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just tried the Metal Gear Rising demo, feels more like Ninja Gaiden (same company that took it over after the PS Move fail) but quality gameplay


more details plz



as you can probably tell the sneaky Snake stealth element is out the window for high flying Raiden but it was getting a bit long in the tooth tbh and slicing baddies up whilst controlling the angle of the blade is quite liberating if a little tricky at first


The game was originally announced in 2009 under the title of Metal Gear Solid: Rising, and was intended to act as an interquel between the events of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. This form of the game was to be produced solely by Kojima Productions.[9][10]However, the Kojima Productions team met with difficulties in developing a game based on swordplay, so the franchise director Hideo Kojima cancelled it. A solution was found, in late 2011, with Platinum Games taking over development. Under the guidance of the new team, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was revealed, with a significant change in gameplay. The game's setting was changed to give Platinum more creative freedom. Kojima Productions retained responsibility for the game's overall plot and Raiden's design.


I was told Kojima originally wanted it to work with the Move controller but didn't get good results because its shit and budgets ran over.

Overall the demo isn't as lush graphically/cinematic as MGS4 which did take the piss on lengthy FMV parts. Raiden is a bit gay but the gameplay looking promising and refreshing overall (better than fucking COD anyway).

Edited by soundwave
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just tried the Metal Gear Rising demo, feels more like Ninja Gaiden (same company that took it over after the PS Move fail) but quality gameplay

I played it too... was surprised they managed to get 60fps out of it... looks really good, but felt like it was too "jumpy" - Raiden jumps way too fast, but stringing together combos was really fun. Not sure if I'll get this or not.


The Dead Space 3 demo is basically the extended preview video they showed back in June/July and is typical Dead Space - again, not sure if I want to go into it yet again, especially since there is a PermaDeath mode (no saves, one life), and if I have to play through that to get the Platinum trophy... fuck that. Dead Space 2 gets a glare from me for it's ultimate mode where you get only 3 saves, and you restart from your last save point. I'm not gonna sit 6+ hours and get to somewhere and save, and do it two more times.


In other news, Ni No Kuni is amazing - beat the game (about 60 hours), and now going for the final trophies. Finding all the familiars is fun, like Pokemon but with graphics that don't make your eyes bleed.

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Guest Mirezzi

I just started Bioshock 2 last night because I'm hoping to complete it before Infinite comes out.


Stupid mother fuckers. See, Squee, this is why I have no confidence in stupid mother fuckers at Microsoft.


What is this Windows Live horseshit?!?! CUNTS!


I started the game last night, got about 30 minutes in, then realized, wtf, I can't save my progress. Why? Because I have to log in to Windows Live?!?!?!?! I didn't even have an account, so I went to create one. That failed. I got an "Oops, this doesn't usually happen!" message / error. Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME??????


Finally, I was able to create an account, but then I had to UPDATE the Windows Live client, which meant I had to quit the game first. Granted, it was only 30 minutes of progress, but are you shitting me, folks?

Fuck you, Microsoft. Fuck you, 2K Games, Fuck you, Video Game Industry.

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Yesterday was the first day in a long time I did no gaming. I think I'm in the transitional phase where I'm back to focusing primarily on making music.
Before then I was overly addicted to Borderlands 2. I guess I'm finally burnt out on it now.

Besides, Bioshock: Infinite isn't released until the end of March. (Which I pre-ordered already)

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Guest Frankie5fingers

I just started Bioshock 2 last night because I'm hoping to complete it before Infinite comes out.


Stupid mother fuckers. See, Squee, this is why I have no confidence in stupid mother fuckers at Microsoft.


What is this Windows Live horseshit?!?! CUNTS!


I started the game last night, got about 30 minutes in, then realized, wtf, I can't save my progress. Why? Because I have to log in to Windows Live?!?!?!?! I didn't even have an account, so I went to create one. That failed. I got an "Oops, this doesn't usually happen!" message / error. Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME??????


Finally, I was able to create an account, but then I had to UPDATE the Windows Live client, which meant I had to quit the game first. Granted, it was only 30 minutes of progress, but are you shitting me, folks?


Fuck you, Microsoft. Fuck you, 2K Games, Fuck you, Video Game Industry.

while that is a little more extreme than what i would say, i gotta agree. the direction that the industry is going in i don't like one bit. like you say, why the fuck do i have to update my fucking system to play a fucking game? why do i have to sync up to an online account, let alone create one to play a game that once i beat i probably will never play again? etc... mainly my biggest problem is why gaming is going in the direction of all online? i actually was talking to someone today about how offline multiplayer is slowly being phased out in modern games. seriously, if i want to play a game with one of my real friends, not some stranger i talk to online, why cant we be on the same system? i get that they want to advance gaming but the many shitty "advances" they make cover up some really good ones.


honestly, the only major thing that has happened that i like gaming wise is Steam. i cant really think of anything else.

