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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Star Wars IV

Netflix sent me the version with the updated CGI in places, jabba etc. Spent most of the film laughing at one minute big cgi creatures and then next minute dr who level people in creature suits. what a terrible idea to revisit and change things in this film. ugh. hadn't seen it since I was a kid and to be honest it didnt really hold up.

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new robocap in the ass - passed de time outta ten comprendé

Transcendence 0/10


aww, i was hoping for at least a 4, i mean i wasn't expecting much other than being totally annoyed all the way through, but vacuum devoid of funk i wasn't imagining, so no redeeming features at all huh.

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Searching for Sugar Man 8.5/10 Documentary about some lost legend, and then, etc. Pretty good. Definitely a good watch for artists out there, or for those trying to spread something meaningful, etc. etc. etc. Good watch, and only like 1.5 hour long.


the director died today. really sad because he was so young. haven't seen the film but it's pretty remarkable that it was his first major movie and he won an oscar

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

new robocap in the ass - passed de time outta ten comprendé

Transcendence 0/10


aww, i was hoping for at least a 4, i mean i wasn't expecting much other than being totally annoyed all the way through, but vacuum devoid of funk i wasn't imagining, so no redeeming features at all huh.


a few of us were defending it elsewhere. worth a watch in my opinion. the lower your expectations the better of course.

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new robocap in the ass - passed de time outta ten comprendé

i kept wondering, with all that technology, why didn't they build him, besides is combat body, a normal body for the ladies? he could trade bodies just like suits...



but i guess then there would be no room left for the family drama :(

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I watched the borderlands, if your biggest fear is watching found footage films filled with bad acting and being trapped inside an ass, this is the film to watch. 3/10.

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I watched the Wes Craven version of Last House On The Left and and it was definitely effective, but it had comic relief that just felt plain wrong which was intended for sure. There were several points where I just wanted to stop watching. Grimy. A couple decades later, Wes craven would make Music of the Heart.

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new robocap in the ass - passed de time outta ten comprendé

Transcendence 0/10


aww, i was hoping for at least a 4, i mean i wasn't expecting much other than being totally annoyed all the way through, but vacuum devoid of funk i wasn't imagining, so no redeeming features at all huh.


it's a pile of shit, shit acting, shit casting, shit characters, shit story, total lack of imagination, no suspense or excitement whatsoever - and not only that but the singularity is a fascinating, pertinent subject which deserves a great deal more imagination applied to it, so a missed opportunity beyond belief, especially considering the obvious budget for graphics it had

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also, a total obliviousness to the mind bending philosophical and experiential possibilities that the singularity might imply

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new robocap in the ass - passed de time outta ten comprendé

i kept wondering, with all that technology, why didn't they build him, besides is combat body, a normal body for the ladies? he could trade bodies just like suits...



but i guess then there would be no room left for the family drama :(



Multiple bodies will lead to more family drama me thinks. heh. They'll probs do it next one though maybe.



i look forward to the main evil CEO dude being revived as a megapowerfulbot in number 2. Maybe his main security guy as well will be, we'll see. It might be a revenge by the lower boss and then we'll find CEO in invulnerability suit manipulating everything.


also, a total obliviousness to the mind bending philosophical and experiential possibilities that the singularity might imply


So it'll blow the minds of normals then. middle of the road hollywood fair. -sie-

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Under the skin

This would be a great short film. some classic scenes that will be remembered for a long time. incredible soundtrack too. but I don't think it totally worked at this length. the slow cake eating actually made me laugh. would watch again.

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Guest RadarJammer

watched a compilation of heath ledgers joker scenes from the dark knight. way more entertaining than the actual movie.

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more like 'made for tv' film (?) that basically takes account from a girl (or two?) that isn't the part of the infamous manson girls. besides being overly dramatic, i actually kinda liked it. if you're like me and have a fascination with anything manson you'll enjoy it. if not, i figure you'll dislike it. but who knows?

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the Manson doc from 1972 is one of the best films ever made.


Will watch this newer one.


And Charles Manson Superstar is a Church of Satan classic.


All hail the dark lord.


*waits for imminent addition to FBI list*

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Maaan..... Mr. Manson imprisoned is some conspiracy anti-freedom-IDM shit, yo. Some Monsanto Fluoride 9/11 Sandy Hook shit, yo. MUTHAFUCKAZ HWAT KIND WORLD WE LIVE IN?! "The Man fears us, more than we fear The Man..." p.s. FUCK DA MAN.


Anyway, not too recently, but for the first time ever, several months ago I watched Seven Samurai. Impressive samurai/character archetypes, and I enjoyed the slow pace of the film. Aesthetically good. Story is basically a tragedy, but.... Iiii dunno. I figure I need to learn more from older films. I uh, acquired Hitchcock's Shadow Of A Doubt awhile back- looking forward to having the time to watch it. There's something pleasing about older films, where the pacing is slower, which allows emotions to buildup. Kind of like BOC or Autechre or something like that, where there isn't a hook every 30 seconds. Yesterday I worked on a new film idea of mine, where the last hour is just a monologue. The first half is the main character being an asshole to basically everyone, but the last hour explains his troll-in-life reasons in some inspirational and thought provoking long-winded monologue ultra climax. 4.5 stars- Siskel & Ebert

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The Monuments Men:

In The Monuments Men, George Clooney finds an excuse to play with Matt Damon, Bill Murray and John Goodman, oh and some costumes, oh and some explosives.

There is a sub plot about finding art. And they save the world from Nazis. And Russians. That’s fine because George Clooney narrates over some bits and you can pretend he’s telling the story on a radio in a space station if you only like sci-fi and think war films are stupid.


The Double (2014):

In The Double, the guy who pissed off Justin Timberlake by stealing Facebook from him has a psychotic meltdown, and deservedly so. I saw that one coming. Also, hasn’t Yasmin Paige grown up since Submarine? I know what I’d do if I was her mentor.


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I watched the borderlands, if your biggest fear is watching found footage films filled with bad acting and being trapped inside an ass, this is the film to watch. 3/10.


I really enjoyed this film, it's better than that but it still made me lol.

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The 36th Chamber of Shaolin

Takes a little while to get going, but when it does it's great fun throughout! Awesome Kung-Fu mixed with wise words of the Buddha, on top of one the greatest 'training sequences' ever in film make for a purty' good watch.



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