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Guest RadarJammer

boardwalk is high quality TV time, its fun to kick off my shoes and watch some high budgeted well researched old timey gangster shit with enough story lines to keep things fresh.


boardwalk is possibly the worst thing. ever.


error\does not compute

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Guest disparaissant

girls has all SORTS of problems but

yeah its pretty good


i love/hate it


currently watching gilmore girls

yeah shut up i like it no fucks to give

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we gave up on Boardwalk towards the end of Season 1. We were watching it 'real time' and just found it too slow to keep our interest. However got the DVD's and started watching it again last night from the very beginning, with the idea of watching a few eps a week. Really enjoyed the first episode (again!). Hopefully it'll click this time.

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girls has all SORTS of problems but

yeah its pretty good


i love/hate it


currently watching gilmore girls

yeah shut up i like it no fucks to give


What are the problems of girls? Apart from no black people?


Needs more Alexis Bledel forehead

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Guest disparaissant
girls has all SORTS of problems but

yeah its pretty good


i love/hate it


currently watching gilmore girls

yeah shut up i like it no fucks to give


What are the problems of girls? Apart from no black people?

it's not so much the lack of black people it's lena dunham's reasoning for the lack of black people and the fact that she's just one of those terrible liberal racist-without-knowing-she's-really-racist types, i dunno. she's just terrible.


Needs more Alexis Bledel forehead

also this yes

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boardwalk is possibly the worst thing. ever.


Care to elaborate?


There is just something about it that seems horrible to me. The whole thing is just... bad. I know that's not very helpful. When I watch it I feel like there is nothing there. It's all smoke and mirrors. all cliche.


For every good stretch of the show, there is another long stretch that's just bad, in a basic way, built into the very DNA and conception of the project. I have no connection to the characters. Sure, there are some good parts. I feel guilty for hating on the show so much, because it could be good. As of now I just find it laughable. Everything about it is embarrassing to me. It just doesn't work, none of it adds up! There is no center, or soul, to speak of! It's an empty shell of something someone thought would be a "respectable, highly rated and reviewed HBO show" without any of the character, heart, or intellect we've come to expect. You have all of the things you would expect... some clever touching on historical moments, social ideas being touched on... it just feels like a flaccid turd honestly.

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There is just something about it that seems bad to me. The whole thing is just... bad. I know that's not very helpful. When I watch it I feel like there is nothing there. It's all bad. all bad.


For every good bit, there is a big bit that's bad. characters are bad. there are good bits. i feel bad for thinking it's bad because it could be good. i find it bad. everything about it is bad. it just doesn't good, none of it is good! There is no good to speak of! It's a bad thing that someone thought would be a "good show" without any of the good we've come to expect. You have all of the things you would expect... some good bits being touched on... it just feels like bad honestly.

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Guest RadarJammer

Star Trek Voyager, currently season 5


I had some time to kill at the library yesterday and pulled a season 4 dvd off the shelf and randomly watched the episode "Unforgettable" and it was one of the most silly stupid thing I have ever seen, and I normally love Star Trek's universe campy bullshit. Is there any better than average episodes I could check out to fix my opinion of this show?

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girls has all SORTS of problems but

yeah its pretty good


i love/hate it


currently watching gilmore girls

yeah shut up i like it no fucks to give


What are the problems of girls? Apart from no black people?

it's not so much the lack of black people it's lena dunham's reasoning for the lack of black people and the fact that she's just one of those terrible liberal racist-without-knowing-she's-really-racist types, i dunno. she's just terrible.


An article about that very issue summed it up perfectly with this epic quote:


“The show is hilarious. Don’t get me wrong,” said avid fan and black woman Keisha Jones. “But the only black person I’ve ever seen on screen during “Girls” was a crack-addicted stripper who was giving birth on a basketball court as the girls were walking to Starbucks. It was a little much.”
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Watched Revolution on NBC - I enjoyed it more than I expected, but still could not get past the fact that everyone in this post-apocalyptic setting is dressed like they were just in an advertisement for Gap clothing stores. I mean, I accept that clean laundry is a feasible concept in 15 or so years after society collapses and slowly rebuilds, but man it looks like the main characters just received their outfits in the mail from American Apparel or L.L. Bean. Anyway, it's fairly straightforward and entertaining network drama - I'm sure I'll be recording it for the next few episodes.


Also flipped on the finale for Weeds specifically because I heard it sucked. I had watched up through season 4 and meant to get back to it, but I've been told it was starting to drag already. Anyway, the last episode was so fucking detached from the series itself that I realized missing the last few seasons was completely irrelevant. If it weren't for some funny lines here and there and frequent scenes with Kevin Nealon I would of skimmed to the end of the episode.