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agreed, riven is one of the best games i've ever played. myst masterpiece edition is ok, but realmyst is more fun imo if you're looking for an updated version of the original

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I just started Bioshock 2 last night because I'm hoping to complete it before Infinite comes out.


Stupid mother fuckers. See, Squee, this is why I have no confidence in stupid mother fuckers at Microsoft.


What is this Windows Live horseshit?!?! CUNTS!


I started the game last night, got about 30 minutes in, then realized, wtf, I can't save my progress. Why? Because I have to log in to Windows Live?!?!?!?! I didn't even have an account, so I went to create one. That failed. I got an "Oops, this doesn't usually happen!" message / error. Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME??????


Finally, I was able to create an account, but then I had to UPDATE the Windows Live client, which meant I had to quit the game first. Granted, it was only 30 minutes of progress, but are you shitting me, folks?


Fuck you, Microsoft. Fuck you, 2K Games, Fuck you, Video Game Industry.


Just play it on a console. Easy.

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Guest Mirezzi



I'd rather be raped (again) by baboons than play a first person shooter on a console.

Edited by The Overlook
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Just beat Final Fantasy V (SNES version) - Pffff, that was a waste of 52 hours. I mean it wasn't terrible, but the story left me completely cold and I couldn't have given two shits about any of the characters. The graphics (aside from the final boss battle) really wouldn't have looked too out of place in the NES-era either.


I'd love to know what happened between the development of V and VI as they're completely worlds apart in every regard.

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if you already bought it there should be no moral qualms about getting a cracked version that gets rid of that shitware. fps on console with its 320*200 resolution is abominable of course.

Edited by eugene
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Guest Mirezzi

if you already bought it there should be no moral qualms about getting a cracked version that gets rid of that shitware.




Yeah, it's fucked, right? I bought this shit on Steam, which is already its own semi-clusterfuck of an operation. Then I load it up and to simply SAVE my progress, I have to be running Windows Live?


This industry is getting away with far too much these days.

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I bought this shit on Steam, which is already its own semi-clusterfuck of an operation. Then I load it up and to simply SAVE my progress, I have to be running Windows Live?


This industry is getting away with far too much these days.

I've never never had any issues with Steam. But Steam with Games for Windows Live on top ? God, every time it makes that swoosh sound to signify the loading of that layer of DRM my soul dies a little. Which kind of seems fitting that it's present on Dark Souls what with how much that game has crushed my spirit at every opportunity over the 40+ hours I've put in !
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if you already bought it there should be no moral qualms about getting a cracked version that gets rid of that shitware.




Yeah, it's fucked, right? I bought this shit on Steam, which is already its own semi-clusterfuck of an operation. Then I load it up and to simply SAVE my progress, I have to be running Windows Live?


This industry is getting away with far too much these days.

yea, just crack that African American

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just tried the Metal Gear Rising demo, feels more like Ninja Gaiden (same company that took it over after the PS Move fail) but quality gameplay

I played it too... was surprised they managed to get 60fps out of it... looks really good, but felt like it was too "jumpy" - Raiden jumps way too fast, but stringing together combos was really fun. Not sure if I'll get this or not.


The Dead Space 3 demo is basically the extended preview video they showed back in June/July and is typical Dead Space - again, not sure if I want to go into it yet again, especially since there is a PermaDeath mode (no saves, one life), and if I have to play through that to get the Platinum trophy... fuck that. Dead Space 2 gets a glare from me for it's ultimate mode where you get only 3 saves, and you restart from your last save point. I'm not gonna sit 6+ hours and get to somewhere and save, and do it two more times.


In other news, Ni No Kuni is amazing - beat the game (about 60 hours), and now going for the final trophies. Finding all the familiars is fun, like Pokemon but with graphics that don't make your eyes bleed.

got DS3 next to watch next. :happy: I remember not having decent enough weapons to complete the surreal end of game boss on DS2 and after basicaly bashing my head against a wall for a day or two I did the last level again and was bassass all the way though.



currently having fun playing this shmup on PSN, cute diesel punk styling but twisted adult back story

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Oh boy Antichamber is definitely a king head fuck of a game. Trying to make your brain not to think in conventional euclidean space is proving to be harder than I anticipated.

Just got it. Love it. But what is with the timer? Does that mean it will restart all my progress when it runs out? That would be really lame because as great as it is I would hate to have to restart from the beginning to finish it.



It just ran out on me - Let's just say that it made me love it just a little bit more when I was back in the main starting room when it reached zero. At the moment I'm stuck trying to get through rooms where the squares come back far too quickly for you to remove them in time to squeeze though
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I just started Bioshock 2 last night because I'm hoping to complete it before Infinite comes out.


Stupid mother fuckers. See, Squee, this is why I have no confidence in stupid mother fuckers at Microsoft.


What is this Windows Live horseshit?!?! CUNTS!


