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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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re: use of the Elektron Analog Four

(can't find the original posts)


dunno if I just want to hear this synth on the album or what, but some of these analog tones sound too familiar.. the basslines in bladelores & irlite for instance totally sound like the characteristic A4 filters, also some of the sequencing sounds as if done on an elektron box... and i wouldn't be surprised at all if Elektron sent a pre-release model to Sean & Rob like a year ago.... but who knows, it could be some elaborate modular rig just as well...

Someone suggested this before and after listening through I think I'm buying it. By which I mean, your theory, and an A4 itself.
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re: use of the Elektron Analog Four

(can't find the original posts)


dunno if I just want to hear this synth on the album or what, but some of these analog tones sound too familiar.. the basslines in bladelores & irlite for instance totally sound like the characteristic A4 filters, also some of the sequencing sounds as if done on an elektron box... and i wouldn't be surprised at all if Elektron sent a pre-release model to Sean & Rob like a year ago.... but who knows, it could be some elaborate modular rig just as well...

Someone suggested this before and after listening through I think I'm buying it. By which I mean, your theory, and an A4 itself.


you won't regret, this thing is a killer synth.

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you know, i've spent all day yesterday jamming with the A4 & Machinedrum, came home late night and downloaded Exai, then when i hit play it sounded like a seamless continuation of some earlier jams soundwise, it's that familiar.

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Yeah, although I've got an Octatrack, I've never used a Machinedrum or Monomachine, though I've lusted for them forever. Now I'm starting to see how the A4 and OT complement each other at least as much as that pair, but in a much different and more flexible way. It's all starting to make sense.

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just gave it a first listen -


first of all, super impressed by the sound design and production on here. it is amazing how absolutely pristine & clear everything sounds. the production here puts oversteps to shame. there is also an amazing spatial sense to this album in that every sound seems to have it's own place in the mix. i'm not just talking frequencies but more like everything existing in an actual physical space. there is a definite sense of foreground and background, with lots of elements panned a bit to one side or the other. it comes off almost like a surround sound effect.


this album really sounds to me like ae immersing themselves in modular analog synthesis, with insane cv modulation via max/msp. the only thing i can really compare it to sonically is some of the recent analog jams by richard devine. there are just so many incredibly fluid changes and modulations and movements of all the elements. everything on the album really seems to have that analog character, but instead of going for that usual analog 'warmth' that a lot of people go for with this gear, autechre instead get this razor sharp, edgy sound that still has an organic character to it.


on first listen, bladelores is definitely the standout track for me. i actually wish they had emphasized melody a bit more on Exal because the few times they did the results were incredible. going to take a lot of listens to absorb all of this but i think this could be their best work yet.

Pretty much this

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finally got the 24 bit wavs from bleep, indeed it seems they've fixed the white noise issue (because it's not there on the copy I downloaded)


and it also plays perfectly in Foobar2000 and VLC.

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this album makes me wish I still smoked


I practically didn't smoke the last past months, and my girlfriend surprisingly bought some weed three days ago. I thought I'll ask her a little bit quite quickly through my first listen of Exai haha

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Fuck. It's a good one.


Too hyped initially to even really listen. And then the second half and recks on / YJY UX just completely wiped me out. Haven't heard an album this threatening in a long time, it's like they woke up from a quiet retirement and went for it full jets.

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i hope everyone who is speculating about their influences when doing this album and the equipment/software used is completely wrong.


uh, why?

what's the point of demystifying it ? to score some watmm prestige points if you accidentally get it right? keep that unmusicial technical stuff in ekt subforums.

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i think the "promos" pictures posted 2 pages ago, come from an old photo shoot made for The Wire (1997).

Regarding the album yeah it's totally fantastic. Even if i loved to death those medieval melodies on Oversteps, it's great, that Ae is going somewhere else on this killer album.

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I hope the entire album was made in fruityloops.

or even better... on one of those iPhone/iPad music apps.


lol or on the ps2 game MTV music generator

Edited by StephenG
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Guest disoriental express

i think the "promos" pictures posted 2 pages ago, come from an old photo shoot made for The Wire (1997).

Regarding the album yeah it's totally fantastic. Even if i loved to death those medieval melodies on Oversteps, it's great, that Ae is going somewhere else on this killer album.

yup, you are correct.

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