Almost done catching up with all the Regular Show and Adventure Time episodes I've missed (a combination of no cable for awhile and laziness in my torrenting efforts). Also watching all episodes of the X-Files from the very start, in the middle of season 2 now. It's essentially the one show I knew I would like as a kid but never had the chance to watch when it was on.

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There is just something about it that seems bad to me. The whole thing is just... bad. I know that's not very helpful. When I watch it I feel like there is nothing there. It's all bad. all bad.


For every good bit, there is a big bit that's bad. characters are bad. there are good bits. i feel bad for thinking it's bad because it could be good. i find it bad. everything about it is bad. it just doesn't good, none of it is good! There is no good to speak of! It's a bad thing that someone thought would be a "good show" without any of the good we've come to expect. You have all of the things you would expect... some good bits being touched on... it just feels like bad honestly.




vamos, you have to admit, you didn't really elaborate very well in concrete terms




OK really quick:


the show feels really inauthentic to me. It just feels like a shallow replication of prior HBO shows... all the important elements are in place, it's just that there's nothing special about it. For instance, there's always a "historic moment" in every episode. Instead of feeling interesting or natural though, it always feels more like: "this is HBO... we look at important historic moments!" The whole historical atmosphere of the show is off putting to me. It doesn't feel like a gritty look at the old days, it feels like a clownish peepshow into all the "wacky shit" from that era. All tongue in cheek, or just lame.


There's no real motivation for the show, because all the characters are so awfully written. It's a deeply cliched experience, in every sense. You get the "token" moments but nothing very imaginative. The actors are/were good... but the characters are just awful (some of the side characters are good though). Nucky is a flat, boring, lifeless goat. Margaret is almost totally unbearable for me to watch on the screen... mostly because the writing is so dainty, slow, and forced.


All in all, the show sometimes climbs out of it's self made depths, for moments that are quite good, interesting, or entertaining. However, since "badness" is built into the DNA of the show, seeing that it's an inauthentic concoction of "HBO tropes" meant to generate hype and good reviews, all of it clashes and fails to blend into a real viewing experience, inevitably casting you down for another 30 minutes of shitty, unwatchable Nucky+Margaret, some forced references to "history" in the HBO style of mild political commentary (the characters mentioned something from that time period, I'm so blown away!), glorified gangster violence (we got power), shallow interpretations of Capone+Luciano (so much more could have been done, just think about it). Probably the worst thing about the show is the dialogue. It moves at the most predictable rate. It's almost like they sat down and said: "we're going to make our show have really slow dialogue, because it gives it the appearance of being thoughtful and intriguing." Personally, even if there are some good lines, I find the vast majority to be laughable in their very calculated delivery.


Most of the time I really wouldn't hate on a show. But since this show has received extremely high marks from just about everybody, I feel that I have to say something. That's about it.





Elaboration on "shit"

I don't know if I can put into words why I find Margaret and Nucky unwatchable. They're like, the main characters of the show, and I just feel no connection at all to either of them. All I really feel is a sense of being "tired" when I watch them. Buscemi is too old to play the part, and even if he wasn't, the character is written in a relatively lifeless way. So little variation in his actions, little motivation, little originality (quirks that would make you find him interesting or memorable, or full of life). All of the same goes for Margaret, but to be fair, much of my hate comes from not wanting to watch poor, boring, religious, ignorant Irish people (her family). They just don't have that much to say. Especially not at half the speed of normal conversation.

Edited by vamos scorcho
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Star Trek Voyager, currently season 5


I had some time to kill at the library yesterday and pulled a season 4 dvd off the shelf and randomly watched the episode "Unforgettable" and it was one of the most silly stupid thing I have ever seen, and I normally love Star Trek's universe campy bullshit. Is there any better than average episodes I could check out to fix my opinion of this show?


fuck yeah there is, basically any episode where the Doctor is the main character is pretty gold. IF you like TNG just put all your trust in Robert Picardo simply because he's a bad ass.

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Star Trek Voyager, currently season 5


every trek-fag i know, and i know a lot says that TNG and Deep Space Nine are the only good new star trek shows. I vehemently disagree, i don't understand the love for Deep Space Nine at all, the whole thing takes place in a fucking space station. Star trek is supposed to be about exploring new places and new civilizations (you know like the intro narration). Voyager imo ranks 3rd as the best star trek series, right behind TNG. Of course taking top position is the original series, which cannot be beaten.


edit: we got plentiful Barclay, who is one of the better characters in TNG. We have a holographic doctor, a hard-ass klingon female and a pretty awesome chef.

Edited by Awepittance
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