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Still playing through DMC (2012 remake) (PS3) - still sounds/looks like a Hot Topic commercial, but this game is really well done and innovative. Fans of God of War would like it since the weapons and combat are very similar. The visuals are really well done, and the boss battle I just finished is a good example:

Yea DMC is surprisingly good. One of the better games of the genre, from what I've played.


At least it had far less backtracking than DMC 4.

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I just got my copy of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition in the mail today. I'll be turning off the lights once it gets dark tonight and starting a play-through. I hear nothing but great things about this game and I'm glad I waited to buy it. Now I can enjoy the game enhanced with better graphics on my PS4. Unfortunate to those that already played the game on previous gen, there is no new content added. It's just the same game, but with improved visuals at 1080p and 60fps (PS4 version).

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Still playing through DMC (2012 remake) (PS3) - still sounds/looks like a Hot Topic commercial, but this game is really well done and innovative. Fans of God of War would like it since the weapons and combat are very similar. The visuals are really well done, and the boss battle I just finished is a good example:

Yea DMC is surprisingly good. One of the better games of the genre, from what I've played.


At least it had far less backtracking than DMC 4.


Just defeated the "Spawn of Mundus" boss battle - these boss fights get better and better:

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Still playing The Last Of Us.


The actual gameplay is pretty sweet, I like how the game is a little bit difficult at times and doesn't give you constant check-points and auto-saves. Games are supposed to provide at least a bit of a challenge imo. I'd have removed this "X-Ray-Hearing"-ability for that reason, or reduced it to actually hearing the sounds of the infected with no visual aid. This ability makes me feel a little overpowered. Re-introducing a health-bar and medi packs is a good idea. Auto-healing is just lame. This provides for some actually tense moments where you're actually afraid of dying, which hasn't really happened in a game since 1999 or so (exaggeration). The controls (especially weapon selecting and so on) are a little awkward. I like how everything is revolving around the backpack, but some of the buttons they assigned to the individual moves are a bit questionable and not very intuitive.


While I like some aspects of this game to bits, I'm feeling like the main characters are really these right-wing wankers and I'm supposed to be okay with them murdering mostly innocent (non-infected) human beings on the fly with no emotional reaction... I am amazed how real the violence feels in this game, although I wish it was going somewhere, plot-wise, and is going to backfire on them eventually... But I'm beginning to fear that I'm simply supposed to find it "cool" or "badass" ... like another game sponsored by the NRA or something. Also the story is as cliché as it gets and I really don't care about any of these dickheads. The "forced harshness" also reminds me of The Walking Dead (TV-Series) and it's already silly there.


All in all, despite its glitchy nature, Walking Dead (the game) is far superior to TLOU imo.


Would be awesome of Telltame Games & Naughty Dog would shake hands, put their differences behind them and produce the ultimate game with great graphics and controls as well as characters that aren't walking clichées and/or neo nazis. Never gonna happen though, probably for the better.

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Guest disparaissant

got the humble sid meier bundle

$15 for Civ III complete, Civ IV complete, Civ V and all current DLC, Railroads, and that air combat game i don't give a shit about.

Civ IV BTS is my jam.

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for me the initial barrier with dark souls is the nuanced controls/menu system,one you get used to that,its about sussing out the timing and overcoming the fear of dying,it really starts to open up from then on and feels way more rewarding than most games in recent memory

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Aye the hype about it is very much deserved. Almost gave up right near the very start due to those skeletons at the graveyard of the Firelink Shrine, assumed every enemy was pretty much un-killable so thought 'fuck that', then luckily I found the route up the hill

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i spent about 2 hours in the undead asylum when i started playing dark souls because i hadnt figured out how equip the basic sword you pick up at the end of the first corridor. I had heard it was hard, and simply assumed it was normal to have to hit each enemy 35 times with a wooden stick to take them down.

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So for the third time I started to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R., which I bought some years ago and never managed to play to more than a few hours (I always wanted to play it but for some other reasons it never worked). Anyway now I'm in and this game is incredible, awesome atmosphere, the gameplay is kinda tricky but once you get used to it it's really good. This game has a lot of character. I don't play that much anymore but that's really the kind of game I appreciate to give time to now and then.


