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saw the hobbit again in 3d IMAX. Went stoned as shit. A combo of pot brownies and shrooms, the latter of which i haven't done in a decade. What an experience. When smaug sheds his gold coat in the night sky and says "I am death" I started freaking out. Left the theater with tears streaming down my face, didn't even know I was crying. 10/10

heh between this and the previous "zaphod-on-prozac" sunny reviews of various recent films, I'm glad to see you're not predictable

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The Sound of My Voice - 8/10


The definition of an indie movie - and a good one. Simple but great story. Just a shame that there were a lot of unanswered questions when the movie ended.

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i think this is broomfield's least interesting film. he's basically running around in circles trying to figure out who is telling the truth betwix heidi fleiss, her ex-boyfriend and madam alex; all of whom are pointing fingers at one another swearing the other party is the dodgy one. if you even remotely give a shit about any of these characters- it's still a tedious bore of a film.

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i loved this one. it's presented as a special report science program claiming the top governments of the world are recruiting scientists, doctors and engineers for a secret mission to terraform mars. even though it's meant to appear as a real documentary, there are a lot of telling signs it's fake (especially in the beginning) but i guess the story seemed too interesting to be considered fake (for some). lovely

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the congress - i couldn't get into it at all, i got tired very quick of that meta-hollywood crap and dialogs that feel very forced and then the trippy animation stuff seemed aimless and the whole films feels somehow very awkward (which is kinda true to his pre waltz with bashir films as well which i just couldn't force myself to finish). it is pretty interesting visually i guess but simply not engaging at all.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Has anyone gotten their eyes on Richard Ayoade's new film The Double yet?


no. but looking forward to it. loved submarine

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Wolf of Wall Street

This is a tough one to judge. I went in without seeing the trailer. so the comedic tone surprised me and I thought jonah hill was in a different film to everybody else. I also knew it was 3 hours long so I took a piss first. But know the length made me think "well that scene could have been shorter" which is not a good way to watch a film. Everyone is unlikable and having a great time for 5/6 of the film, maybe more infact. but I guess the point was that he got away with it and people are still looking up to him.

So watching the film was partly fun and partly a slog. Afterwards I am feeling more warmly towards it but still divided

Margot Robbie was worth the admission price alone

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saw the hobbit again in 3d IMAX. Went stoned as shit. A combo of pot brownies and shrooms, the latter of which i haven't done in a decade. What an experience. When smaug sheds his gold coat in the night sky and says "I am death" I started freaking out. Left the theater with tears streaming down my face, didn't even know I was crying. 10/10


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i think this is broomfield's least interesting film. he's basically running around in circles trying to figure out who is telling the truth betwix heidi fleiss, her ex-boyfriend and madam alex; all of whom are pointing fingers at one another swearing the other party is the dodgy one. if you even remotely give a shit about any of these characters- it's still a tedious bore of a film.

Didn't she end up in porn?

My bad, that was Amy Fisher.

Edited by Rubin Farr
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

so your film review would be different if you'd seen the trailer? weird.


maybe yes. expectation plays a big part. film has been growing on me the past few days, liking it more and more. I must have enjoyed it somewhat to be looking forward to watching the 4 hour version.

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Immortals - picked this bc it's about to be deleted from Netflix, holy shit it was bad. I love Tarsem's artistic direction but this was so bad I switched to SNL reruns after about 30 min.



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The Hobbit Part 2 - Well, I said it in the other thread. CGI / 10


The Call - I liked it (except the rubbish final 30 minutes), although it's a bit of a letdown that Brad Anderson who previously directed The Machinist & Session 9 decided to merely make a slightly above-average thriller this time round. But there was a lot of tension so I was well entertained. 7 / 10


The Good Son - Weird 1993 psycho/thriller movie starring Macaulay Culkin & Elijah Wood as kids doing messed up shit. Kinda like a realistic version of Home Alone or Dennis The Menace. Over the top but in that charming early 90s way so it can get away with it. This one is especially creepy for everyone who (like me) used to hang out with that one weird neighbor kid your parents didn't want you to play with when they were younger. Kinda like a bad childhood dream. I also loved the snowed-in coast town setting. 8 / 10


Festen (The Celebration) - First of the dogma-movies, shot using handheld mini DV type cameras and the likes. Very funny and original. 10 / 10

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good movie. alfonso cuaron killed it- but it's also one of those sci-fi movies where the astronauts can't wait to get back to earth (a theme i really dislike).


seven pieces of flying debris out of ten

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12 year a slave - pretty devastating overall, the acting was great (especially fassbender, who plays the most interesting character in the film), there are many incredible scenes and it mostly manages to avoid cliches and goes into the the guts (psychological and sociological aspects) of slavery instead of just dramatization. i can't tell if periodization was done right because i'm not familiar with u.s history at all but it felt very well done to me anyway. there were some jarring and strange choices in regards to editing and music though (mostly in the beginning), and that fucking brad-pitt-the-film's-producer-speech that felt like it came from a different movie.

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