his younger brothers mates (I am ancient to these fucking muppets) are all going to see Skillrex at the Brixton Acadamy. AND DO I WANT A TICKET!!??


I couldn't go into details but I said thanks but no thanks. Thankyou very much :biggrin:

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Do people really let WATMM influence the music they like? 20 pages of ISAM hate didn't stop me from enjoying the live show.

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Do people really let WATMM influence the music they like? 20 pages of ISAM hate didn't stop me from enjoying the live show.

LOL isam

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