I started the game last night, got about 30 minutes in, then realized, wtf, I can't save my progress. Why? Because I have to log in to Windows Live?!?!?!?! I didn't even have an account, so I went to create one. That failed. I got an "Oops, this doesn't usually happen!" message / error. Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME??????


Finally, I was able to create an account, but then I had to UPDATE the Windows Live client, which meant I had to quit the game first. Granted, it was only 30 minutes of progress, but are you shitting me, folks?


Fuck you, Microsoft. Fuck you, 2K Games, Fuck you, Video Game Industry.


and this is, in my opinion, the most legitimate reason for pirating.

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just tried the Metal Gear Rising demo, feels more like Ninja Gaiden (same company that took it over after the PS Move fail) but quality gameplay

I played it too... was surprised they managed to get 60fps out of it... looks really good, but felt like it was too "jumpy" - Raiden jumps way too fast, but stringing together combos was really fun. Not sure if I'll get this or not.


The Dead Space 3 demo is basically the extended preview video they showed back in June/July and is typical Dead Space - again, not sure if I want to go into it yet again, especially since there is a PermaDeath mode (no saves, one life), and if I have to play through that to get the Platinum trophy... fuck that. Dead Space 2 gets a glare from me for it's ultimate mode where you get only 3 saves, and you restart from your last save point. I'm not gonna sit 6+ hours and get to somewhere and save, and do it two more times.


In other news, Ni No Kuni is amazing - beat the game (about 60 hours), and now going for the final trophies. Finding all the familiars is fun, like Pokemon but with graphics that don't make your eyes bleed.



I'm getting pretty far in Ni no Kuni, I'm about 30 hrs in. What a great game! This may be a contender for my top 3 favourite JRPGs. Although in my books nothing will ever beat Final Fantasy 7. It can be difficult at times if your not paying attention to strategy, which tends to be a bit of a problem late at night when I'm sick with the flu. I'll definitely be going for the platinum as well. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my pet dragon and finish off the last stone for Mornstar. :gamer:



edit: also DS3 will eventually make it into my hands. But not before it hits the $20 bin at WalMart. I loved the first one. The second wasn't as good but was still awesome. Something about the 3rd one turns me off. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I'm not gonna spend full price on it. I may settle for $30. Time will tell.

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just tried the Metal Gear Rising demo, feels more like Ninja Gaiden (same company that took it over after the PS Move fail) but quality gameplay

I played it too... was surprised they managed to get 60fps out of it... looks really good, but felt like it was too "jumpy" - Raiden jumps way too fast, but stringing together combos was really fun. Not sure if I'll get this or not.


The Dead Space 3 demo is basically the extended preview video they showed back in June/July and is typical Dead Space - again, not sure if I want to go into it yet again, especially since there is a PermaDeath mode (no saves, one life), and if I have to play through that to get the Platinum trophy... fuck that. Dead Space 2 gets a glare from me for it's ultimate mode where you get only 3 saves, and you restart from your last save point. I'm not gonna sit 6+ hours and get to somewhere and save, and do it two more times.


In other news, Ni No Kuni is amazing - beat the game (about 60 hours), and now going for the final trophies. Finding all the familiars is fun, like Pokemon but with graphics that don't make your eyes bleed.



I'm getting pretty far in Ni no Kuni, I'm about 30 hrs in. What a great game! This may be a contender for my top 3 favourite JRPGs. Although in my books nothing will ever beat Final Fantasy 7. It can be difficult at times if your not paying attention to strategy, which tends to be a bit of a problem late at night when I'm sick with the flu. I'll definitely be going for the platinum as well. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my pet dragon and finish off the last stone for Mornstar. :gamer:



edit: also DS3 will eventually make it into my hands. But not before it hits the $20 bin at WalMart. I loved the first one. The second wasn't as good but was still awesome. Something about the 3rd one turns me off. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I'm not gonna spend full price on it. I may settle for $30. Time will tell.

Agreed on DS3 - I bought both at bargain prices, no reason I shouldn't follow that tradition.


Wait until you get to the battle arena with the S-rank monsters in Ni No Kuni... FUUUUUU...

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Oh boy Antichamber is definitely a king head fuck of a game. Trying to make your brain not to think in conventional euclidean space is proving to be harder than I anticipated.

Just got it. Love it. But what is with the timer? Does that mean it will restart all my progress when it runs out? That would be really lame because as great as it is I would hate to have to restart from the beginning to finish it.


It just ran out on me - Let's just say that it made me love it just a little bit more when I was back in the main starting room when it reached zero. At the moment I'm stuck trying to get through rooms where the squares come back far too quickly for you to remove them in time to squeeze though

I know exactly what you mean :)


Also if you are stuck, perhaps this will be a mild hint for you. The game does not explain how to use the new guns when you get them. They have potential that you must discover for yourself. Yellow Gun has a very neat and useful skill that if you don't learn you'll be stuck... Another hint, the control schemes that are listed in the Main room are not the only controls.


I've yet to get the red gun. But I might have to try for that soon.

Edited by ZiggomaticV17
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