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I started jogging/running and that has helped immensely with anxiety/depression. Started off small and had basically no stamina. Working up over the past year or so, I do around 2 miles a few times a week. Body feels better and lighter too. Recommended!

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Drink gin, go on safaris and catch giant Marlins in the gulf stream. All we need is a clean, well lighted place to drink before facing the harrowing darkness of the night. Go to a bullfight and admire the dance with death. You can also drink lots of whiskey and soda. Be a cultured iconoclast with an adventurous spirit.

Yeah get stuck in with some heinously cruel shit like marlin fishing and bullfighting. So cultured and iconoclastic, man.

Give yourself a few seductive spritzes of Bambi piss and go hunting. Mount the head of the 10 point buck above your fireplace and enjoy an Islay scotch next to a roaring hearth on a dreary winter’s eve.

Edited by Candiru
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we've come a long way in the last hundred years. Technically speaking. Penicillin was on point, but I think we are still in the dark ages when it comes to treating the brain, and the body.  

We use a variant of mustard gas to shrink tumors. 

Edited by marf
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Drink gin, go on safaris and catch giant Marlins in the gulf stream. All we need is a clean, well lighted place to drink before facing the harrowing darkness of the night. Go to a bullfight and admire the dance with death. You can also drink lots of whiskey and soda. Be a cultured iconoclast with an adventurous spirit.

Yeah get stuck in with some heinously cruel shit like marlin fishing and bullfighting. So cultured and iconoclastic, man.

Give yourself a few seductive spritzes of Bambi piss and go hunting. Mount the head of the 10 point buck above your fireplace and enjoy an Islay scotch next to a roaring hearth on a dreary winter’s eve.



Play with a bee and let it sting you. Eat bolognese upside down and jump off a small shed. Swim in a river til it turns your broken ankle purple. Intentionally choke on oatmeal and claim it went down the wrong way. Live, dammit. Really live.

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Sport a buttplug in church, eat roadkill and make a 911 call in Klingon.



dank has spread to the depression thread.  


here i am. 


srsly though.. finding a therapist, counselor, social worker, support group etc is a good thing. reach out to find the thing that fits your situation.. try something. 

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Drink gin, go on safaris and catch giant Marlins in the gulf stream. All we need is a clean, well lighted place to drink before facing the harrowing darkness of the night. Go to a bullfight and admire the dance with death. You can also drink lots of whiskey and soda. Be a cultured iconoclast with an adventurous spirit.

Yeah get stuck in with some heinously cruel shit like marlin fishing and bullfighting. So cultured and iconoclastic, man.
Give yourself a few seductive spritzes of Bambi piss and go hunting. Mount the head of the 10 point buck above your fireplace and enjoy an Islay scotch next to a roaring hearth on a dreary winter’s eve.

America... fuck, yeah

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Drink gin, go on safaris and catch giant Marlins in the gulf stream. All we need is a clean, well lighted place to drink before facing the harrowing darkness of the night. Go to a bullfight and admire the dance with death. You can also drink lots of whiskey and soda. Be a cultured iconoclast with an adventurous spirit. 

hemingway syndrom



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Drink gin, go on safaris and catch giant Marlins in the gulf stream. All we need is a clean, well lighted place to drink before facing the harrowing darkness of the night. Go to a bullfight and admire the dance with death. You can also drink lots of whiskey and soda. Be a cultured iconoclast with an adventurous spirit.

hemingway syndrom


The bell tolls for thee

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Drink gin, go on safaris and catch giant Marlins in the gulf stream. All we need is a clean, well lighted place to drink before facing the harrowing darkness of the night. Go to a bullfight and admire the dance with death. You can also drink lots of whiskey and soda. Be a cultured iconoclast with an adventurous spirit. 

hemingway syndrom






worked for him until it didn't. 

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Wondering if this post will reach those of you who have struggled with and learned to manage your depression. I need to find a new psychologist and this causes me a lot of anxiety - I'm sure several of you, like me, have bad memories of mental health workers who were not the right fit for you. For anyone who has a strategy for weeding out the  riff raff and finding the right kind of care for you, I'd love to hear your suggestions.

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Wondering if this post will reach those of you who have struggled with and learned to manage your depression. I need to find a new psychologist and this causes me a lot of anxiety - I'm sure several of you, like me, have bad memories of mental health workers who were not the right fit for you. For anyone who has a strategy for weeding out the  riff raff and finding the right kind of care for you, I'd love to hear your suggestions.

well there are different possibilities but to be honest i dont have bad expierience with mental health workers maybe because i live in Vienna which is the birthplace of psychology and a very social orientied city too. 

for a first impression look on the internet, call the person or if you have this in the us go to a group practice where you can talk to a few psych. at once. I choose to go to the psych. university because you can change anytime your psych. and its extremly cheap (15€ per hour) the only problem is that your therapist is actually a student in his last term.

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define a "bad" experience. it's important to calibrate your expectations so you don't set yourself up for disappointment and then churn from one therapist to another and eventually get worn down and more depressed about not getting help. they're not wizards, most of the work still falls to you.

well there are different possibilities but to be honest i dont have bad expierience with mental health workers maybe because i live in Vienna which is the birthplace of psychology and a very social orientied city too.


Edited by usagi
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if you're in the US its a convoluted labyrinth accessing affordable health care in & of itself, i dont envy you


would this approach offer specifics that might overlap with your diagnosis (assuming you've been given one)?




another route is via mental health advocacy services or maybe contact NAMI, i only know about the latter through an ex-hex, but they're non-judgemental, thorough & might be able to support you in finding someone local to you - the US is a big fuckin land mass after all



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Wondering if this post will reach those of you who have struggled with and learned to manage your depression. I need to find a new psychologist and this causes me a lot of anxiety - I'm sure several of you, like me, have bad memories of mental health workers who were not the right fit for you. For anyone who has a strategy for weeding out the  riff raff and finding the right kind of care for you, I'd love to hear your suggestions.



no psychiatrists in the us?

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Wondering if this post will reach those of you who have struggled with and learned to manage your depression. I need to find a new psychologist and this causes me a lot of anxiety - I'm sure several of you, like me, have bad memories of mental health workers who were not the right fit for you. For anyone who has a strategy for weeding out the  riff raff and finding the right kind of care for you, I'd love to hear your suggestions.

You should ask people around you where you live. It's a people thing. There's no process besides talking to people. Or asking psychologists for their advice (read: ask them about finding a suitable therapist, instead of managing your depression). In any case, your best off asking people in the area you live.


Apart from this, I can't help you, I'm afraid. I do have experience with mental workers though. And not all of them good. So I can relate to the importance of your question. I was between 13-16 at the time, so basically dependent on what others decided for me. At that age I certainly didn't have any idea what a right fit would be. Or even the importance of it. So all I can tell you, is that it can realy help if you at least have an idea about what that right fitting therapist would look like.

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