Also my next plan is to watch the movie by Tarkovski

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lol,so true

also playin dayz at the mo,and fuck me if ladders aren,t the deadliest thing in the whole game,soul destroying!


that's still in alpha, no? they better improve it before I get in on it. I've been following it on and off, watching clips and checking updates etc, and while it looks like a lot of fun and a potentially whole new way of game storytelling, it's just way too buggy for me to give it a go right now.


So for the third time I started to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R., which I bought some years ago and never managed to play to more than a few hours (I always wanted to play it but for some other reasons it never worked). Anyway now I'm in and this game is incredible, awesome atmosphere, the gameplay is kinda tricky but once you get used to it it's really good. This game has a lot of character. I don't play that much anymore but that's really the kind of game I appreciate to give time to now and then.


Also my next plan is to watch the movie by Tarkovski


it really is underrated, and quite different from most other horror-type shooters. wait til you get to the "Brain Scorcher" labs...


are you playing modded or unmodded? some of the better mods vastly improve on the original. I was playing OGSE but never finished because it started to take up way too much of my time.


the movie and book are both excellent, of course.

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So for the third time I started to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R., which I bought some years ago and never managed to play to more than a few hours (I always wanted to play it but for some other reasons it never worked). Anyway now I'm in and this game is incredible, awesome atmosphere, the gameplay is kinda tricky but once you get used to it it's really good. This game has a lot of character. I don't play that much anymore but that's really the kind of game I appreciate to give time to now and then.


Also my next plan is to watch the movie by Tarkovski

I saw the 1979 Stalker by Tarkovsky, but only the first half. The PC game series is loosely based on the film. I've never read the book tho.

Pretty much agree with Usagi - definitely an underrated game and one I would consider a cult classic survival horror like System Shock 2. And yes, I too would recommend mods over the vanilla (unmodded) version. My favourite mod thus far is S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Complete.


I'm still on a Borderlands 2 binge, but it's starting to lose flavour like a piece of gum that's been chewed for too long. Apparently Metal Slug 3 will be available on Steam soon - part of a game series I've not yet tried. Also Rust looks interesting, but I'm not sure whether my rig will run it at a decent frame rate without a bunch of optimization tweaks.

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Yeah I play with the Complete mod, but the folder I downloaded is named "Complete 2009" and I just realized there seem to be an updated one :/ (http://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-complete-2009). Oh well I think I'm too far in the game now and apart from a few weird things the version I play is really enjoyable. I've no idea how much it modifies the original game though!


I started watching the movie two or three month ago but fell asleep miserably after 15 minutes or so... But I really want to see it, I was simply too tired this day (or everything named 'Stalker' has a strange attraction / repulsion thing with me).


And did you guys play the sequels? Do you think they're any good? And what about this Metro 2000-something game? Didn't the same developer produce it?

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Yeah I play with the Complete mod, but the folder I downloaded is named "Complete 2009" and I just realized there seem to be an updated one :/ (http://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-complete-2009). Oh well I think I'm too far in the game now and apart from a few weird things the version I play is really enjoyable. I've no idea how much it modifies the original game though!


I started watching the movie two or three month ago but fell asleep miserably after 15 minutes or so... But I really want to see it, I was simply too tired this day (or everything named 'Stalker' has a strange attraction / repulsion thing with me).


And did you guys play the sequels? Do you think they're any good? And what about this Metro 2000-something game? Didn't the same developer produce it?

The S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Complete mod basically smooths out the bugs that were in the vanilla, and adds tweaks here and there, such as repair kits, the ability to pay merchants to repair your gear for you, and more.


I've played Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat as well. Clear Sky is the prequel to SoC, but I never finished it. Call of Pripyat is much better than CS i.m.o., but I'd play thru SoC first. CoP features all new maps, a few new game mechanics, some new gear, and a couple new beasties.


I've played thru Metro 2033 as well, but I felt it was too linear and deprived the player of the freedom to explore like in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. The themes are similar tho, and both feature mutants, hostile factions, and anomalies. Both M2033 and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games were published by the now-defunct THQ, but the latter were developed by GSC Game World. I don't remember who developed the Metro games tho.

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