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Got a key for the Heroes of the Storm beta, anyone else playing it here ? Didn't try it yet, but from the opinions I gathered were kind of mixed...

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Got a key for the Heroes of the Storm beta, anyone else playing it here ? Didn't try it yet, but from the opinions I gathered were kind of mixed...

It's the easiest MOBA to play, and the games are always quite short. There seems to be less incredibly unpleasant people playing it, but that's probably just because there's less people playing it in general.

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Got a key for the Heroes of the Storm beta, anyone else playing it here ? Didn't try it yet, but from the opinions I gathered were kind of mixed...

It's the easiest MOBA to play, and the games are always quite short. There seems to be less incredibly unpleasant people playing it, but that's probably just because there's less people playing it in general.

Thanks for the heads up :) I guess most of the people playing MOBAs are just way too impolite !


Also, finally had a little extra money and bought BoI : Rebirth. Shocked by how fast the game is, everything's a lot harder to handle than in the first game - probably because I didn't spent as many hours on Rebirth as I did on Wrath of the Lamb tho :gamer:

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Day of Defeat: Source has been my game of choice for the past week or so. I used to play it a shit ton when it first came out but haven't really bothered with it since then. It's kinda sad to see how unpopulated the servers are nowadays, but I guess it's not too surprising when you take into account how old it is and how many alternatives have been released since. Lack of content probably didn't help either, but whatever, it's still a good game and I'll continue to enjoy it until it meets its inevitable demise.


Also, whilst on the subject of Valve, all of that rad GDC shit is happening this week (specifically, from tomorrow onwards). I wouldn't count on any news related to the biggie, but I'm expecting lots of Steam Machine, VR and Source 2 reveals.

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Been playing loads of Super Stardust Ultra on PS4... trying to get back into my groove with the game.


I remember SSHD on PS3 being stupidly fun. Pretty sure it was the first ever game to implement trophies too.


Yep - SSDU is more of the same, and just as fun. Weirdly enough, I play better in 3D than without...


Very odd/intriguing game coming for PC/PS4 called Small Radios Big Televisions - music for the trailer is certainly in my wheelhouse (NFBOC vibe, and the developers are Canadian!:



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Yeah, Blow says The Witness is almost done, but he's running out of money...

^sounds more akin to com truise to me. hard to tell how the game works from the trailer and description like the witness (is that coming out?)

Yeah, I do hear a bit of Com Truise in that as well...

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jesus either my eyes are getting really bad or the visuals on olliolli2 are seriously muddled. hard for me to tell what's a flat or a grind, what's a foreground obstacle or a background detail. making the game way harder than it should be and a lot harder to discern what's going on than the first.


still love the gameplay tho

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Rockband 4 coming to PS4/XBONE... your old DLC will port over (95% is an estimate due to licensing), and at least on the PS side of things, your old equipment will work. Time to dust off the plastic guitars and drums!

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Been playing Oddworld: New n Tasty since it's one of the free games on PS+ this month. I never got to play the original Abe's Odysee so I'm enjoying this. The redone visuals are gorgeous and the quirky story has been interesting so far. It's pretty damn tricky at times though, some of the "secret" areas are REALLY frustrating.

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I beat Saints Row 4 and it seriously might have been the funnest game I've played in years!


Brand new to the series, signed on for life now.

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That Steam Link thing sure seems promising. Would definitely be interested if early reviews don't pan it. :gamer:


Same here. The Steam Machines look great too, for those who don't already have a decent gaming rig.



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this game is fucking amazing. i've got gta 5 and destiny and alien isolation and diablo 3 etc etc on my ps4 but all im playing atm is this.

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