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four lions - 10/10 - solid comedy


only god forgives - what the hell/10 - surrealist violent crime story in which noone blinks or makes an expression


Still not following why so many people seem to dislike Only God Forgives. I've talked with friends about this film on a few occasions and we come up with the same conclusions on how it's visually artistic which seem's to be something that is a lost art in film these days. The characters come across as devoid of feeling but doesn't this add to what I've just set forth? I'm not saying that it's some miracle work of cinema more so that it has elements that are rarely seen in contemporary film.



I was very upset about this film. Thought Refn stepped up on Drive as much as it was a hybrid of coolness. Now i feel the method behind Only God Forgives, the alienation, the Ancient Greek meta-drama and thus living sculptures and unnatural mise-en-scenes. It's very pretty, yes, but shallow pretty as in glamour photoshoot. That's just not enough for an author like Refn. After this film i decided to finally watch his debut Pusher and its sequel and it shockingly is the complete stylistic opposite - a naturalistic, no nonsense, rooted in genre, intentionally low-brow provocation of artistic cinema. I just hope he's not stuck with this temporary narcissism of being The director of high art. That's not his game and maybe just isn't possible for anybody to pull it off convincingly nowadays, this sort of ambition feels fake and artificial.

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clark runs faster than a train across smallville and reaches his house before the douchebags get there

Nebraska, After seeing this again about 3 weeks ago on TV, i gotta say this scene was the hum dinger of special effects fail. Even the flying scenes look more realistic than Kent trying to keep up with a train. The legs and body of Kent chasing are completely out of sych. Really clunky. Not even modern day digital effects can't fix it. They blew the budget on Brando.

Edited by Schlitze
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the counselor


"you have the most luscious pussy in all of christendom". probably the worst movie i've seen in the last year. pretentious as fuck, horrible dialogue, nonsensical plotting. keep cormac mccarthy far, far away from films. or just let the coen bros adapt his books. opening five minutes was the most awkward, badly written sex scene in a film since eyes wide shut. almost seems like ol' cormac has never had sex. which would explain why he's so caught up in the evil of the world and biblical hellfire and whatnot. total fucking bogshite.

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CBGB - 1/10 Alan Rickman at his worst. No plot, basically Hilly accidentally started the most influential punk club ever, with some pretty Hollywood actors playing unattractive musicians. Well, Debbie Harry was kinda hot back in tha day. Most pointless rock movie ever.

Edited by Rubin Farr
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this is a great film. probably my favorite anna nicole smith film along with 'anna nicole smith: exposed'. this one is more philosophical though. what would you do if you were a blonde bimbo with giant tits stuck in a skyscraper with fake terrorists? that's right- you'd take the helicopter and fly out of there. except anna nicole smith isn't you, and the helicopter is out of gas.


see what i mean?

Edited by Nebraska
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Her - Mixed feelings. It's thought provoking, beautifully shot and with eye for details, but it's still a bit boring. The story moves really slow. The thing develops like a turtle. And most of all, i guess, the annoying character Joaquin plays doesn't help at all.


Still a 7/10 though.

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the hobbit part 2- mumble mumble something something. this definitely could have been just 2 movies. it was ok but it's also dumb that they didn't follow the book's story.

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Cape Fear (1991)

It may be too long, but boy is there some neat stuff in this film! Great cast, and lovely utilisation of previous cast members from the original film. Deniro's deadly. Powerful score. Fun cinematography. A forgotten gem perhaps.




(was funny seeing this after o-so many viewings of the Simpsons parody episode with Sideshow Bob.)

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Persona by Ingmar Bergman. - 10/10


A classic. IMO, still as relevant as the day it was released. Compared to a modern "think-movie" like "Her", "Persona" doesn't feel slow or boring at all. Which is completely unusual for a movie this old. The psychological tension is constantly there and keeps the movie going. Which says a lot about the acting, the cinematography and the writing. Truly incredible.

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Yup, Persona is great.


I saw Idiocracy yesterday. It was more fun than I expected, kinda reminded me of older stupid comedies I enjoyed like Hot shots or UHF or Space balls. I'd rate it 8/10 for fun movies.

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9 Songs


did not get the point of making a movie such as this other than the director trying to see how much explicit sex he could get into a movie.


uncircumcised horsecock/10

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Europa Report

hey this was alright. The woman talking to the camera from earth I didnt like so much, but everything else was solid.


I also realized that Michael Nyqvist should play Shaun Ryder in a happy mondays film.

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went to the cinema today, did the ole' naughty pay for 1 ticket, hang around and see X more films thing...

Wolf of Wallstreet
Definitely entertaining. Strong cast. Funny moments. Just over stays it's welcome...Jonah Hill, never liked him anything, until this - really does a great job - Scorsese has made a modern Joe Pesci out of him

Out of the Furnace

Pretty prettttty pretty bad. You can see they're going for a message about the right to kill etc. etc. but it's just really really poorly executed and a waste of time watching it

Inside Llyen Davis

Pretty good. Will need a future viewing to fully digest and discuss it, but nothing bad to say. Quite underplayed, but effective.

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god I love that film....


he needs to direct 'The Satanist' by Dennis Wheatley...


it would confuse the shit out of everyone and delight them at the same time....


pretty sure they are not related

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Not sure whether I've made a post about some of these before but ...


Der Siebente Kontinent (The Seventh Continent) - Seen it before, but Haneke delivers as always. Another one of his flawless mindfuck films. Easily 10/10


Disconnect - Very good recent drama about how social media and internet ruins people's lives, pretty much. Very emotional without being cheesy. Also well written and acted.


Event Horizon - Hadn't seen it before. I guess you could say it hasn't aged well, but being completely honest, you have to admit that this film sucks regardless of its release time period. The song used on the end credits is especially cringeworthy.





Is this The Prodigy? Were they really this shit? :wacko:





Europa Report
hey this was alright. The woman talking to the camera from earth I didnt like so much, but everything else was solid.


Yeah, I didn't like her part either. Thought it was rather poorly acted.

Strangely, she's an amazing actress otherwise. Her performance on In Treatment is class:






(it's more obvious in some of the later episodes but I can't find a clip and won't spoil it anyways as it's a very good series, season 1 especially)

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^can't edit (why?)






didn't even finish it


I saw this one too a while back since someone had recommended Ti West (why?) - it sucked. You didn't miss much.

But apparently, this style of zzzzzzz-pacing is called "Slow Burn" but it actually is quite the opposite of zzzzzzzz IF DONE WELL (see: Entrance)

I like the concept of building up tension all the way through and not have much happening until the very end.

Although it does heighten expectations quite a bit and the pay-off needs to deliver big time, unlike The Innkeepers which was just unfocused and lame all the way through.


Does anyone have a recommendation for a good Slow Burn type film...?

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god I love that film....


he needs to direct 'The Satanist' by Dennis Wheatley...


it would confuse the shit out of everyone and delight them at the same time....


pretty sure they are not related


his next film is an adaptation of high rise by jg ballard starring tom hiddleston





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